Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Online headline: “ Trans man who had mastectomy discovered to be 5 months pregnant, making rare ‘seahorse dad’” -- Hmmm... so a woman transitioning to a 'man' is 5 months pregnant???? Sounds like "she-it" is pretty much the penultimate hypocrite... think about it.. obviously, "she-it" was not as eager to give up on her feminine life 5 months ago.

Online headline: “ Maine Legislation Proposes Removing Children from Parents Rejecting ‘Gender-Affirming Care’” -- Surely this is a "mis-dated" April Fools Day spoof! Parents can lose their children because they are RESPONSIBLE parents protecting their children from an irreversible life-altering situation.

Who's the real "election denier"? Sounds like Resident JoKKKe Biden wins by a landslide! He just introduced Terry McAuliffe as "the real governor of Virginia". Of course, McAuliffe lost to Glenn Youngkin in 2021.

Online Columbus L-E headline: “ He’s the new leader of The Telegraph in Macon and the Ledger-Enquirer in Columbus “ -- Wow! The Columbus (GA) Ledger-Enquirer is now a "local" newspaper printed in Alabama (at last known disclosure) and its new editor, Jeremy Chisenhall, , is a still-wet-behind-the-ears 25 year old Kentuckian who will reside in Macon, GA. Hmmm... wonder if he'll get lost driving to Columbus when Columbus Highway/Macon Road suddenly becomes Wynnton Road?

Resident Biden tries to claim the Republican House is blocking his "attempt" to make needed procedural changes at our Southern Border... Of course that's just another Biden lie. President Trump initiated his good policies via Executive Orders, and Resident Biden removed them on "Day 1" via his own Executive Orders... and Biden can reinstall them… at any time… with another Executive Order.

Online headline/story: “ New semiconductor manufacturer comes to Columbus after effort by local pro-tech group * A semiconductor manufacturer is bringing its headquarters to Columbus GA as a result of a local alliance dedicated to growing the industry in the region. * Micromize, composed of a team of MIT graduates , is a semiconductor manufacturer that specializes in energy-efficient electronics for wearables and mobile devices. * The facility is expected to bring 20 to 25 jobs to Columbus.” -- Finally … a “plum” for Columbus, GA.. but seriously.. the leader of a social welfare organization is responsible for “nailing this” rather than our Chamber of Commerce?

Online headline/story: “Computer expert hacks Dominion Voting Machine in front of judge, changes votes with Bic pen” * Professor Halderman, known for his report highlighting deficiencies in Dominion’s voting machines, presented his findings during the trial. Notably, the Coalition for Good Governance urged a federal judge to mandate Georgia to cease using Dominion Voting Systems, even after the state had switched its voting vendor in 2020. The lawsuit argued that the machines, despite changes, remained vulnerable to potential attacks. * Astonishingly, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who has been aware of our findings for two years, just announced that the state will not get around to installing Dominion’s security patches until after the 2024 Presidential election.” -- Wow! Raffensperger bought the “deal from Dominion for the 2020 Elections; claims no significant fraud (Hey.. any.. ALL ,, fraud is a BIG DEAL), admits the Dominion machines ARE HACKABLE, and has put them in storage without new safety software (Which, under the circumstances, costs should be absorbed by Dominion), until the 2024 Elections…IMPEACH RAFFENSPERGER!!!

Online “headLIE”: “Adam Schiff among California Democrats ‘concerned’ about struggling Los Angeles Times' looming layoffs * California Democrats called the paper 'a linchpin of information and expert opinion for our community'” – I think he meant “Lynch Pen” not “linchpin”, and a BIASED opinion rather than .. an “expert opinion”…for our community”!

None of the border or relocation problems will "go away" until politicians and media recognize this is NOT an immigration issue.. it's an "illegal aliens" issue... Immigrants enter the country legally, and the only "illegal immigrants" are those who "overstay" their welcome.

They are still doing it! MSM, that is… MSM is still crediting Chuckles Harris with advocating to South and Central Americans not to come to America when she said, in a Guatemalan trip, “Do not come”… of course she said it in English so few if any knew what she said…

Online headline: “Wealthy Chicago suburb proposes allowing residents to sign up to house migrants * Naperville, Illinois, considering sign-up list for residents willing to house 'migrant families'” – Hmmm… and rumor now has it that Napierville citizens are calling for a recall election to “sweep out” Council McBroom, and petitioned to change the name of their town from Napierville to NIMBYville..

From the “make sure Columbus GA Councilors see this” department – Online headline/story: “The city of Asheville, North Carolina, shelled out millions of dollars for electric buses in 2018. Today, three out of the five are inoperable with no quick fixes in sight.” – Hmmm… hope this is not TOO LATE!

Online “headLIE”: NBC’s Chuck Todd claims Trump has made modern GOP ‘a little segregationist’ – Hey Chuck Todd.. is there any aspect of politics MORE segregationistic than “The Congressional Black Caucus”?

Online headline: “Texas slams Biden admin, promises tough border measures after SCOTUS razor wire ruling “ -- Hmmmm....How could the Supreme Court agree that the razor wire made it harder for the Border Patrol to do its job? If ..IF the Border Patrol was actually DOING ITS JOB (rather than “Biden’s Biddings”), then razor wire wouldn't be necessary.

Online headline: “Wisconsin medical student admits support for full-term abortion, vows to leave state if training is banned” – How can an abortion “at full term” be described as anything but murder/infanticide! My granddaughter was born 6-to-8 weeks early, and is now 11 and 5’ 8” and wonderful! My advice to all is to start checking your pediatrician or gynecologist’s diplomas in the future, and if you see the name of “Madalynn Welch” on it, walk out and post her medical office location on your social media page for all to see..

Online story: “A new Defense Department inspector general report reveals that a little-known in-house pharmacy at the White House erroneously dolled out prescription medications to staff and wasted $750,000 in taxpayer money.
One former pharmacy staff member told investigators that a doctor once asked if the staffer could "hook up" someone with a controlled substance "as a parting gift for leaving the White House." – WHOA! This brings a totally new aspect for the cocaine found in a locker in the White House “mud room”… maybe a visitor or Biden staffer didn’t leave it there.. it might have been put in a locker by a Pharmacy Staffer for someone to pick up on his/her way out…

Hearing about he “White House Pharmacy reminds me of the “House Bank” where Congressmen could “cash checks” when there was no money on deposit there.. hey.. local Columbus, GA media… ask Congressman Sanford Bishop, GA D-2, how much he withdrew from it!

Something needs to be definitively established.. President Trump did not appoint Nikki Haley as his Secretary of State.. Trump named her his Ambassador to the UN. At best, Haley was Trump's errand runner to the UN Circus.

I'd like to see one more "plank" added to Trump's and the Republican "platform".. a call for a Constitutional Convention to establish TERM LIMITS for Congress.. say, 3 two-year terms for the House, and 2 six-year terms for the Senate, and make all campaign accounts emptied back to the states when the term limits are met or when the candidate loses a race.

We need a "qualifier" on ballots as to whether or not a voter's vote counts or not. Each voter should have to answer one "true/false" question about the person he/she voted for, and if it's missed, then throw out the ballot. For Trump voters, this question: "As President, Trump had over 450 miles of border wall built?", and for Biden, "When President, Bideninflation reduced the costs of groceries and gasoline from the levels Trump handed off to him?"

Good grief! The RINOs are out whining that Trump will hurt the chances of down-card Senate/House elections. Whatta crock! The RINOs are their own worst enemies.. not being in touch with conservative viewed voters is their problem.. not Trump.

Online story: “DIXVILLE NOTCH, N.H. (AP) — The six registered voters of tiny Dixville Notch in New Hampshire all cast their ballots for Nikki Haley at midnight on Tuesday, giving her a clean sweep over former President Donald Trump and all the other candidates. * The resort town was the first place in the nation to vote in the 2024 primaries. The voters were outnumbered more than 10-to-1 by reporters from every corner of the globe — not to mention by a pile of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

Hmmm… counting faces and seeable cellphones, it looks like at least 8 “Dixville residents on hand.. including the “yellow dog” which proves Democrats crossed over to vote for Haley…

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