Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Interesting thought....Why would Al "The Ocean is Rising, the Ocean is Rising" Gore build move into a $9 million dollar house on the California coast with an elevation of only 180'?
If you listened to White House Counter-Terrorism Advisor John Brennan, you would think Emperor Scarlet O'Bama personally discovered the location of Osama bin Laden, and personally led the SEALS raiding party.
Condolezza Rice... Emperor O'Bama could have kept her on the job, but nooooo. he had to replace her with the Clintons.
--- Osama bin Laden didn't have telephones or internet service at his compound, but was able to upload and download info via his computer. Guess the CIA should start running more intense body cavity searches looking for swallowed 'thumb drives' and replace 'waterboarding' with 'colonoscopies'.
Online headline: "Osama Bin Laden Was Unarmed During Navy SEAL Raid, Says White House " -- Overconfidence...or maybe just a bad choice?
Hearing Emperor Scarlet O'Bama beg us to believe his promise that Osama bin Laden is dead is about as believable as any of his campaign promises to fix our economy. Show us the long form 'death certificate' and the pictures!
Online story: "(Leon) Panetta said that bin Laden made "some threatening moves that were made that clearly represented a clear threat to our guys. And that's the reason they fired." -- Oh, he was there, too? Mr. Panetta, our men didn't need any other reason to kill Osama bin Laden than that just the fact they were in the same room with him. Besides, if the SEALS had extricated him out alive, and brought him back to the US, can't you see some liberal judge in California ruling that we have to let him go because he wasn't read his Miranda Act, or we didn't have a Pakistani Search Warrant?
Hmmm...Question: "How ethical is it for a body of elected officials being scrutinized by a designated group be allowed to cut the budget of the group designated to scrutinize it?
L-E headline/story: "18-year-old Columbus man pleads guilty to murder * Jeffrey Jones accepts plea deal to avoid life in prison without chance of parole * Jones’ charges of attempted armed robbery and possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime were also dismissed. " -- Huh! What's the Parole Board going to look at when such a parole request is made? If someone is murdered by a gun shot, why would you drop the charge of him using a firearm during the crime?
Curiosity has me: Is there an office pool at the DA's as to when Curry's lawyer will file an appeal based on 'ineffective assistance of counsel"?
L-E headline/story: "Illegal immigrant student gets to stay at Kennesaw State * (Jessica)Colotl is set to graduate next week from Kennesaw State University and hopes to work for a year before applying to law school. " -- Wait a minute! How can someone who is illegally in our country, who has illegally taken state funds for her college tuition, be allowed to attend law school, much less be allowed to practice such?
L-E story: "PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. — Police in South Florida say they charged a man with stalking tennis star Serena Williams after he tried to enter her gated subdivision." -- Why arrest the guy? Why not just let him get caught by Serena; she's more than capable of beating him to a pulp, which should discourage further action on his part, and save the taxpayers a bunch of money.
Street scene: Saw a school bus parked in the lot of a McDonald's yesterday; had to wonder if it was a Michelle Obama research class on obesity in children.
This will be an oft inclusion of the Breakfast Club: Diane Schneider, a representative with the National Education Association (NEA), said that graphic sex education needs to be taught in the classroom. * "She said that 'gender identity expression' and sexual orientation are a spectrum, and...that those [who are] opposed to homosexuality are stuck -- quote -- 'in a binary box that religion and family create.' -- This should be sent to every teacher in every school district, and they should be asked to either endorse it, demand Ms Schneider be fired, or drop their NEA membership.

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