Thursday, November 15, 2018

From the "worm has stomach" department - Online headline: "Michael Avenatti arrested by Los Angeles police for alleged domestic abuse" -- His defense is that he has NEVER physically abused a woman...I guess he's going with the "Clinton: it depends how you define physical abuse defense". Facts are that a woman with bruised appearance filed charges and @venatti was arrested, booked, and is out on bail, but you know, how ironically will it be that a lawyer, who would bring forth a falsifying woman to cast stones at Judge Kavanaugh, be he victim of a "rush to judgment", yet have none of the qualities of Judge Kavanaugh that reasonable people can use to support him...
Online headline: "Flake refuses to vote for Trump’s judicial nominees until the Senate acts on bill to protect Mueller" -- In other words, Sen Flake is going to railroad the careers of good men to further prove that Arizonans put a Flake in the Senate 6 years ago, and now are sending a new flake back to Washington this year.
From the "bias? what bias?" department - AOL headline: "Kim Kardashian and Kanye West criticized for hiring private team to save home: 'There's something dystopian' about it" -- An American used his own wealth and Constitutional rights to protect his home and family and is getting vilified by MSM-13. And it's not about the money.. MSM-13 would have supported.. applauded Kanye had he endorsed Hellary. Black America.. stay woke!
What has happened to the fantasy minds at Disney? Rather than entertain us, Disney seems to want to parse the fantasies and tell us the background and WHY we should love the stories we grew up own, and now want to share with our grandchildren. We recently took our wonderfully imaginative 6 year old granddaughter to the new Nutcracker movie.. we ended up being spared watching the whole movie when the projection system failed, and we were given refunds. She.. yes our 6 YEAR OLD.. was relieved. It reminded me of the last Winnie the Pooh movie.. Disney did the same thing.. our granddaughter was BORED and antsy for the most of it, but the movie did show fun and joy in the last 10-15 minutes, and she ended up liking it. As it stands now.. we are very apprehensive about what Disney will do to destroy the whimsey and fun of "Mary Poppins" next month. Will "Mary Poppins" show up.. or will Disney really present us with "Mary POOPins"?
From the "it's not just ignoring the rules of election laws that liberals will justify" department - Online headline/story: "Scientists miscalculated in report claiming oceans absorbed more heat * In a note added to the report, the author said while there are errors, it doesn't "invalidate the study's methodology or the new insights into ocean biogeochemistry on which it is based." * The study, which was published a few weeks ago in the journal Nature and led by researchers at University of California San Diego and Princeton University, suggested the consequences of global warming may come even sooner than previously anticipated." -- Good grief.. no respected university would grant a "doctoral degree" on a thesis that the applicant wrote notes saying there may be miscalculations...yet MSM-13 and liberal politicians will be quoting this in an attempt to make it the 5th Gospel... well.. maybe not a Gospel as they'd have to admit their belief in Jesus to get credibility...
Though I'm sure it's for the WRONG reasons, MSM-13 is awfully concerned that the recent winner of the $1.5 BILLION dollar lottery has not come forward to claim the prize, and MSM-13 is overly-concerned that the winner might have to forfeit the prize if it's not present by April 21, 2019. Why? It's certainly not because they are excited for someone "not them" winning.. Now, I have a question the rest of America is probably asking: There's a possibility that the winning ticket has been lost, or destroyed, or even that the holder passed away before the "drawing", and he/she and his/her family never knew of there being THE winning ticket.. I, for one do not normally buy into the lottery.. but when it's a BILLION dollars, I can let go of a few bucks just because.. Now. my question: If the winner should forfeit, what happens to the money that obviously has to be put in escrow? Would it be put back into the pot and the next lottery drawing AFTER the 21st of April show a bump to over a $1.5 BILLION, or will that reserved cash simply become a "slush fund" to pay bonuses to Lottery Officials?
Online headline: "A record number of Americans are seeking asylum in Canada" -- Hmmm .. pretty soon Canada may approach Trump and ask if he will split the cost of a new Northern Border wall.. Canada may want to keep out the erudite welfare crowd, and America may not want them coming back.. win-win!
You know.. what's strange about this phenomenon is that "they" are not clamoring top move to Mexico instead, yet don't want a wall built...
From the "just desserts" department - Online headline/story: "Monica Lewinsky details Bill Clinton sexual encounter that led to stained blue dress * Somewhere in the early months of 1997, after Clinton had won reelection in 1996, the president invited Lewinsky to a White House radio address, he gave her a present via his personal secretary, Betty Currie. * "She brought me into the Oval Office and all three of us went into the back study, and she went into the dining room to hide there," Lewinsky recalled. "Because the illusion to everyone else was that I was not alone with him."" -- Yes.. Clinton did "gift her" ... and America.. irrefutable evidence that Slick Willie was a power abuser and a liar. No amount of spin or PR can erase the image of the Clintons.
From the "here we go again..more rush to judgment" department - Online story: "A security guard who was working at a suburban Chicago bar when a black co-worker was fatally shot by a white police officer said Wednesday that he never heard the officer order the other man to drop his gun." -- Hmmm..Another law enforcement officer will be "convicted by media" long before the stage that the officer's body camera can be released to show otherwise. In these days and times, I cannot really imagine any law enforcement officer not identifying his/herself. and ordering all involved in a confrontation/altercation to "stop" and "drop your weapon".
From the "make sure the Mayor and Columbus GA Council get this" department - Online headline/story: "Silicon Valley tiny house on sale for $2.6 million" * An 897-square-foot bungalow in Palo Alto, Calif., has been listed for $2.6 million – nearly $2,800 per square foot, about $1,000 above average for the pricey college town." -- Hmmm... Can you imagine what the rent will be in a college town.. and that it will probably be cheaper than paying the dorm fees for two 300-400 square foot dorm rooms. I remember asking a GA Board of Regents member how state schools in GA can justify what two students sharing a 360 sq ft dorm room at a State University pay compared to a nice 2 bedroom apartment in a nice complex in Columbus.. He really had a tough time doing so..
President Trump is advocating new laws that facilitate criminals working their way back into society that would cut back on recidivism and future crimes against society. Wanna bet how MSM-13, Pelosi, and Schumer respond?
Wow.. did you see the "perks" that NYC and Northern Virginia gave up to land new Amazon HQ buildings? Seems it makes it easier for Amazon to attract more hi-tech employees at higher salaries than the norm because existing NewYorkers and Virginians will have to absorb the additional costs given to Amazon. Even base-Democrats didn't see this coming and are boiling mad.
Soapbox Moment: From the "put this in your pipe and smoke it" department - Online story: "San Francisco real estate is holding strong with a new report from housing website Trulia showing 81 percent of homes in the Bay Area cost $1 million or more." -- 81% of San Francisco homes cost over 1 MILLION dollars.. think about that..A Million dollar mortgage loan at 4.5% would have a monthly payment of $5,067.00 and that does not include property taxes nor homeowners insurance.. and I'm pretty sure if you have such a mortgage, the mortgage company will demand mortgage insurance as well. In fact, to cover a million dollar 30-year, 4.5% mortgage payment requires an income of a minimum of $217,000.. and the minimum will escalate exponentially for the additional costs of taxes and insurances. Average San Francisco property taxes per Million dollars of property value are currently about $12,000.00, so that basically raise your mortgage payment to over $6,000.00 PER MONTH and probably adds another $45,000.00 to required income needs.. and we haven't gotten to the insurance. Makes you wonder how California Congressperson can live of the $175,000.00 annual salary the job pays.. I believe a forensic audit should be performed on ALL Congressperson to see where the minimum income comes from.. and we haven't even thrown in the expenses of a second home in Washington, DC.
M/C L-E headline/story: "MCSD releases proposed 2019-20, 2020-21 calendars -- and board already requests change * Schedule - Aug. 8: First day of classes., May 20: Last day of classes. * Led by the suggestion from District 5 representative Laurie McRae, and based on no objections, Lewis said he will try to shorten the Christmas break. He told the Ledger-Enquirer that could be accomplished by possibly making the last day of classes earlier in May." -- I've waited to comment on this revelation in order to digest the direction Dr Lewis's "solution" works.. Why would moving up the last day of school be the "go to" solution? It makes a lot more sense.. common and financial, to push the start date later into August than it does to end earlier..Not only are families vacation having only June and July to schedule vacations. the taxpayer have been saddled with expensive air conditioning systems that run a lot less costly in May and early June than they do in August!
Good grief...Maxine Waters set the stock market on its ear yesterday..Even though she really has no power as ranking member of the House Finance Committee, just her having a 'say' in the financial world is scary.
Did you hear Sen Schumer trying to claim a victory out of only losing one Senate seat net? What he doesn't say is the Democrat majority Senate lost 6 seats during Obama's first midterm election...while America sent more Republicans to the Senate in Trump's FIRST midterm election.
Online headline: " Hillary Clinton: Abrams would have already won Georgia race if ‘she had a fair election’" -- Good grief! Can we expect a second "What Happened" book with Hellary as ghost writer ... and it would be pretty easy to just change the names and use the text verbatim.. nobody really read Hellary's so nobody else will know it basically would be plagiarism.
Why are Democrat spinmeister so concerned about following the FL laws covering recounts, yet are totally opposed to following the laws governing the actual voting process.
I wonder if former Sen Nelson actually read his comment before he made it on TV. I actually heard him say he wouldn't be satisfied until "every LEGAL vote was counted.". Actually, that's what we all want and should feel comfortable knowing that is what we get.
You know the black bloc Democrat vote may regret supporting the Democrat effort to keep our border open so more and more illegal alien Latinos can come to America to seek their dream. Unfortunately, they will find the 'American Dream' they seek can only be achieved by government support of individual freedoms. What they are experiencing now from Democratic Party policies is the crippling yoke of Socialism, and that is what the Latinos are running away from. Eventually, the Latino vote will seek Republican association..well if the Republican gird their loins in conservatism.
I see the Palestinians have celebrated the Democrats regaining the House majority for next two years. They were so happy they sent over 400 missiles into Israel. Once again, why does the Jewish community support Democrats.
Talk about hypocrisy...Democrats won't support building 'the wall' at the border, yet are concerned that the $200 MILLION dollar cost of sending active troops instead of National Guardsmen. Why, because Democrats are concerned it will take away money from maintaining the military planes and other equipment. Where was the Democrat concern for our military when Clinton..then Obama..cut back the entire military budget? Besides, using the active Army personnel saves the individual states from the burden of funding their Guardsmen's cost.
One recently elected Democrat Congresswoman said she was going to vote for Pelosi as Speaker because she' a "strong leader" and "shepherded" Obamacare through the process.. "Shepherded"...more like rammed in through without allowing the final Senate version to be read before the final floor vote.
From the "bias? what bias.. local edition?" department - M/C L-E Headline: "Muscogee County board rejects 222 of 352 provisional ballots from Nov. 6 election" -- Hmmm typical liberal double speak...basically the half-truth.. The MC Board of Elections DIDN'T "reject" any ballots. the Board just upheld the laws of all Georgia which guarantees that citizens of GA will not have their voice muffled by the vote of someone who has not shown he/she is a lawful voter.In other words, 130 properly registered voters got their votes counted even after a discrepancy challenge at a polling place.
Now, Mercer Medical School would definitely be a plum for Columbus! It might even expedite an Interstate connect to Macon and Savannah to the east, and Montgomery to the west... was the original plan decades ago.
M/C L-E headline: "Harris County schools to verify residency" -- wow! what a reversal. now a county school district is worrying about infiltration while it use to be that Columbus Schools had to do all the verifying of out-county-residents seeking a better education system.
From the "victim-less crime?" department - M/C L-E headline: "Police: Driver under influence of marijuana before fatal crash" -- Can't wait to see legalize marijuana advocates defend this...

M/C L-E guest commentary headline: "‘SNL’ mocked my appearance. Here’s how civility won out * BY DAN CRENSHAW, R-TX- Wow.. don't you know Hellary is bristling that SNL accepted it's comeuppance and embarrassment  "civilly"?

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