Thursday, September 29, 2022

 JoKKKe Biden says he wants to "End Hunger" by 2030... hmmm .. not only is "ending hunger" virtually IMPOSSIBLE, but even under the best of circumstances, he won't be in office but it's easy for other Democrats to campaign that they have a "plan" to "end hunger".

Did you hear Resident Biden's "Gaff Spree" yesterday... in his speech about "ending hunger", he kept looking out for and calling out the name of a past "end hunger" advocate, Congresswoman Jackie Walorski.. He was wanting to point her out... to recognize her for the crowd and TV audience...maybe he forgot... maybe he saw her standing in a blinding light... but obviously Resident Biden didn't seem cognizant that Congresswoman Walorski died in an August car wreck...Maybe it's time for seriously discussing the 25th Amendment. On the other hand, well, it is close to Halloween....

From the "you have to laugh... but under the circumstances.. it's not very funny" department - Online headline: "Vice President Kamala Harris commends US alliance with 'Republic of North Korea' in DMZ speech gaffe" -- The "Gaff Spree" continues.... VP Chuckles Harris obviously has learned well from Resident Biden... but most of us are not laughing..... sadly...scarily.. it may not have really been a "GAFF" at all...just a public CONFIRMATION of the White House alliance with Xi, Kim Jong Oops.... and Vladimir..

Amazing! The Democrats are promoting the threat to "democracy" as the greatest threat to America, but they advocate becoming a more Socialist form of government which is the ABSOLUTE GREATEST threat to America.

Online headline: "Amy Klobuchar suggests voting Democrat will help stop hurricanes: 'That's why we've got to win this'" -- It's official... some Democrats believe they are bigger .... better... more powerful than GOD! Senator Amy Klobuchar said "Democrats can stop hurricanes."

I was looking at live coverage of an area in Florida ahead of Hurricane Ian, and I was seeing small airplanes flipped over near hangars. You know, if I was insuring someone's airplane, I do believe I'd have a caveat .. a clause.... in the policy requiring the plane's owner have the plane flown out of the area at least 48 hours ahead of the time the storm could.. should affect that area.

Hmmm... I guess the Florida mayor's Resident Biden called to alert them about Hurricane Ian must have had a hard time not laughing as they had to humor him about Gov DeSantis already having discussed and planned for their needs. Whatta JoKKKe!

While my bride is not so "open" politically as I am, she had a great day yesterday. She got to meet with one of her UGA sorority sisters, Marty Kemp ... twice... At a morning "girls brunch" and an afternoon reception with Marty's husband, Brian.. Sadly, while a couple of our Councilors did show up at the reception, it was not a "full house".. maybe someone needs to explain to Columbus Council and officials how a good relationship with the governor is good for our city..

I'm not one that reports rumors as facts, but the source of my info is generally "very reliable", so going to touch base on it... Heard we've had some unannounced flights flying into Columbus, GA at odd night time hours loaded with illegal aliens. Posting this looking for solid confirmation.

Found this out by accident... Did you know that Hallmark owns "Crayola"?

Online headline: "Top Democratic candidates seek to cash in with women-themed campaign merchandise, but won't define the term" -- Hmmmm.... so Democrats won't t define "woman/women"? Hmmm.. maybe the wrong question is being asked... maybe these Democrat politicians should be asked to define themselves. Either that or go ask Bill Clinton to define what a "woman" is...

Was pleased to see/hear a movie production company.. Catalyst Productions.. is setting up it's headquarters here in Columbus, GA.. it's not exactly a KIA or RIVIAN manufacturing plant, but it's something new and different for our city....
Online headline: 'John Fetterman wipes Black Lives Matter section from campaign site amid attacks over crime * Fetterman's website previously stated he has 'championed the idea that Black lives matter' before the phrase became a 'hashtag'" -- Hmmm.. I do believe the SNL "Church Lady" might describe PA Democrat Senate candidate's action as "Isn't that special!".

Online headline: "President Biden, speaking at the White House, warned energy industry executives not to raise the price of oil or gas in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian." -- Whatta hypocrite! He doesn't have the power to pay off student loans buts trying to do so, but he does have the power to suspend the federal gas tax and hasn't done so.

Rehash headline: "Columbus leaders visit Asheville, N.C. for annual intercity trip"--
What's really sad is our Chamber doesn't get other Cities to send groups of business leaders here to Columbus, GA to observe "We Do Amazing!

From the "figures don't lie, but liars figure a lot" department - WTVM-TV9 headline/story: "Columbus crime prevention program money at work * Homicides in the Fountain City are down 45% right now compared to this time last year: - a number, the mayor says, is lower thanks in part to the city’s Crime Prevention Program. * Just this year, $750,000 was distributed among several (39) different non-profits from the city’s Local Option Sales Tax fund." - "Homicides in the Fountain City are down 45%"? Well, being down 45% against a 50-plus % INCREASE THE YEAR BEFORE IS NOT SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT! Here we have $750,000.00 from the Public Safety SPLOST divvied out to 39 different organizations.. and all of which have "administrative costs"... so they average a little over $19,000.00 each.. and $19,000.00... for any organization is not going to have a major impact on crime.. Since the $750,000.00 comes out of revenues generated by the Public Safety SPLOST, why not set up a central effort with in the "Gang Task Force" so our tax dollars could actually make a difference?

Online headline: ''I'm almost insulted about having to be here to beg for you not to raise our rates' | Customers attend Georgia Power rate hearings" -- This is what happens when elected regulators like GA POWER more than they do GA Power customers!

Online headline: "Why Stacey Abrams is a clear underdog in Georgia" -- "Underdog"? She still thinks she's the incumbent!

Online headline: "Pedestrian ID’d after struck by vehicle on Victory Dr. in Columbus (GA)" -- Hmmm... isn't this the 3rd on in that area in recent weeks?

Online headline:"New York Democrat running for Congress attacked Nancy Pelosi as ‘authoritarian’" -- Hmmm... Fancy that.. a Democrat acting like a Republican at election time.. in fact, acting like her Republican opponent to be precise... that's what Congressperson Stefanik said earlier about PeLOUSY... Now Dems know that PeLOUSY will not be the Speaker..therefore won't be in charge of naming Committee Chairs or in scheduling bills to hit the Floor of Congress.

Online headline: "Biden admin awards $41M in contracts to new left-wing group that helps illegal immigrants fight deportations * Acacia Center for Justice received taxpayer-backed contracts from Biden DOJ amid escalating border crisis" -- Think about this... an American President using tax dollars to pay lawyers to fight the laws and Constitution of the country he swore to defend!

Online headline: "GOP Gov. Kristi Noem announces 'largest tax cut in South Dakota history' * Noem claimed the tax cuts will help 'protect our people from a disastrous White House'" -- Hey, Resident Biden! This is how you help... cut... or just even suspend.. the federal tax per gallon of gas! C'mon, Resident Biden.. "You can do it... TOO!"

From the "Fred Sanford, "I'm coming to see ya, Elizabeth!It's the BIG ONE!" department - Online headline/story: 'Giorgia Meloni's Italian election win renews spotlight on Europe's continued migrant woes * Meloni's party won the most votes in this week's Italian national elections." -- Never thought I see the day I would hear something like this, but the Former liberal Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Renzi, just said that for MSM to call her a Fascist is wrong... and FAKE NEWS!.. Who'da thunk it... an almost honest politician... Of course, he didn't say this until AFTER the election..

Online headline: "Americans should flee Russia immediately, could be conscripted, US Embassy urges" -- Good grief! Good grief.. didn't Britney Griner's situation "woke" them? If they didn't leave months ago, why be concerned now!

NY Yankee Aaron Judge blasted his 61st home run of the year, and is now tied with Roger Marist as the all-time American League player with a]the most home runs in a single season. NY Yankee Marist hit 61 in 1961 eclipsing NY Yankee slugger Babe Ruth's 60 homers in 1927. I still think of Marist's "61" as the all-time record in MLB as all the ones who have hit more had "performance enhancing drug" issues.. Judge needs to be screened, too, to change my mind if he wants to be "THE" Single Season Home Run Champ!

Online headline: 'Nutrition labels on the front of packages? Biden administration pushes for next steps" -- Good grief! Americans would be much better off if Democrats wore "front labels" stating they are Socialists!

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