Monday, May 2, 2011

Online headline: "Osama Bin Laden Dead, Obama Announces " -- Words are not easy to describe the feeling this reality evokes, but I do applaud our Navy SEALS for arranging Osama Bin Laden to meet Allah.
The next headline that I want to see is, "Obama Bin Biden gone, too"
Watching C-SPAN (because it was the last channel I watched Saturdat night - White House Correspondents Dinner), Sunday morning, a DUMB&DUMBERat caller complained that Republicans "have never introduced a program that 'helps' all the people". Huh? Every time a tax cut is proposed, it's by the Republicans, and that helps all the people. All DUMB&DUMBERat programs are aimed at only helping specific groups of people *(whether they want it or not) at the expense of all the people.
One way to meaningfully trim the budget would be to eliminate non-essential government programs and employees. Just the fact that government has already identified all these non-essential employees is full justification.
Washington Examiner correspondent Susan Ferrechio says she thinks the only Social Security agreement Congress will agree on is to raise the percentage taken out of working peoples' pay checks. Boy, that's a real solution...NOT! The economy needs more cash in the consumers' pockets, not less.
Another C-SPAN caller says the Republicans want the wealthy to pay less in taxes.. the DUMB&DUMBERat point? Republicans also want everyone else tp pay less in taxes, too!
Gas and grocery prices are skyrocketing, and the White House still advocates there kis no inflation. Remember when you were encouraged when a government leader says he had assembled a 'crack team of experts' to tackle a problem? Now, when Emperor Scarlet O'Bama says he's appointed a 'crack team', you only think about what he and they are smoking.
When Osama bin Laden is fed to the fishes, let's hope his carcass has been fed through Saddam Hussein's 'chipper' to make "chum".
Have you noticed that not one word about Libya/Gadfly is ion a front page of a news service as we speak?
A club, "Tiffany's", at 357 Brennan Rd was the site of two teens (19 & 16) being shot (inside) on Saturday night. That address is in the "Enterprise Zone" recently established... a club that lets teens in is not my idea of a desired "Enterprise".
From a L-E story: "The 31-year-old woman left her job at a Victory Drive club around 2:45 a.m. Saturday and drove to the Motel 6 to get a room for the night." -- Guess she just had to see if Tom Bodett had left the light on for her.
From L-E editorial: " Deal, who deserves kudos for leadership on a problem that should have been corrected (so to speak) years ago, signed the bill in a ceremony in Hall County. It’s one of several local governments — Muscogee is another — that have established drug courts as less expensive and more productive alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent offenders. But the governor had strong support from the other two branches of government as well: Lawmakers supported the bill overwhelmingly, and state Supreme Court Chief Justice Carol Hunstein led the charge for the judiciary. * “We must do a better job rehabilitating lives,” Deal said at the signing. “… Our entire society benefits if we can turn these tax burdens into taxpayers.” -- Unfortunately, labeling drug and alcohol abusers as 'diseased' doesn't help the problem. Regardless of how it's labeled, drug and alcohol abusers must be the ones reesponsible for their rehab. It all boils down to choices, and whether one chooses to partake of such addictive substances or not. Government transporting a 'victim' to a government service facility will neither cure or rehab such people; each must decide to do it for his/herself, and decide to start and maintain a program of accepting personal responsibility for his/her situation. Want a good example? Lindsay Lohan... everything to live for; every resource available, but she uses the rehab course of action to dodge personal responsibility, and is supported by a sympathetic news media that finds her failures and easy story to collect a pay check.
L-E headline: "Shuttle launch scrubbed again " -- Can one not see this as a sign that this trip should be scrapped? Two "scrubs" for mechanical reasons on a shuttle that is making its final flight....
L-E story: "Mike Bunn, curator of history at The Columbus Museum … will assume duties as executive director of the Historic Chattahoochee Commission on May 23. Bunn was named to the position in a special called meeting of the commission’s board of directors on April 21. He replaces outgoing executive director Doug Purcell, who has served in this capacity for almost 39 years. -- When the Columbus Museum opened its Civil War display, my nephew attended. He got one of the booklets used to inform viewers of what they were seeing. One such inclusion was about the rifle and sword factory of Grrenwood & Gray. I told my nephew that the information was wrong as the booklet credited a "J.D. Gray" as a partner of Greenwood. I told him that the correct Gray was William Cason Gray, brother of my great-great grandmother, Thirza Bevers Gray Kirven (BTW, both are buried in Historic Linwood Cemetery). I contacted Mike Bunn and informed him of his error, and he asked if I could more or less prove that. I sent him two sites from a simple Google search which he could have done for himself (in fact , should have done). His response was 'oh well'.. Obviously the Historic Chattahoochee Commission isn't into doing its homework, either. Incorrect reporting of available historic fact is not a building block for the future to have the correct history

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