Wednesday, February 2, 2022

"Milltown Mel" will not see his shadow today... he passed a couple of days ago without an heir. New Jersey wasn't going to see it's future anyway until the Mid-term elections....On the other hand, I bet if you checked the voting records, "Mel" voted for he Republican candidate for governor for the first time, and the DNC wasn't going to give Mel any spotlight today!

Wow! Columbus, GA "escaped" with a single Coroner-"approved" homicide in January, a 71-year old grandmother caught in a crossfire, but yesterday, a 3-year old boy was shot and killed. While Columbus is definitely off to a quieter start than last year when we had a record 70 "countable homicides", losing a 71 year old grandmother and a 3 year old child is a stark reminder all-is-not-well....

It's all very well that "Willie Demps pled guilty to his embezzlement charges and is going to payback $1,000.000-plus to the local government and $350,000 to IRS, but two big questions still remaining unasked/unanswered.. There was MORE than $5,000,000.00 missing from the accounts Demps was in charge of, and where's the $350,000.00 to pay IRS coming from?

WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "6-year-old recovering after hit by mail truck in Columbus * is now recovering at home after being transferred to an Atlanta hospital where he received treatment for his injuries." -- Really glad the child is back home, but it sounds like the attorney' eyeballs are rolling over like a slot machine reel... and while I know a 6 year old child doesn't understand the dangers of riding or standing behind a vehicle, but his mother should have....and while even a mother cannot always have her eyes on her child, was she outside with him while he rode his bike?

Wow... The NYTimes is suing to get Hunter Biden's e-mails from the State Department! The ones exchanged about deals in Ukraine, China, and Rumania that in 2020 the NYTimes didn't feel were relevant. What a difference now that the NYTimes has seen the Progressive agenda in action affecting the NYTimes bottom line.

From the "I'm waiting for both shoes to drop" department - Online headline: "Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From ‘The View’ for Holocaust Remarks" -- It's gotta be coming.. claims that ABC is racist for using "suspended" .

Ex Washington QB Joe Theismann may have leaked the Washington Football Team's new name.. Will it be "The Commanders"? Personally, I think they should either re-instate "The Redskins" or go back to using "WTF"...heh heh heh...


Online headline: "Trump White House turned over records that were torn up by former president, National Archives confirms" -- Hmmm... wonder if PeLOUSY turned over the State of the Union documents she tore up on National TV? 

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