Thursday, April 30, 2020

You know.. if you see people out driving or shopping, they are probably conservatives and Trump supporters... only Democrats actually enjoy staying at home drawing a government support check without going stir crazy.
From the "why are Comey, Holder, Lynch, and Obama free men this morning?" department - Online headline/story: "FBI discussed interviewing Michael Flynn 'to get him to lie' and 'get him fired,' handwritten notes show * The handwritten notes -- written by the FBI's former head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap after a meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Fox News is told -- further suggested that agents planned in the alternative to get Flynn "to admit to breaking the Logan Act" when he spoke to then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition period. * "What is our goal?" one of the notes read. "Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?" -- Thank heaven for President Trump! America was in a bad way when politicians were becoming socialists, but when Justice Department and FBI Directors joined in, America was about to die as our Founding Fathers created it.
NYC Mayor de Bl@sio announced he was ordering a police state for Jewish congregations... yet has also announced he's delivering 100,000 meals to 32 Muslim sites. Hmmm..that means an average of 3,125 meals will be delivered to those sites. I wonder how many Jewish sites have, 3,125 people congregated?
More wonderful news! Our middle daughter and her husband and daughter are announcing a new addition to the family.. November due date!
MSM-13 doesn't ask Biden about his aggressive/abusive actions towards women, but more importantly they don't ask Pelosi or Schumer why they aren't pitching to help President Trump lead our country during the worst medical and financial crises of our lifetimes.
It's a National absolute shame..that our nation is having of the worst medical issue which is creating a huge financial crisis , and Democrats have basically abandoned our country...the Democrat leadership won't even bring it's majority House members together to help President Trump. MSM-13 disgusts me...!
Hey.. why aren't Congressional members paid "per diem" for the days they work in Washington, DC rather than salaried? Oh, and if Congress persons aren't "essential" enough to be required to be on the job, why are we still paying for their staff members?
Wouldn't farmers be better off selling ..even giving away excess foods to 3rd World countries rather than plowing it under or destroying it?
Looks like it'll be close to 20,000 people in NY who will succumbs to the coronavirus prior the rescheduled NY primaries..while the Presidential primary has been canceled, other races will be contested as scheduled.. wonder how many of the 20,000 who've died will cast their votes in the NY Democratic Primary?
Guess Democrats are relying on a Bill Clinton "definition"... Online headline: "1,700 Babies Have Died Since Pennsylvania Gov Tom Wolf Banned Elective Procedures But Allowed Abortions" -- In April, I had one appointment with my heart doctor swapped from an office visit to a phone call, and another postponed until mid-May (pending further developments)... because they are elective .. on the other hand, abortions are deemed
essential".. Wait a minute.. I thought abortions were a "choice" for women... regardless of how Clinton defines "choice", Webster still defines it as "elective".
My comment about Spencer High School here in Columbus, GA being ranked the worst in GA and the Nation may not be true.. There's a possibility it is either Jordan High or Kendrick High.. seems those three were put together in a range of "non-specifically assigned" bad rankings, but I've got someone doing more investigative work to positively identify which of the three is the actual WORST in the State AND Nation.. It shouldn't matter to the MCSB.. Dr Lewis should be "called upon the carpet" to explain why ANY of our schools are ranked so low...
From the "have you heard any question about this at the Covid-19 update press conferences?" department - Online headline/story: "DR. FAUCI BACKED CONTROVERSIAL WUHAN LAB WITH MILLIONS OF U.S. DOLLARS FOR RISKY CORONAVIRUS RESEARCH * In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million." -- Excuse me, but this seems to be a very pertinent question for MSM-13 to ask as this "research program" began under Obama/Biden in 2014...
Here we go again... IT"S BACK! The Liberty Theater issue... again.....and Council is entertaining about $3 Million for a privately held entity that has tremendous grant and donation capacities within it's realm. Council seems to be forgetting that sales taxes are taking a hit, there are uncollected property taxes in limbo, we have a growing collection of potholes that need fixing, and I'm sure fees normally collected for traffic Court are stagnant at best. Hey, Council... our City's infrastructure needs should be your only PRIORITY for projects at this time!
I'm not letting the City off on charging $1.00 mailing fee, and my being charged a $1.95 "Convenience Fee" for paying via an electronic check on a local bank! It's just wrong.. Besides, some 3rd party is making more off handling this than the City.. that's wrong, too.
From the "Harvard... or Wu-Harvard?" department - Online headline/story: "U.S. NEWS *
Harvard's chemistry chair charged with lying about China contract * Federal agents allege the professor violated U.S. law by not disclosing the money he received to the Defense Department. * Charles M. Lieber, the chair of Harvard's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, allegedly violated federal law by not disclosing his involvement in China's Thousand Talents Plan to the Defense Department, including money he received, * The charging documents allege that under the Thousand Talents contract Lieber was paid $50,000 in monthly salary by China's Wuhan University of Technology and another $158,000 in living expenses. He was also awarded some $1.74 million to set up a research lab there." -- This story ran in January, but was under the sight-lines at that time..While Harvard.. with it's $40 BILLION in Endowments... is not "going away", but this and other revelations seem to show Harvard as leaning further left to undermine the US.
I hear people claim that wearing a mask is to protect "others" from you... this sounds "backasswards" at a minimum. and stupid as the alternative.. I do not have any symptoms or indications that I have the virus, so if I'm wearing the mash to protect others... what am I protecting them FROM? I guess wearing gloves is the same thing in their minds.. think about that.. I wear the gloves to protect my hands from contacting something from others.. but when I'm wearing them, I'm spreading whatever I've touched to everything .. or everybody.. I touch afterwards.. Like John Wayne said, "Life's tough... and even tougher if you're stupid."
In an online Democratic "debate" among candidates wanting to run against Senator Perdue, our ex-mayor Queen TT Tom-LYING-son.. took it on the chin when asked about her "prison work camps", and swung and missed when she tried to undermine Sarah Riggs Amico's Obama endorsement by asking her if Obama knew Amico had supported Republican **it Romney.. Heck, Romney isn't even a RINO .. much less a Republican.. and Obama knew/knows this.
Online headline: "Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said during an interview Tuesday that Governor Brian Kemp's decision to reopen businesses was "dangerously incompetent and deeply callous." -- Hmmm... says the self-acclaimed "essential non-employed worker" and 2018 losing GA gubernatorial candidate who obviously feels "shelter at home" does not apply to her...
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline: "Virus pushes US into worst slump since 2008" -- Hmmm... well, I wouldn't give ALL the credit to "the virus".. there's plenty of credit that Queen Pelosi deserves..
Columbus L-E story: "Fox News, CNN and MSNBC all posted substantial increases over the same time a year ago. Fox News and MSNBC each set all-time records, and CNN had its highest-rated month in more than a decade as anxious viewers sought the latest news and information about the coronavirus outbreak" -- Hearing CNN and MSNBC had increases reminds me of an old joke about "Reader's Digest".. "How do you un-inform Digest readers,,, take away their Readers' Digest... how do you misinform them.. Give it back..

Columbus L-E story: "The NCAA is moving forward with a plan to allow college athletes to earn money for endorsements and a host of other activities involving personal appearances and social media content. * The NCAA announced Wednesday that its Board of Governors supports permitting athletes the ability to cash in on their names, images and likenesses as never before and without involvement from the association, schools or conferences." -- Which makes them "professionals" under any definition.. which also means the NCAA has little defense if it tries to keep College Football players from playing professionally for indoor or summer league football teams during the "off season".

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