Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wow! What a turn around by MSM-13! They want the Socialist-Democrat government of Bernie and Biden in order to get universal healthcare, free college, equal pay for workers whether they work equally hard or not, redistribution of existing wealth, open borders, override the Electoral College, yet when President Trump announced he will take charge of, and be responsible for recharging our country's economy, they scream he can't do that because of Constitutional Amendments 9 &10, yet MSM-13 is against the 2nd Amendment which is the only thing that guarantees the states their powers under the 9th & 10th Amendments.
Protesting is a "non-essential activity"? Did you ever think you would hear that statement uttered by a government official in America? Did you ever think any journalist would ignore anyone's 1st Amendment rights be trampled on, and not jump to his/her defense. Well, it's happened, the Democrat Governor had a protester arrested from in front of the taxpayer funded North Carolina Governor's Mansion... and it's scary as hell, and our Founding Fathers are shuddering in their graves...
Online headline: "Obama to endorse Biden, after months on 2020 campaign sidelines " -- Hmmm... A pre-endorsement announcement.... sounds more like a warning....
Online headline: "Obama Finally Endorses ‘Close Friend’ Biden" -- Hmmm... you know, Creepy Joe must now know what it was like for the awkward kid at the sandlot baseball field felt like to be the last won chosen.
You know.. if you saw the false excitement Obama exuded when he endorsed Creepy Joe, then you know how he really feels when he claims ObamaCRAP was good, and his terms as President were great for America..
From the "Truth will set you free" department - Online headline/story: "Pelosi: Trump coronavirus missteps 'caused unnecessary death' * The truth is that Donald Trump dismantled the infrastructure handed to him which was meant to plan for and overcome a pandemic, resulting in unnecessary deaths and economic disaster. * The truth is a weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others." -- This is the speech Queen Pelosi should have given.. to herself while looking into a mirror! Firs.. where was the stockpile of PPE and ventilators the Ibama/Obiden should have had waiting when Hellary was "suppose to win"? Secondly, she exemplifies the "weak person, a poor leader, takes no responsibility. A weak person blames others".
There's an ad on AOL for the South Carolina Democrat Senator candidate. It's falsely headlined a "Lindsey Graham Approval Poll". Falsely, because the only question/option is:
We’re putting together a rapid petition to gauge Lindsey Graham’s DISAPPROVAL level -- sign now if you disapprove of Lindsey Graham "
You know.. this will eventually appear as a CNN headline story: "Poll: Voters Unanimously Disapprove of Lindsey Graham".. and the "poll" may have but 1 respondent.
Online headline: "Michigan Gov. Whitmer faces fierce backlash over strict stay-at-home order " -- Hmmm.. sounds like Governor Whitmore is campaigning hard to be Biden's VP running mate.
Online headline: "Trump's candidate loses in Wisconsin, despite help from courts" -- Wonder what the results would be if hose many tubs of absentee ballots had been delivered rather than hi-jacked by the UP Post Office?
You know, not getting a haircut in so long may not be so bad.... after I showered yesterday and towel-dried my hair as best I could, I brushed it straight back. My wife then spoke up.. "Hey, your bald spot just disappeared." I winked at her and said, "just call me "the Comb-back Kid". Hadn't heard her laugh that much in weeks...
The next.. well... ANY.. time you hear a Democrat.. or Republican for that matter... talk about a "bi[artisan committee", ask them if that committee is equally split between Democrats and Republican members. If not, then it is purely partisan.
From the "hey must make this stuff up on the go" department - Online "story": "Coronavirus stimulus checks across the country may be delayed after the Treasury Department ordered President Trump’s name to be added to them, the Washington Post reported. * It’s the first time any president’s name will appear on checks mailed directly to Americans, according to the Post. Because of the late-stage change, the checks will be delayed a few days, IRS officials said. * The $1,200 checks will say “President Donald J. Trump” on the left side in the memo section, the Post reported." -- Good grief.. most.. probably 85% of these "checks" will be in the form of "Direct Deposit", and nobody actually sees these checks.
From story in the Columbus L-E "The Muscogee County School District’s high schools are planning to stream the ceremonies online May 22 and hold traditional in-person ceremonies July 22-25, assuming health conditions will permit such gatherings" -- "assuming health conditions will permit"? You know, by that date, many Seniors will already at their college campuses, and the balance will either be getting ready or have work or other things to do....
Watching the Covid-19 daily briefing from the White House. Wonder if any MSM-13ers in attendance will compare Trump's responses and successes to the failure of the Ibama/Obiden Administration to leave America adequate Pandemic supplies and equipment available
You know what I'd really like to see as a fly on the wall? Our MSM-13 conducting a Covid-19 Press Conference with Xi Jinping in Beijing and without TV coverage or video.
Online headline: "Los Angeles County release of 4K inmates is 'uncharted territory,' reporter tells Tucker Carlson" -- Can you believe this...he Los Angeles sheriff released 4,000 "non-violent" inmates because of Covid-19 concerns, then later warned crime might go up. Good grief.. of course crime will rise.. they won't have any money, won't be able to get a job, and if they have to go live with someone who's lost their job, there's even more financial pressure to commit a new crime. Even worse is the criminals are probably more likely to catch Covid-19 while out than in jail.
Online headline/story: "Georgia state Democrat backs Trump for reelection, draws party’s wrath * State Rep. Vernon Jones, whose Atlanta-area district includes parts of DeKalb and Rockdale counties, argued that the president’s policies have helped him and other African-Americans. * “It’s very simple to me,” Jones said, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “President Trump’s handling of the economy, his support for historically black colleges and his criminal justice initiatives drew me to endorse his campaign." -- Whoa! The Democrats are on the warpath.. and I can see why... President Trump has DELIVERED on what the Democrats always promise but never deliver!
Speaking of "delivering".. President Trump is using some of his campaign funds to buy and deliver food to medical personnel so bravely combating Covid-19 in our medical facilities!
Online headline/story: "Bicyclist files police complaint against CNN's Chris Cuomo following intense spat * According to a New York Post report, a 65-year-old East Hampton resident named David was riding his bike on Sunday when he spotted who he thought was the CNN anchor with two women and three children outside on their property. Cuomo had been recovering from his widely publicized coronavirus diagnosis. * "May I help you?" a woman, David presumed was Cuomo's wife, asked as she approached the bicyclist. * David reportedly told her he was riding his bike and began asking why the CNN anchor was "out of quarantine and not social-distancing from the group." * But then Cuomo directly responded. * the CNN anchor slammed the bicyclist on a radio show, saying on Monday, “I don’t want some jackass, loser, fat tire biker being able to pull over and get in my space and talk bulls--- to me, I don’t want to hear it."" -- "I don't want some jackass, loser, fat tire biker... get in my space and talk bull**** to me"? Hmmm.. I do believe every biker.. whether bicyclist or motorcyclist.. should be shown this.. Guess this is how L'il Fredo Cuomo personally defines Hellary's "deplorable" concept.
From the "times MAY be a'changin" department - Online headline/story: "California mayor says he'll resign after comparing Trump backers to KKK * n one of the posts, the mayor -- who is also a physician -- shared a photo of a Ku Klux Klan hood, with the caption, “Good news for Trump supporters is that most of them already have masks,” the report said. The post was later taken down." -- Hmmm.. It's hard... though VERY GOOD to see that even Democrats are now being held responsible for their comments, You know.. maybe this is a "doctor-turned-politician-thing"...Hmmm... maybe this is a Democrat Doctors making KKK jokes and regretting them movement... Nah! Governor/Doctor Northam of Virginia posted a picture of himself in "blackface" and a KKK dressed friend on his Medical School Annual page, and Northam hasn't resigned... yet!
Online headline: "Stanford professor claims coronavirus death rate 'likely orders of magnitude lower' than first thought" -- Hmmm.. California professor has spoken up in support of President Trump...I'm taking bets that his job just died of Covid-2020 (Conflict Of Vision In Democrats-2020)
Online headline/story: "Amy Schumer reveals she has officially changed her son Gene Attell's name after realizing it sounded like 'genital' * named him Gene Attell Fisher, the middle name chosen in honor of her close friend and fellow comic Dave Attell. " --
Hmmm.. at least she didn't name him for her Uncle Chuck...people would think her son as ANAL.
Online headline: "Starving 'cannibal' rats are on the march during the coronavirus pandemic" -- Ooops my bad.. thought they were talking about democRATS!
Online headline/story: "Democrats push for illegal immigrants to get coronavirus stimulus cash * The $2 trillion stimulus package passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump gives small business loans and assistance to individuals in the form of direct payments of $1,200 per adult and $500 per child. The latter is distributed to those with Social Security numbers. * While that includes working legal immigrants -- like those here on non-immigrant (temporary) work visas -- who have Social Security numbers in order to be able to work legally in the U.S., it does not include those who are here illegally." -- Good grief.. Legal immigrants should be up at arms against the Democrats on this. and as they achieve citizenship in the future, should remember this when they go to vote for the first time!
Online headline: "Trump, Cuomo clash as NY governor threatens to defy potential order to reopen economy" -- Hmmm... now we know..for sure..why the Democrats use a Jackass as their Party icon/mascot...
Follow this link - Hope amid coronavirus gloom: Stunning NYC rainbow caught on camera
From the "democrats just don't have a clue" department - Online headline: "Biden accuser Tara Reade vows never to vote 'in a national election again... I will not vote for Joe Biden'" -- Good grief.. Joe Biden is just a little fish in Reade's and America's issues with the Socialist-Democrats' agenda..
Seriously, how can unions support Democrats when Dems refuse to put away their personal agendas in order to help unionized small businesses keep their jobs viable?
Excuse me.. again... but why has Council allowed people to cross the state line into Columbus for treatments. We hear of other states requiring people from other states having mandatory 2 week quarantines before having access to any services/businesses in their states, and yet Columbus officials are "ok" with not only allowing non-residents get tested here, but now TREATED HERE!
Online headline/story: "Lawsuit over black voting power in Georgia dismissed * The plaintiffs, four black Georgia voters, wanted the courts to redraw the state’s 12th Congressional District, a seat in central and southeast Georgia held by Republican Rick Allen.The population of the 12th Congressional District is about 33% African American, and the lawsuit sought a new map that increased its number of black voters. * The state defended its congressional maps, saying the political representation of Georgia is roughly proportional to its population. * Five of Georgia’s 14 members of the U.S. House are African Americans and Democrats, making up 36% of Georgia’s representation. By comparison, 32% of the state’s population is African American." -- Why was this ever in court? The 12th District already had a higher percent of minority residents than the state average.. of course... there are several districts carved out that have higher than average minority residents.. why aren't those Districts subject to review based on this suit against the state?

Online story: "A split Georgia ethics commission on Tuesday backed a 30-year-old state law that bans legislators from raising campaign money until a legislative session is over. * The commission voted 3-2 for an advisory opinion that says lawmakers can’t raise money while the General Assembly’s session is suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic. * That’s important to more than three-dozen incumbents who face opposition in the June 9 primary. * Their opponents can raise campaign money now. Lawmakers can’t until the General Assembly reconvenes and then adjourns for the year." -- Good grief.. incumbents couldn't raise funds while in session, and now they are being told they can't raise funds because they AREN'T in session... sounds like the ethics of the Ethics Commission are really in question.

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