Monday, May 16, 2011

Online headline: "Ashton Kutcher to Replace Charlie Sheen on 'Two and a Half Men' -- Is this a backhanded complement or what?
Online headline: "Boehner To Obama: Let's Make A Deal On Debt Limit" -- Have to wonder if Emperor Scarlett O'Bama will appoint another Tsar...say Monty Hall?
Online headline: "Robert Gates Praises Obama's Leadership On Bin Laden Raid" -- Has Emperor O'Bama nor his staff have no shame? If 2012 looked in the bag, Emperor O'Bama would have passsed on this.
After years of taking what Congress has dished out, we can take seeing pictures of the death of the man most responsible for one of our most devastating moments in history. In other words, post the the pictures of Osama bin Laden on the internet along with "Uncle Sam" pointing at the terrorist nations, and saying, "You're next!".
Sorry, the L-E 'struck out' today on anything worth a comment.

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