Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What are we going to do? Not since the late 60s or early 70s have I gone this long without a hair cut!
As scary as California's Queen Pelosi and A Dam Schi** are, this us scarier! Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles announced a Covid-19 "snitch" program now in effect.. Yes, the mayor is offering "rewards" for calling the police on your friends, neighbors, and even family if they break the quarantine rules. Hmmmm...I remember this happening in Germany last Century..Wonder if LA Mayor Garcetti will give "snitches" "brown shirts" to wear?
Had a few liberal responders on a local FB page call President Trump "incompetent"... hmmm , I thought, these folks need to be taught that regurgitating lies is not going to get them anywhere.. so.. I asked them.."Did you know President Trump has built a multi-billion dollar business...know this, what qualifies you to judge Trump' s competency?"... the hem haws and rush to the exit was spontaneous.
Bernie is crying "foul"! ..claiming Trump is trying to "buy"... to "bribe" voters in states "in play" with the $2 Trillion Dollar Covid-19 Relief Bill.. First, it's Bernie who's been trying to buy voters from the git-go by spending $50-$75 Trillion over the next 10 years on Free College and Medicare For All, and the real "BRIBER" is Queen Pelosi who adds money for non-medical, non-citizen relief funds for her artsy-fartsy friends. She even got $25 Million added on for the John F. Kennedy Center... then the Center decided to lay-off it's staff anyway!
Online headline: "Pelosi seeking at least $1 trillion for next virus bill" -- Hmmm.. and that's just for HER projects.. not one mention of fighting the coronavirus!
Online headline: "Georgia elections chief launches effort against mail-in voting fraud" -- Good grief.. it's too late NOW! I posted an image of the Absentee Ballot Request form he authorized, and Sections 7, 8, and 9 insure that literacy, competency, and proven identity are not required to vote, and another GA person posted images of not only the couples forms, but also a pair of forms for the couple they bought that house from who moved to another state several years ago..
You know.. what the Secretary of State DOES need to do is invalidate ALL of the "early and "absentee" votes cast in the March 24th scheduled GA Presidential Primary. It's been rescheduled to run simultaneously with the State Primaries, so canceling the previous votes mean it will not be as complicated for the early/absentee voters as they will get the same ballots as those who did bot vote early or by mail.
Have intentionally been watching CNN's coverage of the ventilator "crisis", and valiant efforts made by Democrat governors to find more... but...BUT not one question about how many ventilators the Ibama-Obiden administration left or why Democrat governors had not accumulated ventilators in their current or prior terms.
Howard Schultz, founder and former CEO of Starbucks was on CNN talking about help for non-employed restaurant workers...Schultz said this is not the time to blame people... Hmmm... I think what he didn't say..intentionally, was that he couldn't find anything to blame Trump for, but he wasn't going to point out the failure of the Ibama-Obiden Administration to properly maintain an abundant inventory of masks and ventilators before they left office.
I have a burning question to ask...will home follow-up questioners hired for the Census finish the job?
It's gonna be a long road to "recovery" for Senator Kelly Loeffler... one she might not make by the Primary date in May.. possibly not even before the General Primary date in November. It doesn't matter that she turned her assets into a "blind trust", or that she said last Fall she would be pouring $20 Million of her own money into her election campaign account, but it's the timing of the sales made earlier his year.. It's a sad circumstance because she's already shown her loyalty to our State, our Country, and our President's vision, but what this has done is let Senator Diane Feinstein of California off the hook for dumping a lot of her stocks before the market went south.
My BCers are pretty sharp... I posted a couple of options about why the wine & beer sections at Publix and Sam's weren't decimated like the other offerings. One BCer gave a 3rd option: Wine and beer people are probably switching to hard liquors because of the increased stress!
Can someone explain liberal logic to me.. They wring their hands over the possibility of catching Covid-19 at offices/work, yet pretty much exclude the possibility of catching it at grocery stores where EVERYBODY goes. Now.. is it just me, but don't you see more people you know/don't know while shopping for groceries than when at work at your office?
It's official.. Columbus L-E headline: "The Masters is moving to November for 2020: New dates set for golf major." -- Well, it was speculated to be in October, but I guess the powers that be finally realized that that Saturday was the GA-AU game...and that wasn't gonna work. There certainly won't be any Azaleas in bloom in November, and the middle of November date means that the Fall colors will have peaked and leaves falling from there limbs. Guess knowing there aren't any BIG Deep South football games that weekend was the ultimate decision maker.
I really do miss the Masters this week!.. and it will not be the same in azalea-less November.
You know, it should be against the law to donate to a political candidate YOU CANNOT ACTUALLY VOTE FOR! Seriously, why should any candidate be able to accept "influence money" from someone who lives outside their state or district.. let the voters who CAN vote determine who represents them.

Columbus Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "Fired IG urges others to speak up * The American people deserve an honest and effective government,” the fired official, Michael K. Atkinson, said in a lengthy statement late Sunday. " -- "The American people deserve an honest and effective government"? Hmmm.. Well, I think Atkinson is on the same page as President Trump.. President Trump is working hard at "draining the swamp" and giving us "honest and effective government"!

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