Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 14th 2011

For some unknown reason, this Google blog site was out of commission for a couple of days. I'll get the 12th and 13th editions posted soon. HAK

With an idea assist of a fellow BCer: Like John Kennedy's request that we "ask not what your country can do for you", DUMB&DUMBERats must shudder when spokesman Bruce Springsteen takes the stage and randomly breaks out in a stirring rendition of "Born in the USA".
Online story: The White House is watching 25 cameras that were attached to the helmets of the SEALs to try to further figure out what actually happened....DOH? What happened was that the SEALs kicked Osama bin Laden's but for me, for you , and the world. How DUMB can DUMB&DUMBERats be if they have to examine videos to figure this out?
I am more surprised that it has taken this long for a tragic accident to happen at the loop entry/exit ramps at JR Allen and Bradley Park Drive. The design was horrible from the git-go. All traffic should be diverted to the straight ramps, and traffic lights added at Bradley Park so cars could make left and right turns, and the looped ramps should be closed.

Online quote program: " "Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life."

- Northrup Christiane

-- Amen! You know, this should be stamped on every level of government paycheck (military excluded), and every entitlement check/voucher/EBT card.
From L-E story: "They survived a Navy SEAL raid that killed bin Laden and were taken into Pakistani custody. The White House has said it was important that the U.S. be allowed to interview them. The women could provide information about bin Laden’s life in his compound." -- "The women could provide information about bin Laden's life in his compound"? What's Emperor Scarlet O'Bama interested in now, starting a reality show to honor bin Laden?
The Spencer-National Infantry Museum incident should never have happened, wouldn't have happened if the teacher involved had neither violated the 'confetti ban' in the contract, or if she had not been looking for insensitivity in the use of "you people". "You people" has been one of the phrases destroyed by 'political correctness' and by groups/individuals just looking for a way to throw the always in waiting "race card". I've been referenced as "you people" and there certainly was no racial attachment intended. Did I resent being stereotyped with other unknowns? You betcha (thanks Sarah)! The world just needs to lighten up. Especially teachers who impact the future of her students adjustments into the real world.
L-E headline: "Inflation: Experts say worst is over " -- Are these the same 'experts' who have denied there has been any inflation so there was no case to increase a COLA for Social Security checks?

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