Tuesday, November 13, 2018

From the "Jon Lovitz.. yeah.. that's the ticket!" department - Online headline/story: "San Francisco 49ers cheerleader kneels again during anthem before 'Monday Night Football' * Players have made clear that their protests have nothing to do with the military, but are intended to promote change that is needed to achieve a more just society." -- The NFL can postulate 'til it starts believing such, but millions of families will always associate the National Anthem and our Flag as the of service and sacrifice that allows these prima donas an elite life... and I'm not even talking about the players.. the owners and executives of the NFL. Oh, and I see God notices when people go to a knee.. especially when it wasn't in prayer.. the 49ers LOST... again.
Hmmm... you have to wonder when the other owners are going to tire of having to share their winnings with a long term loser like the 49ers?
You know... let's all get on OUR knees and pray for the victims/families of the fires in California... obviously when the NFL players/cheerleader go to their knees, it's not in prayer for their neighbors
Looking at an election map, it's more than obvious that living anywhere but a big city metropolitan area will be the safest places to live if any kind of war ever breaks out. In fact, in a nuclear attack, the urban areas will be the primary targets of any enemy.. Think about that.. after the smoke clears, we'd be a country with few, if any, Democrats left to obstruct a retaliatory plan.
I see Jimmy Buffett has applied for a new name... I dub him "Jimmy Flubbed-it". Now, like Willie Nelson, when he dies, no one will care.. maybe not even notice...
From the "is this ignorance or merely arrogance" department - Did I hear what I thought I heard Michele Obama say?.."there were people who didn't know what a black woman looked and sounded like". Hmmm.. personally, I believe every person in America knew/knows Aretha Franklin, Shirley Chisolm, Althea Gibson, Dionne Warwick, Diana Ross, Beyonce, Condoleezza Rice, Oprah, Barbara Jordan, and Dorothy Height. Perhaps what's really missing is Michelle Obama's knowledge and awareness of the many white men and women who have stood up for the equality of all.
Seriously, Stacey Abrams has begged us to trust her with our votes, yet turns around immediately and tells us she wants to water down our votes by giving illegal aliens voting rights, and allowing votes that are not cast by properly registered voters..many of which she was involved with in the registration errors. No thanks...I want my governor to believe in upholding our laws..even when I'm not watching.
You know , there's a simple...and rather obvious solution to the valid votes cast in Broward Cty FL. I note that all the ballots are scanned. Scanners record WHEN a document is run through it. Count only the ballots scanned within the official times the precinct was open.

M/C L-E headline/story: "House takeover by Democrats could halt Trump’s NAFTA plan *
President Donald Trump’s promise to quickly pass a revamped North American Free Trade Agreement has been upended by the midterm elections, with Democrats who will soon control the House vowing to withhold their support to extract greater protections for American workers." -- Good grief... The Democrats haven't even been seated and are already re-planing heir obstructionist strategies.. Tell me, how are American workers jobs "protected" when US manufacturers are weighed down with bad trade agreements and obfusive regulations and illegal aliens are vying for these American jobs?

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