Thursday, November 1, 2018

From the "MSM-13/Liberals STILL don't get it" department - Online headline/story: "Rare drop in NRA election spending as gun-limit groups rise ^ The NRA has put $11 million into midterm races this year — less than half what it spent four years ago in a campaign that gave Republicans full control of Congress. This year's totals are also far below the $54 million the group spent in 2016 on both the presidential and congressional races." -- You know.. with the Socialist Dems making such a play to end the 2nd Amendment.. the NRA is outsmarting them... there's NO NEED for the NRA to spend money reminding patriotic Americans who Democrats really are.
My second favorite baseball player of my youth passed yesterday.. Willie "Stretch" McCovey.. He and my other favorite, Ted Williams, shared one special stat.. both hit 521 career home runs. Now they can play together.
Barbra... Barbra says she might move out of the USA if Republicans win the mid-term election... yes, this is a great incentive for all to vote "Red", but what Barbra might want to reconsider is that she'd technically have more incentive to move IF the Democrats win...
From the "bias?.. what bias? and did you know this before today... I didn't" - department - Online headline/story: "Trump admin will apparently not renew program to fight domestic terror * The Obama administration launched the Countering Violent Extremism Grant Program in 2016 to fight domestic terrorism. Managed by the Department of Homeland Security, the program was given $10 million to distribute. * In the last days of the Obama administration, DHS awarded the money to more than two dozen groups around the country to counter violent extremism of all kinds, including right-wing extremism. Data from the Global Terrorism Database shows there was a spike in attacks on American religious organizations in 2016-2017." --Good grief.. Obama launched government supported goon squads.. vigilantes.... hmmm..but I don't remember him launching a voter protector group to protect conservative voters who try to vote in New Black Panther patrolled Philadelphia voting precincts.
Even Government Motors is benefiting from the Trump tax and regulation rollbacks.. GM just delivered a strong earnings report... NOW... may now Government Motors will return the $10 BILLION Dollars left on it's taxpayer funded loan that Obama wrote off.
One more comment about Bleep Veep Biden's comment that he is "sick and tired of the Trump administration".. Hey, Joe.. I guess I'd be tired, too, if Trump accomplished things in his first two years that you and Obama were either not able to accomplish or didn't want to accomplish.
From the "well, well, well... less we not forget...political expediency is a game changer" department - Online headline: "Harry Reid's 1993 claim that 'no sane country' would provide birthright citizenship fuels GOP immigration push" -- Hey...1993.. remember Slick Willie took office and Dingy Harry was promoting the Clinton agenda..
From the "in a show of confidence... NOT!" department - I guess ABC is trying to "save face" over it's decision to fire Roseanne.. ABC ordered 1... that's right, after 3 episodes, 1 additional episode of "The Conners" for his year giving it a run of 11 shows I guess ABC cannot put together a new replacement show in 7 weeks so it's extending to 8 more weeks.
From the "no wonder Democrats are supporting Muslim candidates for Congress" department - Online story: "According to the head of religious fatwas (edicts) in Saudi Arabia's Assir governorate, a woman shouldn't be allowed to drive because "she has a quarter of a brain." * You heard that right. * "A woman isn't equal to a man when it comes to brain power and this is how she was created," Hajari said. * "If a man had half a brain, would they issue him a driving license? They wouldn't."" -- Hmmm...and another headline reads, "Muslim candidates run in record numbers across U.S. but face backlash" .. why would American women vote for Democrats knowing this is how women are perceived by them?
Oh, and can you even imagine how brainless the Muslims feel Jewish women are?
From the "has the New York Times decided to regain it's integrity?" department - Online story: "Leftists on social media lost their minds Monday after The New York Times released an exposé, detailing Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) Democratic challenger, Beto O'Rourke's, early career in real estate development, and revealing for the first time this campaign that O'Rourke isn't a blue collar hero but rather the son-in-law of a billionaire. * The NYT reports that O'Rourke's father-in-law proposed gentrifying a neighborhood in El Paso by force, bulldozing public housing to make way for restaurants, a shopping district, and an art walk. * (Bloomberg estimated William Sanders' wealth at $20 billion and called him "the Warren Buffett of real estate.") -- Aw... poor Little Beto... IS NOT! Wonder how long it will take for Columbus, GA's out-going mayor, Teresa Tom"LYING-son, to kiss up to William Sanders to bankroll her campaign against Perdue in 2020.. she has a lot of T.A.D. projects that should appeal to "Bulldozer" Williams.
From the " with Democrats, it's all about exploiting tokenism" department - Online headline/story: "Dem Sen. Joe Donnelly takes heat for awkward comment on hiring minority staffers, says he ‘misspoke’ * Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly – one of the most vulnerable Democrats heading into next week’s midterm elections – is taking heat after awkwardly responding to a question during Tuesday night’s Senate debate with Republican Mike Braun by saying several of his staffers are great at their jobs even though they are minorities. * “Our state director is Indian American, BUT he does an amazing job,” Donnelly said during the debate. “Our director of all constituent services -- she’s African American, BUT she does an even more incredible job than you could ever imagine.” -- "BUT"? Sounds a shade like Donnelly is SURPRISED at his token staffers abilities. Sadly, it's how Democrats think of a significant number of their voter base... Trump would say he hires all his staffers based on their superior abilities...and their skin color is simply a descriptive adjective. Now this is a real #MeToo moment!
Think about this.. Muslim's feel women are "one-quarter wits", and American Democrats believe their minority staffers are display pieces...
Online headline/story: "Wages and salaries jump by 3.1%, highest level in a decade * On a yearly basis, wages and salaries jumped 3.1 percent, the biggest increase in 10 years. * Wage increases have been the missing link in the economy since the recovery began in mid-2008. Average hourly earnings have been rising steadily but have stayed below the 3 percent level as slack has remained in the labor market." -- What a "head exploding moment" for Democrat spinmeisters! For the past 6 months, the Democrat response for the success of the Trump tax rollbacks is that only businesses have benefited.. well, now we know it's just another lie the Dems are trying to promote.
From the "hey Mueller, you better look this way" department - Online headline/story: "Feds: Chinese spies orchestrated massive hack that stole aviation secrets * A 21-page indictment filed in US District Court in the Southern District of California said the Jiangsu Province Ministry of State Security, an arm of the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of State Security, directed the five-year campaign. According to the indictment, between January 2010 to May 2015, the team allegedly used a wide range of methods to break into the computer networks of companies involved in aerospace and turbine manufacturing and Internet and technology services." -- Hmmm.. and who was President.. and who were his 2 Secretaries of State during those years? Wonder if the FBI might NOW get interested in those thousands of missing Hellary e-mails.. and all her physically destroyed encrypted cellphones and hard drives?
From the " epitome of double-talk" department - Jonathan Tivadar Soros (born September 10, 1970): A hedge fund manager and political donor. In 2012, he co-founded Friends of Democracy, a super PAC dedicated to reducing the influence of money in politics. In 1997, he married Jennifer Ann Allan (born November 26, 1969).-- Good grief.. a Soros says his super PAC is dedicated to reduce the "influence of money" in politics? This has to be the most OXYMORONIC statement in the history of our world!
Local questions of the day concerning the River Road Roundabout are: What's that smell around the port-o-let? and, Will the backhoe and dirt compactor start without needing a jump-start?
Do you feel...think these two men look alike? Hellary does.

Wow.. forget the "Trinity" I assembled .. this "squares out the DNC image!

Wow..One of the interviewed caravan travelers who was already deported earlier from the US for "sex trafficking", confidently said he wanted to go to Mexico..or he could "be safe". he was concerned about his victims safety and well-being.
M/C L-E headline: "Kemp, Republicans take aim at Abrams in Columbus rally" -- Hmmm.. well, we've just read that Muslims feel women are pretty much brainless, and a Dem Senator feels his minority staffers were chosen because of the appearances versus skills expectations, and now CNN adds all white men to finish the "holy" Trinity of how Dems see America. Pisses me off even more.. especially since I use to consider Dems before I voted. Edgar Allen Poe sums it up for me, "Nevermore".
Wait! Forget the "Trinity" I assembled.. I forgot Hellary says that that Eric Holder and Cory Booker "all look alike" so we must add this to the "trinity".

Oh.. have learned something from a reliable source.. that closed meeting of the MCSB.. well there was no discussion about a raise for the Superintendent.. that makes it easier to now discuss today's M/C L-E story: "The number of schools in the Muscogee County School District at risk of intervention or even takeover by the state has increased. Six MCSD schools, out of 54 in the district, are among the 104 lowest-performing from 33 districts in Georgia this year, according to the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, which released the 2018 Turnaround Eligible Schools list Wednesday. The six MCSD schools on the 2018 list are Baker Middle School, Rothschild Leadership Academy (a middle school) and Brewer, Davis, Dorothy Height and Martin Luther King Jr. elementary schools. All except Davis were on the 2017 list, when MCSD had five Turnaround Eligible Schools during the inaugural year of this accountability system, mandated by the Georgia Legislature in House Bill 338." -- And it's not just parents that should be alarmed there's a pattern evolving that shows our early elementary students are falling further behind, and that foretells a bleakness for the future of our community.

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