Monday, June 1, 2020

One thing the riots show glaringly is the absence of God in their lives...the rioters are resorting to their own understanding, not the Lords. Proverbs 3:5-6
Did you see what went on in Atlanta! Hope none such stuff went on in Columbus... but it'll be Tuesday or Wednesday before we'll be able to read about it in the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer.
Hope the Atlanta anarchy is a wake-up-call for CNN.. the Atlanta Police had to set up a line of protection at the CNN building...guess the "Socialist-Democrat/CNN honeymoon" is over...
It's time to address an important issue... paid hatemongers from other states creating chaos in our major cities. They are not protesters.. they are mercenaries... and their "employers" are basically terrorist organizers, and should be sought out and prosecuted.
From the "what planet ate MSM-13 journalists from?" department - Online AP headline/story: "Protests over police killings rage in dozens of U.S. cities * Tens of thousands of people were in the streets across the country, many of them not wearing masks or observing social distancing, raising concerns among health experts about the potential for spreading the coronavirus pandemic at a time when much of the country is in the process of reopening society and the economy." -- "not wearing masks or observing social distancing"? Good grief! The Socialist-Democrat base is running amok.. not in protest mode, but rioting and looting and burning.. basically anarchy... and MSM-13 is more concerned over them giving them Covid-19... MSM-13 needs some "anti-social distancing" from Pelosi, Schi**, Schumer, and Cuomo!
Online story: "A Fox News reporter was pummeled and chased by protesters who had gathered outside the White House early Saturday as part of nationwide unrest following the death of George Floyd. * For several journalists across the country, the demonstrations were taking an ominous, dangerous turn. * A television reporter in Columbia, S.C., was hurt by a thrown rock Saturday and a journalist in Minneapolis was shot in the thigh by a rubber bullet. A television news photographer in Pittsburgh said he was beaten by demonstrators, and police in Louisville, Kentucky, apologized after an officer fired what appeared to be pepper bullets at a television news crew." -- Hmmm... even MSM-13 is feeling the wrath of a Socialist-Democrat plot! Socialist-Democrats have become emboldened feeling they have a chance at a November coup, and Pelosi/ Schi**, and Schumer no longer feel they have to pretend to protect the 1st Amendment rights of any journalist.
Online headline/story: "Austrian soccer team pushed out of first place for violating social distancing rules * The top team in the Austrian Bundesliga has been docked enough points to fall out of first place after admitting it held illegal practices that broke social distancing guidelines" -- Good grief! Next they will start NOT KEEPING SCORE so no one is better than another so there is no reason to practice at all!
You have to wonder... with the Police Department Buildings in Minneapolis and Los Angeles being burned, don't you wonder how many of the arsonists were out released on moneyless bail in the past week...
I'm thinking that Creepy Joke Biden may have regrets at celebrating Minnesota Senator..and ex Attorney General.. Amy Klobuchar's ringing endorsement.... and considering her as a running mate...
Not diffusing the legitimate outrage of the police atrocities in Minneapolis, let's not forget it all started with an arrest for a crime, and this never had to happen.... and that the "scene" was of police officers looking threatened for doing their routine duty...
These riots and looting fall right into the Socialist-Democrats' established plans of capitalizing on chaos.. It also demonstrates that in a time of need for leadership and reason..that there is no positive leadership nor sound reasoning in the Socialist-Democrat Party.
From the "woke" department - Online headline/story: "CNN’s Van Jones says 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' more worrisome than KKK * “It’s not the racist white person, who is in the Ku Klux Klan that we have to worry about. It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park who would tell you right now, 'Oh I don’t see race, race is no big deal to me, I see all people the same, I give to charities’ but the minute she sees as black man who she does not respect, or who she has a slight thought against, she weaponized race like she had been taught by the Aryan Nation,” Jones said. “A Klan member could not have been better trained to pick up her phone and tell the police it’s a black man.”" -- Hmmm...and you could have substituted Joke Biden's, Queen Pelosi's, UpChuck Schumer's name for Hellary's and you'll see what the Socialist-Democrat Party has been for decades..Of note is that Hellary..but not Bill, has endorsed Joke Biden.
WRBL-3 headline: "Obama on George Floyd death: ‘This shouldn’t be “normal”‘" -- "Shouldn't be normal"? There was nothing "normal" and that's why America is outraged! But I tell you what, arson nor looting should not be the norm regardless... can anyone show an example that burning a building or looting a store honors the family/memory of George Floyd?
With revenue shortfalls being a prime issue/concern of Columbus, GA Council, you would think there would be more concern for Council to collect back property taxes from a local Authority executive.... especially when principle and interest/penalties have exceeded $100K. Heck, other people are even having their properties sold from the Court House steps next week who owe a lot less.. favoritism?
It's hard to find reason to have a lot of sympathy for the violent reactions of arson and looting by Minnesotans that expresses what should only be outrage for the unwarranted death of George Floyd. When Socialist-Democrat spinmeisters compare the post-Civil War injustices in the South with what is going on in non-Southern state Minnesota 150 years later, all reason is lost... no justice happens when the reactions are violent injustices to other neighbors.
On a purely local Columbus, GA issue, I find it comically ironic that continual carper Teresa El-Amin says she represents the "Southern Anti-Racism Network". Having experienced her views one-on-one and amid group situations, I conclude that her main focus is to capitalize on her own racist attitude.
Just checked ex-Columbus Mayor Queen TT Tom-LYING-son's website calendar.. I do believe she's a victim... a victim of either her ego or her own polls.. She has "New Volunteer Training" classes/sessions continuing every other Saturday through October.
Also from Queen TT's website is her message to "Media": "Later deciding, slightly older voters, especially women, who get their information from TV, should know that Teresa has been endorsed by prominent groups and African American leaders who praise her leadership as a Mayor and Public Safety Director of one of the best run cities in America. They may want to hear from Teresa about her intention to take on David Perdue and the chaos and incompetence in Washington and work for the people." -- Notice how she's PURPOSEFULLY disassociated herself with Columbus, GA? She obviously does not want to encourage other Socialist-Democrat opponents for the nomination to know where to ask questions about her claims as a Mayor/Public Safety Director...
Another from the "woke" department - Online headline: "Sen. Manchin: ‘I’m Worried’ People Think Dem Party ‘Has Gone Completely Off the Rails’" -- "People Think Dem Party ‘Has Gone Completely Off the Rails"? Hmmm... The Socialist-Democrats "jumped the rails" in 2008, and Creepy Joke Biden just ran the train aground when he announced how blacks vote determines their race...
One thing made perfectly clear in Minneapolis and other major city riots is there were no Trump voters burning down businesses nor looting their neighbors.
With Queen Pelosi and UpChuck Schumer always looking for the nearest microphone, why aren't we seeing them explaining why the Socialist-Democrat rule in Minnesota has been responsible for the government's offensive actions?
Online headline: "CNN crew released from police custody after they were arrested live on air in Minneapolis" - Hmmm.. this is what happens when Socialist-Democrats feel empowered.. even the liberal biased media gets it's 1st Amendment rights stripped.
There seems to always be an elephant in the room where racism is brought up.. it's the "elephant" of SEGREGATION... segregation is the purest form of racism... without open debate, no problem will ever get solved.
Another local Columbus, GA issue: One of our Councilors is trying to show there some transparency in Council doings. This was posted over the weekend:
"In the last 10 years, the city has spent or programmed to spend over $220 million in South Columbus. In that same time, the city has spent or programmed to spend $1.7 million in North Columbus, $21.8 million in East Columbus, $13.2 million in Uptown, $930,000 in the Panhandle, and $52.8 million in Midtown. These figures do not count $43 million spent in the Liberty District before that for flood abatement that resulted in the widening of 6th Avenue. The city spent $149,000 on the Ma Rainey House, $5 million on Veterans Parkway, and $900,000 on bringing the Dragonfly Trails to the RiverWalk. The 1999 SPLOST included $5 million for the Liberty District. Of that, about $1.3 million remains to be spent." ... Hmmm... I'm not exactly sure what sector the $4.6 million for the River Road Roundabout was included...
Columbus Ledger-Enquirer story: "Democratic leaders in Congress announced Friday that three committees were calling top State Department officials to be formally interviewed in an expanding investigation into Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his role in the sudden firing by President Donald Trump this month of the department's inspector general." -- Hmmm With the new House Rules for Democrats, how will the House Democrats conduct clandestine Committee Inquisitions by "zoom" and still keep classified information private?
From Columbus L-E "feature": Today (May 30) in History: "In 1989, student protesters in Beijing erected a "Goddess of Democracy" statue in Tienanmen Square (the statue was destroyed in the Chines government's crackdown)" -- Hmmm this is what Socialist-Democrats do... quash public dissent.. we saw it most recently when a CNN crew was arrested and removed from the streets of Minneapolis..
Oh!.. we had a baby reveal Saturday... drove to Rome, GA so all the grandparents could celebrate "LIVE".. Marvelous day! It's a boy!

This is so sad.. A manned rocket blasted off from American soil for the first time in decades, and it made only Page 17 in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Sunday paper..Columbus didn't do any better.. Page 9...
Online headline: " Biden campaign staffers donate to group that bails out jailed Minneapolis protesters: report " -- We no longer have to wonder why inner cities in America have  become crime's all part of the Socialist-Democrats voter registration program.
Good "protest " had a "social distancing" marching band...this was no protest.. it was a circus!
You know...if you're wondering who you're gonna vote for in November, remember the riotous factions in our major cities voted for the current liberal mayors because the current mayors promise they wouldn't hold them responsible for their actions.. and they will vote Socialist-Democrat again in November.
Online headline: "MARTA tells why it closed Saturday * Critics: Suspension shows bias against African Americans." -- Good grief! Someone in a liberal government makes a good, common sense decision... and it's "racist? Gimmee a break!
Hey, Columbus.. do the MCSB/MCSD... and the Columbus Council, as well... a favor...give them a wake-up call... Vote NO on the E-SPLOST referendum! Both entities have taken advantage of the taxpayers with indiscriminate use... abuse, mind you... to fund wasteful.. over-priced projects...let them know they need to be conscious of what's "needed" versus some political want...


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