Thursday, February 10, 2022

 Online headline: "Republican rift exposes choice: With Trump or against him" -- MSM really is desperate to bring Trump back into the newsfeed in a negative way, but remember, MSM is why we have JoKKKe Biden sitting as in the White House as The Resident...Working America... family America.. patriot America... supported Trump.. and still do... because Trump fought to get things done for America and our future. Any "rift" in the Republican Party is between those who want to go back to "business as usual" before Trump gave America HOPE. We are NOT going back to the way it was...

Hey, Columbus, GA! There's another SPLOST on our ballot in May.. the renewal of the ten-year Transportation-SPLOST sales tax... This is the one Council mentioned "could go away" which would mean the $400,000,000.00 ,"bail-out our lack of maintenance effort", SPLOST keep our sales taxes at 8% yet Council knew it was not going to help shed us of the T-SPLOST. What this means is that over the next 10 years, Council and the School Board, through five different $40 +/- Million per year LOSTs/SPLOSTs that will confiscate $4 BILLION BILLION in SALES TAXES to fund projects that will add even more future maintenance and staffing expenses on the their projects. VOTE "NO" on the T-SPLOST in May!

Think about this....President Biden wants to distribute free "crack pipes"... under the banner of "RACIAL EQUITY/EQUALITY". Hmmmm.. sounds to me like JoKKKe Biden is calling all Blacks "crackheads".

Online headline: "Appeals court rules in Biden’s favor on abortion referrals" -- -- In other words.. MSM and liberal judges have just given Resident JoKKKe Biden a new name.. "Baby Killer".

Online headline: "Randi Weingarten suggests not getting rid of masks until zero transmission in schools * Weingarten that no one wants masks in schools, 'not teachers, not students' -- Good grief! She only wants to keep her "bargaining power" to coerce School Boards to pander to her.. Ask her why masks aren't required for "colds"... it's a virus, too...

Online headline: "Joy Reid rails against 'new Plessy' Supreme Court: 'Fascist white minority rule'" -- Hmmmm.."Fascist white minority rule"?... Joy Reid needs to reread her complaint.. I don't think any "minority rules".. What she's talking about is more like "Socialist-Democrat ruin".

Online headline: "Biden admin seeking to place illegal immigrants under home curfew instead of detention:" -- Hmmm.. sorta like a "no/low peso" bail program like the "no/low/cash" bail program that has spiked our crime rates to all time highs?
Online headline: "Pelosi wants any stock trading ban to be 'government wide' * Pelosi called out the Supreme Court of having 'no reporting of stock transactions" -- Wow! PeLOUSY has said something that actually makes sense. Either have elected officials
cash in" their investments and block any other trades while they are in office (will definitely keep them from wanting a career job as a politician), "lock" their investments as to any trades/purchases/sales until they leave elected office.

Online headline: "Fauci says ‘full-blown’ COVID-19 pandemic is almost over in US" -- Hmmm.. about the only things "full-blown" are Dr FRAUDi's credibility and JoKKKe Biden's future electability!

Undeniable truths: "Most Politicians...overall, and all Liberal politicians are more interested in programs tha allow them to spend your money and raise more revenue from you than in reducing expenses and taxes.

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Columbus, GA crime prevention program provides update to city council * A crime prevention program in Columbus that gets nearly one million dollars from the local option sales tax gave an update on what they’re working on to city council on Tuesday. * A total of 32 organizations to date have benefited from the money. " -- Hmmm.. now.. can the Mayor, any Councilperson, or any program beneficiary, point out how or when Columbus citizens have gotten $1,000,000.00 worth of crime relief or benefit?

Online headline: "Nun, 80, gets year in prison for stealing over $835K from Catholic school" -- Wow! I guess Bill Clinton has redefined what a "vow of poverty" includes...

My bride and I have watched the "National College Championship Jeopardy" shows the last two nights.. most of the kids were from elite schools ... I tell you what, friends of mine who attended those schools would be horrified if they watched and saw about the only things they were proficient in was Social Media.

You know, I really would like to know how many BILLIONS of Dollars that the Resident Biden White House "handlers" have spent on Covid-19 vaccines and testing.

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