Friday, April 17, 2020

From the "maybe Covid-19 DOES cause hallucinations" department - Online headline/story: "Land O'Lakes removing Native American woman from packaging after 92 years * Instead, future packages will showcase photos of real Land O’Lakes farmers and co-op members, along with the phrase “Proud to be Farmer-Owned," -- Did I miss something? Did Native American activist Nathan Phillips go beat his drum (a la Nick Sandmann) in the face of Land o'Lakes share holders and intimidate them? Was Elizabeth Warren offended? if they've changed their packaging, they probably are changing their product. Does Land O' Lakes guess I will still buy their product? Guess again...LOL
What is it with MSM-13.. President Trump has initiated support checks for millions of American families, and there have been a few glitches.... a bit of confusion, and MSM-13 wants to eviscerate the President for making a good effort.. but at the same time, the Democrat leadershi*.. Pelosi, Newsom, and Schi** of California, and Schumer, Nadler, and Fredo Cuomo sit back on their donkey's butts not lifting a finger to help America, and MSM-13 applauds them.
Via Amazon Prime Video, I introduced my bride to movies "F/X", and "F/X2" this week. This morning, we learned Brian Dennehy passed Wednesday night. Will introduce her to "Cocoon" soon...
HuffPOOPOO "poop" - Online headline: "Chris Cuomo’s biggest coronavirus fear comes true as his wife is now infected" -- Hmmm... guess he gave it to her when his family was breaking "social distancing" playing in the front yard and calling a biker dude a " jackass, loser, fat tire biker".
Is there anything California libs will ever thank President Trump for? Not if this is an indication.. A "controlled burn" program was temporarily suspended this week by the U.S. Forest Service in an attempt to not add any unnecessary lung irritants in the air while Covid-19 was still wreaking havoc there. Maybe we ought to build the wall at the California border as well.
Good grief.. California complained that TRUMP's (yeah...everything is his fault in liberals' eyes) U.S. Forest Service, and now have suspended a nurse because he wouldn't treat a confirmed Covid-19 patient because the hospital didn't have a N-95 mask for the nurse to wear to protect himself (thus his family, too at home). Californians need to listen to Trump.. not Pelosi, Newsom or Schi**.
So the Cuomo Brothers, Fredo-1 and Fredo-2, and looking forward to reconnecting after Covid-19.. guess they want to reconnect "at the hip", but they haven't really adopted the "social distancing" thing.. they've stayed connected "at the lip".
Once again, Pelosi is failing the small business owners of America.. President Trump's "Covid-19 Relief Program" has distributed the total $350 Billion initially authorized to 1,600,000 small business (average of nearly $220,000). She tried her best to sabotage the first bill with her outrageous requests for "pork', and now she's staying in CA rather than helping bu getting on board with another $250 Billion to help more small businesses.
From the "they DO live in Fantasy Land!" department - Online headline: "Prince Harry and Meghan Markle donate wedding profits to hunger charity" -- "profits"? Profits... from a wedding? Who gets profits from a wedding? Ask any Dad, weddings are a bottomless
money pit, and they hope there's some leftover after the last vendor is paid off...
You know, it doesn't really matter who Joe Biden "selects" as his running mate.. people will go to the poll not to decide on Trump or Biden, but to either vote for or against Trump. It's sad to think that if Trump doesn't win again, Democrats first thoughts will be.. what do we do now that we have to depend on Biden, and he's going to undo all the goodness that Trump has brought back to our country...
Online headline/story: "Jobless claims: Another 5.245 million Americans file for unemployment benefits * Economists were predicting 5.5 million jobless claims for the week ending April 11. The prior week’s figure was revised higher to 6.615 million from the previously reported 6.606 million claims." -- Hmmm.. You know.. the fact that the "experts" even predicted a drop in new unemployment numbers this past week is a tribute to Trump's leadership. Businesses have made adjustments, tightened belts, and digging in.. Businesses are regaining the confidence they had in Trump despite the Democrat/MSM-13's constant onslaught of negativity. Everyday, President Trump holds a Covid-19 update, and I haven't heard one MSM-13 reporter "thank him" or ask how they can help America..
Online headline: "Trump unveils plan for states to reopen amid pandemic" -- This is the difference of having a successful businessman vs a career politician as our country's leader.. Trump is always planning ahead to solve problems.
Online story: "Unauthorized immigrants living in California are set to receive coronavirus-related financial aid, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday. * The state's new $75 million Disaster Relief Fund will allow about 150,000 eligible adults in the state to receive $500 each, according to a statement from the governor. There will be a $1,000 cap per household, and people can begin applying for the aid next month, the statement said." -- Wait a minute,, first, there is no such thing as an "unauthorized immigrant".. All immigrants to the US have been authorized because they followed the system rules.. Newsom is talking about illegal aliens.. Secondly, Pelosi's nephew, earlier announced a $125 Million dollar set aside, but now its only going to be $75 Million, and for only 150,000 of the many millions of illegals residing in California... and they won't get as much per family as American families will. How do Democrats get anybody to vote for them?
We've seen the Br'er Rabbit in President Trump from the may times he's egged the Br'er Donkeys to throw him into that briar patch...but now we're seeing him get the whiny governors step up after he pulled a Tom Sawyer maneuver by saying he was the one who would 'paint the fence' to get things working again.
I want a refund! Had...keyword. "HAD"... to renew my car tags by computer because the City shut down the Tag Office...and not only did I get charged a $1.00 Mailing Fee, but also got charged a $1.95 "Convenience" Fee for each car for which I got NO CONVENIENCE!. Instead of having renewal decals in hand from going to the Tag Office in person, I have to worry about whether the Post Office will get them to me in a timely manner.
From the "go figure" department... Democrats are in an uproar over President Trump withholding $500 Million from the WHO, yet sat zip-lipped when Creepy Joe threatened to withhold $1.1 BILLION from Ukraine unless the president fired his Attorney General.
Online headline: "Tucker Carlson confronts NJ gov over lockdown measures: 'I wasn't thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this'" -- Hmmm ... this guy just confirms and exemplifies the Socialist-Democrat Party agenda is to end.. or at a minimum.. bypass all the Constitutional rights that get in their way..

I'm really concerned what will happen if any Socialist-Democrat becomes President, My web-site blog has had zero readers from Russia, China, Iran, or Venezuela in the last month. Socialist-Democrat countries just do not allow truthful facts get to their citizens..

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