Friday, April 3, 2020

You can tell the Democrats are Socialists .. they accuse President Trump of being dictatorial, yet it's the Democrats that want the Central government to take away individual States' rights away.
With our schools shut down, and City services at the essential levels only, we taxpayers should be getting some pretty good savings on day-to-day operational expenses. Wonder if we'll actually get an accounting from either.
I think I'm going to research some advertising company stock over the weekend. With every company trying. to win over public loyalty while closed, ad businesses are in overwhelming demand
Though "unscientific", my poll concerning City employees staying employed who owe property taxes from two years ago was .. well.. in a word...unanimous
..and over three different venues (the 4th one to local City and School officials didn't get a response). .drum roll overwhelming "NO".
Online headline: "Democratic National Convention postponed to August due to coronavirus concerns" -- Hmmm...what the Socialist-Democrats won't try to keep Creepy Joe out of public view as long as they can.
Hmmm..this is beginning to be a pattern for Creepy Joe.. says he has a cure for cancer, but won't reveal it unless he's elected... says we should be women who are brave enough to step forward about being compromised by men...but not women who speak up about him, and now 3 months into the Covid-19 as it's peaking wants to tell Trump his plan. Yep, Joe Biden..Covidiot 2020.
From the "now the Biden Covidiot 2020 plan is emerging" department - Hmmm..Biden feels easing sanctions on Iran and apologizing for America's refound greatness is a good start. No wonder the DNC wants to keep him under house arrest...
From the "meanwhile back at the Ranch" - department - Online headline: "US military moves air defense systems into Iraq following attacks on American troops" -- Hey, Creepy Joe! This is what great Presidents do when America is being attacked!,,, his .. and building Border Walls!
Online headline: "Victor Davis Hanson: US leads coronavirus fight — world looks to America now and for recovery" --- Hmmm... Trump HAS MADE America Great Again!
From the "Oooops... maybe I should listen to President Trump rather than PeLOUSY" department - Online story: "Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration has requested an emergency supply of the drugs President Trump touted as having success treating patients with severe symptoms of the novel coronavirus, in a reversal from the state's directive to medical professionals last week to avoid the medication for this purpose. * Michigan, this week, requested hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine from the Strategic National Stockpile for physicians to use to help treat patients with COVID-19" -- I'm taking bets on whether Mich Gov Whitmire apologizes to President Trump.. we'll start the odds at a "Warren" - 1 in 1024.
From the "do as I say AND as I do" department - Online story: The Trump campaign has been donating meals to hospitals across the country to feed doctors, nurses and first responders on the front lines of the coronavirus battle, Fox News has learned. * Since last Thursday, President Trump’s reelection campaign has been calling up local restaurants and ordering large amounts of food to be delivered to more than a dozen hospitals in New York, New Jersey, Washington state and Michigan. The campaign has been placing these orders anonymously, but Fox News learned about the effort — and sources confirmed it." -- Let's inventory President Trump's magnanimity.. 1 - he donates ALL his presidential salary.. has blocked of his family businesses from using the Covid-19 Relief moneys available to his business competitors, and now he's donating meals to his "medical troops" without taking credit... Hey Creepy Joe.. you've just lost every upcoming debate!
From the "meanwhile back at the HOUSE" department - Online headline/story: "Pelosi pushes 'SALT shakeup' stimulus that could reduce her tax bill and enrich her wealthy district * A 2019 report from the Joint Committee on Taxation projected that of those who would face lower tax liability from the elimination of the SALT cap – which only affects those who itemize tax deductions – 94 percent earn at least $100,000. The government would lose out on $77.4 billion in tax dollars, with more than half of that amount being saved by taxpayers earning $1 million or more. Those earning more than $200,000 would reap most of the balance. * California's 12th congressional district, which Pelosi represents, is among the wealthiest in the U.S., with a median income of $113,919, according to census data. The average household income is $168,456 -- meaning most residents would benefit from any significant cut to SALT." -- Hmmm... isn't this what she used as grounds for impeachment against Trump... using her political power to interfere with her political opponents in the next election?
Another from the "meanwhile back at the HOUSE" department - From the "Deja POO" department - Online story: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday she's creating a new House committee to oversee the coronavirus response that will have subpoena power to seek information from the Trump administration." -- Good grief...America needs ... WANTS.. Trump's full attention and skills and patriotism, and Queen PeLOUSY wants to dump another load of Schi** on him and America's future.
I tell you what.. as disappointed as I a in recent decisions out of GA Governor Kemp's office, I'm still glad Stacey Abrams is not sitting in there..
Things can change in a hurry... just look at the stock market, but has anyone thought to notice, the stock market is still higher than when Trump was elected in November of 2016.
From the "looking at the 4-1-20 date, we can hope it is a 'prank' story" department - Online headline/story: "Acworth aldermen consider giving themselves raises * By Aleks Gilbert * Apr 1, 2020 * The Acworth Board of Aldermen will consider giving themselves — or their successors — raises Thursday night. * Aldermen currently earn $13,200 per year, according to City Clerk Regina Russell. The mayor earns $20,400 per year. * Under the proposal, their salaries would rise to $18,000 and $27,500, respectively. It would be their first raise since 2007, Russell said." -- Good grief! If this is "true", talk about .. well. not just "bad", but horrendous TIMING!
With what's going on nationally, the last two weeks numbers of Unemployment Filings of only about 10 MILLION is a tribute to the spirit of America under the confidence America has in President Trump! Closed businesses have supported their employees as best they can, partially closed business have found new ways to operate without completely shutting down, Americans as a whole have responded admirably to adjusting to new "norms" and conditions, and with a few Toilet Paper Hoarders, Americans have been more tolerant shoppers than I can ever remember.. Thank God Hellary is NOT sitting i the Oval Office!
I tell you what.. after the State pf GA wasted/spent so much money on printing and mailing 6,900,000 absentee ballot requests out for the May 19th Primary, can GA even AFFORD to have a primary this year if it can't bee done of Mat 19th? Since the Presidential candidates are pretty much decided, let's just go with the November Election date.. even if it has to include more than one "jungle primary" type .. at least it will get ALL TAX REFERENDUMS being decided in the General Election.... Oh! Has anyone locally (Columbus, GA) actually received a "ballot request" yet?
Hey.. Covid-19 is definitely a "bugger", but MSM-13 seems to be using it to cover up what MSM-13 IS NOT reporting, and that is the "normal" FLU cases/deaths in America, So far this season (From October 1,2019 to March 21, 2020, there gave been 38,000,000 to 54,000,000 reported FLU illnesses; 18,000,000 to 26,000,000 FLU Medical visits: 400,000 to 730,000: and 24,000 to 62,000 FLU deaths. That's over a period of 6 months .. including the last 3 that overlap with Covid-19. Now, US Covid-19 figures as of today (April 3, 2020) are : 245,373 cases and 6,095 deaths.. ask yourself.. which is really the "bugger"? Still, this does NOT minimize the danger of Covid-19, but how President Trump has handled it has made a huge difference.
If there is any one reason there is a shortage of Ventilators in any one state.. even all of them.. it's not because of President Trump.. it's because individual state governors didn't see the necessity to spend money preparing for the future, and they decided to spend funds on politically advantageous projects to get re-elected versus being prepared for the worst.
From the " suspicions confirmed" department - Online headline: "Chris Cuomo tells brother Gov. Andrew Cuomo about coronavirus hallucinations: 'You came to me in a dream' in a 'ballet outfit'" -- Heh heh heh.. Looks like Fredo 2 has nailed Fredo 1 ..they really are the Fredo Brothers!
Columbus L-E story: "The Muscogee County Tax Commissioner’s Office lobby will be closed to the public beginning April 6 until further notice to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19." -- OK.. both my wife and I have April birthdays...I usually go in person to get our tags decals.. Obviously I won't be able to do that this year. Now, will I have to pay the "mail fee" if I mail it in or go online to complete the deal?
Columbus L-E headline: "Amid global crisis, Congress considers next move" -- So Congress is considering it's next move.. I have a great suggestion... how about moving AWAY from PeLOUSY and Schmoozer and closer to Trump and America's needs!

We have another member of the family this AM! Another grandniece for my bride and I, though it'll be a while before we'll get to see her in Jacksonville, FL. Thank heavens for modern technology which has already blessed with a picture!

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