Monday, November 5, 2018

We took our 6 year old granddaughter to the Nutcracker Disney dud Sunday evening...The best part was when management shut it down for poor quality videos and gave us new passes for another movie of out choice. So glad we don't have to see it ever again .
Tell you what, AMC.. and I'm sure it's no diff at other chains...might want to re=evaluate it's ticket structure.. our 6-year old's ticket was more than our Senior tickets. This just seems inherently WRONG!
Fox should replace it's caravan following reporter... William La Jeunesse's "headLIE" he used said, "Migrant caravans swell to 12,000, get some help along the way" -- as every major dictionary defines "migrant". there are ZERO MIGRANTS.. they are all illegal aliens.
Somebody might want to run a forensic audit on the expense/payroll sheets at the River Road Roundabout.. If anyone has drawn a "paycheck" for being on-site, this pretty much proves they are lying...Yesterday was November 4th.. this shows evidence that the port-o-let hasn't been checked since Halloween day..
I think I'm confused... well, maybe it's not me...Stacey Abrams is out campaigning that she wants to bankrupt our state and raise our taxes expanding government healthcare, and Sanford Bishop is campaigning on how he protects Medicare. These two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time.
We tried to get both Hallmark movie channels on about noon Sunday, and neither were working. I guess CNN was upset that Hallmark was getting better ratings last week?
Why do Democrats keep saying we have to create more gun control laws? We have plenty already..what we need are Democrats and liberal judges/juries to come down hard on people illegally in possession of. and illegally using weapons. Either that ..or get more new laws prohibiting more/new Democrats.
Did you see the Nebraska kickoff specialist nearly "whiff" it? He better be glad the NCAA isn't the USGA.. The kicker actually stuck the ball twice with his kicking foot..that would be an additional penalty in golf.
From the "bias? what bias?" department - Online story: "In a statement, CNN said it turned down a commercial from the Trump campaign pushing people to vote Republican because of a purported threat of migrants coming to the United States. “When presented with an opportunity to be paid to take a version of this ad, we declined,” the AT&T-owned cable-news network said in a statement." -- "threat of migrants coming into the United States"?There's no accredited dictionary that defines "migrant" as an illegal alien who has committed a crime by crossing another nation's border.. Oh, and Bill Clinton is not a qualified "definer".
From the "Now the truth slips out" department - Online story: "(@lec B@ldwin is speaking out about the alleged altercation. He took to Twitter on Friday evening to deny that he punched anyone over a parking spot * “Normally, I would not comment on something as egregiously misstated as today’s story. However, the assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false. I wanted to go on the record stating as much,” he tweeted * Baldwin had a friend holding the street spot for him. However, someone else pulled in and took the spot. At that point, Baldwin reportedly became “irate” and allegedly punched the vehicle’s driver in the jaw." -- "had a friend holding the street spot for him"? Good grief.. what arrogance.. and decadence.. having private "friends" that scout out public parking places to hold..
Online headline: "ESPN issued an apology Saturday for comments made by political figure James Carville during “College GameDay.” * Carville, a noted LSU fan, has accused the SEC of helping Alabama via targeting calls against other teams. LSU linebacker Devin White is set to miss the first half of Saturday night’s game against the Tide for a targeting penalty he received against Mississippi State. He reiterated the accusations on GameDay." -- Good grief.. Carville is little more than a professional "hit man" himself.. he was well trained as the Clinton's go-to-guy to 'target" all the women that cried "foul" against Slick Willie.
I just cannot.. will not.. let this arrogance slide.. Oprah.. comes to GA to promote a political candidate who's sole aim is to promote bigger, more invasive, higher taxing government programs, yet has commissioned a new house for herself costing $90,000,000.00! Even in California, hundreds.. maybe 1,000s.. of opulent and decadent houses can be found/built for $30,000,000.00 or less. If Oprah capped her decadence at $30,000,000.00, she could spend the other $60,000,000.00 providing 300 home of $200,000.00 for homeless vets.. or even a 6 $10,000,000.00 homeless shelters in San Francisco which would clean up those streets.
I'm now a West Virginia fan...WV scored a TD with :16 left and a PAT kick would tie it and send it into overtime.....but WV went for 2...twice! They scored but Texas had called a time out so it didn't count, but WV lined up again and scored!
If I was running a campaign for a Republican Congressperson or Senator I'd include video clips from Trump's State of the Union speech. I'd show Trump honoring our military and police heroes and show the Republicans standing and applauding and Democrats sitting quietly unless Pelosi or Schumer approved.
How 'bout them dawgs...but even more, how 'bout them CBS announcers..
the three of them looked like they were wearing matching funeral home jackets.
I've noticed I take notes about college football teams with ugly uniforms, Oregon, Kentucky, and Missouri always seem to be week in-week out contenders...both have contracts with Nike... I guess Nike just likes making ugly news in everything.
Kroger Field? I guess Kentucky found the only alliteration that fit. Of course, I swear I heard announcers constantly calling for 'Clean up in Red Zone" most of the game.
Can you believe Stacey Abrams is asking us to trust us with our votes? Why? New voters couldn't trust her getting their names/addressees/SSN registered properly.
You know, why would anyone believe Obama endorsing anyone on the basis of their ability to create jobs? Remember when Obama increased the welfare checks to 99 weeks because he knew he could not regenerate the private sector job market.
President Obama says that a president doesn't get to decide who is an American citizen or not? he suffering from early Alzheimer's or us he simply an 'e-rasist'? In 2012, Obama used his "magic wand" (his pen) to grant DACA designees a track to citizenship despite what the US Constitution allows. Of course, his forgetfulness could be that he's a Clintonesque type psychological liar, and just can't remember what lies he told to what people.
We know that outgoing District 133 RINO John Pezold endorsed lifting our tax freeze in 2016, and has endorsed the Democrat in the GA State District Attorney's race,, but what we don't know is.. who he's endorsed for Governor,, I guess Pezold is not proud to be publicly on board ahead of the election.
Just saw an ad that probably just decided the death date of movie theaters..For years now, I've wondered why the movie industry has not moved to 'pay for view' movie releases that go direct to homes rather than going through theaters. This past week a new movie has be advertising "Coming to Netflix and a theater near you". Imagine how many more viewers will be reached at a $25.00 per household. Just think about opening weekend a low figure of $10.00 a head, even a figure of $50,000,000.00 means only 5,000,000 people actually saw it. Imagine 5,000,000 households at $25.00 per would bring in gate figures of $125 MILLION alone..and think about how much in savings home viewers would save on concessions! I'd sell any stock you have in theater companies now.
I think the main difference between Muslims and Christians is in how we perceive 'the cross" Christian's, the cross is a symbol of our belief to pray. To Muslims, the cross is a symbol of how they prey.
The Spice Girls are threatening a Victoria-Beckham-less "reunion tour"..I assume Spanx, Supphose, and Oil of Olay will be their main sponsors.
"Hanoi Jane" Fonda compares Trump's attack on mainscream media is akin to Hitler shutting down Germany's media.. There's a huge difference...Hitler wanted to shut Germany's media down because they were reporting the truth...
From the "one myth uncovered and a pleasant fact" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Columbus early vote tops midterm record * So many were in line to vote when the poll closed at 7 p.m. Friday that early voting in Columbus did not end until after 8. * By the time the last one in line was done, 2,404 had voted that day, averaging 200 an hour. * The total of votes cast in-person since early voting began Oct. 15 came to 27,786." -- Hmmm.. so 27,000+ voters trekked to the Government Service Center over 3 weeks to vote early.. Guess the myth that inconvenient polling places is a deterrent.. a hardship.. to casting votes has been blown out of the water.. It also means that voting lines at the precincts on Tuesday for those of us who still honor the National Election date.
From the "this should read the US Constitution before speaking about the Amendments" department - MC L-E "headLIE": "Obama warns Democrats in Ga.: GOP could ‘take away your right to vote’" -- Does this man even know what a lie is... I guess he read Bill Clinton's definition of what is the "TRUTH"...
Marsey's Law... I cannot support it.. we already have victim rights laws on the books, but something as specific as this will eventually lead to lawsuits against the taxpayer funded government departments by a person/family in grief as some government "SNAFU" will happen for sure.
--- Election Day...well, the last day of a three week period when votes can be cast. You know, for the past two years, MSM-13 has claimed that Trump won because of Russian collusion/influence, yet this past month, MSM-13 has abandoned that ploy and concentrated on claiming that what really happened was that white middle-class working men who left Hellary and voted for Trump are now returning to vote for Democrats. Hmmm..if that's what MSM-13 feels will be why there's a Blue Wave, Democrats may be in for an even bigger disappointment on Wednesday morning than 2016.
New number out...250,000 new jobs created in October..some 60,000 more than even pessimists predicted..and now the unemployment number is 3.7%.. you know, if our education system had done a better job preparing students for Real Life 101, we'd probably have ZERO unemployment for those wanting to work!
From the "main reason libs hate history.. it repeats itself: "Online headline/story: "Obama on the stump in Florida: 'They're coming after your health care' * “Now, suddenly it’s election season, and what happens? You’ve got Republicans out there saying ‘Oh, well, we will protect preexisting conditions. Trust us.’ Let’s look at the record" --Seriously? Obama was the same man who lied when he promised "we could keep our doctors" and we would "save $2,500.00" in costs, and promised it was so good that he fined you if you disagreed.
Let's remember the "Affordable Care Act... a.k.a. OBamaCRAP. It passed when 256 Democrats in the House didn't bother to read it before passing it.
Do you really believe Democrats actually believe Obama's claims that Trump is poisoning their air and water. Besides, Democrats have had to hold their noses to block the stench of Obama/Hellary/Biden's regurgitations, and after years of drinking Kool-Aid, most Democrats have no idea what good water tastes like.
Good grief. a MSNBC camera crew saw a handicap parking space open in front of a Houston early voting precinct and took it over to set up it's equipment to do a story on "early voting". A handicap vet asked them to move so he could vote, but MSNBC hem-hawed an "ok", but the vet had to find another non-handicap space to park. He did so. but after he finished voting, MSNBC not only had not moved, but were shooting from the handicap spot.. Guess MSNBC figured handicapped vets were going to probably vote for Republicans....
It can only be called oxymoronic...that is, illegal aliens wanting to escape tyranny from their own citizens feeling they can slip into America without documentation and be safe, when, in actuality, the terror they feel they are escaping is walking in beside them as well.
You know, as much as Democrats and MSM-13 made about wanting to see Trump's tax returns, you'd think GA Democrats would be volunteering Stacey Abrams' tax returns for public scrutiny so we can see her sources of income, and can see why she owes so much to the IRS.
How can Democrats preach a 'law and order' advocacy, yet...yet not enforce the 'rule of law'?
M/C L-E headline/story: "Judge: Georgia must ease rule for voters proving citizenship * The injunction by U.S. District Court Judge Eleanor L. Ross addresses a specific issue that arose from a broader lawsuit by civil rights groups who in October filed a broader challenge to Georgia’s “exact match” verification process. The state requires identification information on voter registration applications to precisely match information already on file with the Georgia Department of Driver Services or the Social Security Administration. * Some mismatches are triggered by variations in a name, like a dropped hyphen, or because of data entry errors. Other people are flagged as potential non-citizens, often because the state driver’s license database hasn’t been updated to reflect their naturalization. Roughly 51,100 Georgians have been flagged as ineligible to vote because of such registration problems." -- Excuse me. but most.. if not all,,, of theses "flagged" registrations were collected by Stacey Abrams' New Georgia Project, and errors that could have been corrected on-the-spot weren't because of lax policies.

What I really resent is that I took the time and effort to check my information with the GA DDS (formerly the DMV), and the Social Security Administration, so I do not want to have my vote offset by someone who didn't care to do the same.
How do liberals support liberal/socialist despots in 3rd World Countries, yet encourage and welcome 3rd World Counties citizens as they flee seeking relief from the abuse they suffer from the hand of the socialist despots libs fawn over?
You know, under the liberals' "rules", basically even armed soldiers and drug dealers gain citizenship rights once they put a foot onto American soil..Liberals are just sick.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum draw cash from same bank of national donors * The donors come from 49 states and include both some of the party’s heaviest hitters — including billionaire investors George Soros and Tom Steyer * Collectively, these donors have combined to give roughly $1.5 million to Abrams’ campaign and roughly $3 million to Gillum’s campaign " -- Hmmm.. For a party that feels it protects and elevates women, how can Women's Rights Groups.. Hellary even, be happy with the donor bank giving the male candidate twice as much as the female candidate?
From the "bias? what bias?" department - Online headline: "Migrants traveling to US sue Trump, government; claim violation of constitutional rights" -- Good grief.. nothing about the illegal aliens qualifies them as the well defined "migrant status".

From the "occasionally, a Leonard Pitts, Jr commentary HEADLINE gets it right" department - M/C L-E commentary headline: "On Election Day we can lose our country or save it * BY LEONARD PITTS JR. * Miami Herald" -- Don't read any further.. Pitts dives deeper into "the pitts" the more he writes, but voters doe have a choice.. Vote RED if you like our "hot" economy, "hot" job growth, "hot" wage growth, "hot " tax decreases, and "hot " world respect.... on the other hand, Vote BLUE.. "cold" job markets. "cold" economy, ""cold" shoulder from other countries, and "cold" bloodied murders and such in sanctuary cites and states.

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