Friday, August 26, 2022

 WTVM-TV9 "double head-LIE"/story: "Biden to cancel up to $20K in federal student loan debt * The Department of Education is providing borrowers up to $20,000 in debt cancellation to Pell Grant recipients with federal loans and up to $10,000 in debt forgiveness to non-Pell Grant recipients." -- First LIE.. it's not just a Biden :thing".. it's a complete Democratic Party agenda ploy to buy votes of the mid-term election... second LIE, the whole "forgiveness" of "Pell Grants" is an even WORSE lie... unless you did something fraudulently after receiving a "Pell GRANT", recipients never were expected to pay them back!

You know, with california 's goal to eliminate fossil fuel vehicles, the future of America is looking brighter! Without "fossil fuel" vehicles, there won't be much call for "fossil fuel" stations, so out of state visitors won't be able visit there by car or airplanes because they won't have fuel available to go back home...

Also... without the availability of fossil fuels, ocean cruise and freight transport ships will not be able to re-fuel to leave so they will have to find other states to do business in! Tomorrow surely looks great!

Like everything else he's done, Resident Biden blew it when he denied being notified in advance about the raid on Trump's home.. he "might" not have known the exact date/time, but no ATTY General at the DOJ/FBI would have ordered such action with having his boss's blessing. Now, if Biden wants to continue this charade, he should order AG Garland to return all those documents and restore Trump's home, apologize to all American citizens, and resign.

Resident Biden did former President Trump a real favor yesterday.. Biden came out blasting Trump... which pretty much "self-incriminates" Biden as being the source of the commands to attack Trump's home...

Stacey Abrams is running an ad that claims she helped fund police and sheriff offices when she was in the GA state legislature... Really? When was the last time there was a Democrat governor or a Democrat Majority Legislature in Georgia... No GA Governor or Legislature has needed any Democrat to pass laws this Century... Abrams is a perfect example of what Queen PeLOUSY means about Democrat candidates saying whatever they need to say to try and get elected.

Have you noticed that Stacey Adams ads about her support of abortions has basically revealed her lack of support and knowledge of the Bible..and God...

You know... If a local media source doesn't ask incumbents and challengers about correcting current problems/issues our community is faced with, is local media really an asset or is it an albatross?

From the "famous last words" department - Online headline/story: "IRS sets the record straight: We’re going after tax evaders, not honest Americans * does anyone really like paying taxes? Of course not. But they’re essential to fund the roads we drive on, the schools our children attend, support our military and so much more" -- "and so much more"? You know.. American citizens really don't mind supporting our schools, our roads and our military... but we do have some real legitimate issues with things liberal politicians "lump" into "so much more".. it's the "so much more" that the Democrats feel they have to hire 87,000 "armed", and no problem with being "violent" agents to confiscate American citizens' savings.

Online headline: "Utah sues Biden over move to restore 2 national monuments" -- Sadly... Utah citizens will have to wonder whether their Senator, Ratt Romney, will support theirs and Trump's or Biden's policy...

The HuffPOOPOO/AOL "censorship team"t hung itself... If I try to post something about Nancy Pelosi and use my variation of her name (PeLOUSY), the censors will "block it", yet I just posted a comment using my "pet name" for Romney... ("RATT" instead of Mitt) and the censors didn't blink an eye before it was posted...

You know.. if "canceling" $10,000.00 on some students debt to US taxpayers totals $350,000,000,000.00, then that means 35 MILLION ex-students are being targeted with bribes by he Democrats.. Of course this is illegal....... but Queen PeLOUSY is not going to say so ... again... until after the mid-terms...

One of the saddest facts is that there are roughly 20 Million CURRENT college students of voting age who have no clue as to how to handle their finances, and feel they'll leave college debt free if they vote Democrat this Fall.. at least that's what liberal professors will tell them...

Have you noticed that the Democrat Spinmeisters on Fox are quick to point how how bailing out student loans is no different than bailing out the banking and housing markets, but aren't mentioning that those industries failed because of Democrat policies created by Democrats under the Dodd-Frank Bills passed by Democrats.. They also aren't mentioning that the "student loan programs" were meant to shore up the failing college/university systems created by Democrat policies.

With the Biden-Democrats "quasi-bailout" (those students "receiving" $10K of forgiveness will still owe plenty of thousands in debt), the Biden-Democrats are "quietly" allowing the private banking industry to maintain their student loans on the rest of the students and their parents.

Saw a poll that "only 18%" of Americans oppose continued support of Ukraine.. wanna bet those 18% voted for Biden in 2020?

NASDAQ has passed some sort of Board Diversity rule...some colleges have edicts that they won't hire or promote teachers that won't issue a diversity statement....Hmmm... Wonder if the "new rules" are applied to minority, female, and alternative lifestyle owned companies and colleges?

Wow! Bill de Blasio is heading to Harvard to teach... about Public Healthcare... even though his public healthcare in NYC was a fiasco.... betcha the alumni didn't get to vote on this! This is even more disgusting than former FBI disgrace James Comey teaching ethics classes to future lawyers at William & Mary..

From he "who'da thunk it" department - Online headline: "Florida Gov. DeSantis calls Biden's student loan handout unconstitutional, says colleges should pay for it" -- Good grief... Governor DeSantis.. and Queen PeLOUSY actually agree on something!

Online story: "A spokesman for the Taliban claimed in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital that comparisons between Afghanistan and Western countries are not appropriate when discussing women's rights and other issues. * "We are a different society, an Islamic society, so we can’t be matched to a European society," Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen argued. * "Secondly, we are building everything from scratch. Now, one year ago was completed everything in our taking power, and you have in the U.S. centuries — all older governments — so you’ll have everything better, so we can’t be matched," Shaheen said. "We need time to build everything, to put in line with our Islamic laws, the norms of that society, and we hope with the passage of time to solve all issues." -- Good grief! What a "word salad" self-condemnation of Islam law! Islamic laws have been in effect for over 1,500 years and Afghanistan and the Mid-East (Israel the exception) are still backwards in women's .. and overall human rights and freedoms..

Looks like noon today.. just in time for the weekend news recess...the redact FBI search warrant will be issued.. it ill further crush the public respect of the FBI and DOJ under Democrat rule...

Looks like China Taipei will be playing Curacao in the 2022 Boys International Division World Series on Saturday to determine which of those two teams will play the winner of Tennessee vs Hawaii in the overall Championship game... Wonder if Xi Jinping will order a missile display around Williamsport because China Taipei is actually Taiwan playing under a pseudo-identity...

Online "head-LIE": "AOC-backed New York Democrat celebrates primary victory by declaring 'socialism wins' -- "Socialism wins"? Hey.. AOC... how about finding one Socialist country that doesn't have it's citizens clamoring to move to America to get away from Socialism BECAUSE their experience UNDER a Socialist government!

Somebody needs to shut down New Day USA! You know... the mortgage company headed up by an Admiral and shilled by Tatiana enticing veterans to cash in their home equity... Well.. let's pray for the vets who "bought in" when loan rates were low and home prices were high.... especially those who maxed out equity at low "adjustable rate loans" ... with the new higher rates, and lower home values, a lot of vets are going to be required to send back some (or all) of that "equity money" to comply with loan agreements.

Since Resident Biden and the Democrats have declared war on actual taxpayers by hiring 87,000 NEW IRS agents, and rescinding student responsibility for tax provided loans, then the Federal Student Loan Program needs to be ended.. We do not deserve federal agencies being politically Weaponize against any American citizen.

Looks like california is aiming to eliminate ALL gasoline car sales... by 2035... Have you noticed, when liberals "do something", it's never something that they can say "is working" while people can see it happening. To boot, unless california scraps fossil, wind, and solar power and goes 100% nuclear, all those electric cars will still need fossil fuels to recharge their batteries.

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