Monday, May 23, 2011

From a fellow BCer who has just enlightened me he still agile enough to be punny: "Democrats voted for Obama to prove they weren't racist, they can vote for Cain to prove they're not stupid. We need Cain because Obama is not Able."
Learned a couple of things about a fellow BCer today: T. Sam loves grilled cheese sandwiches (one of my favorites, especially with mayo,, too). I can honestly use one of Sam's favorite lines, "I didn't know that" before today.
Something came to light this weekend that really upsets me. CHS had a record high number of applicants for a record low number of openings for this Fall's term. Many students from Columbus schools were not accepted, but have found out that students from Harris County were accepted. This is just wrong. No out[of-county students (unless as allowed with family military status) should be accepted, even considered at any Columbus public school unless there are openings available that local students aren't interested in.
Talk about ingenuity, American spirit, and resolve against all odds, a number of Mississippi residents have built levees around their homes in an attempt to thwart the ravages of nature. Under regime of the Emperor Scarlett O'Bama, I'm waiting for one of his Tsars to declare that the personal levees be torn down because it's 'not fair' that those homeowners didn't build levees for all the other homeowners.
L-E story: "
Education, Not Incarceration!” is the topic of a forum from 6:30-8 p.m. today at the Columbus Public Library, 3000 Macon Road." -- All this inflammatory ruckus, yet not one solution from within. Education is there for the taking to all, just as for some, other people's property looks like it's there for the taking. It becomes a personal choice of whether a person takes advantage of educational opportunity, or whether they decide to take something that belongs to another.
Looks like Michael Owen has found his niche. Hope Michael decides to tackle the LOST expenditures as to whether the 70% reserved for Public Safety is being used only as such, and hope he delves into the MCSD SPLOST to see how short the revenues will be at the end of the revenue collection period as pertains to the list of projects that are supposed to be paid for from the SPLOST. While he's at it, hope he looks at how the City needs to replace 18 garbage trucks at one time. This reeks of bad resource management.
This is a L-E "soundoff" that not only 'hits home', but is a major component of the over-inflated billing/discount system that insurance companies/hospitals use to disassociate the actual Dr/patient relationships. We recently had a routine medical procedure performed at Doctors Hospital. Being a self-pay family, we were forced to give them an exorbitant up front payment. 4 weeks after the procedure, we did receive a 'refund' of a good portion of their projected costs, but to-date, we have not received a detailed bill/accounting to show what we were charged for. It's now been 2 months since the procedure.
It's interesting, but not very transparent as to the L-E's concern over the political inputs into redistricting processes. The L-E will conveniently forget that when DUM&DUMBERats met to redistrict GA in 2001, the D&Ds tried to put 3 super-majority minority based districts into the mix. Fortunately, the Court struck those down. Those 3 districts would have been akin to establishing areas of ethic isolation as was done to our Native Americans when reservations were instigated.

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