Monday, June 29, 2020

Online headline: "Nike Suffers $790 Million Loss, CEO Confirms Layoffs" -- Layoffs? Yeah.. but workers rather than high paid endorsers. Besides... why buy when you can loot taking "a five-finger discount".
I thought the Dixie Chicks were pretty much defunct until the other day when they announced their name change.. what gets me is how their "new" name is worse.. "Chicks".... these women are in or close to their 50's, and in no re-definition of the word, even by Bill Clinton, do any of them fit the parameters of a "chick"...well unless they consider themselves "hens" or "cluckers".
Online headline/story: "Pro Softball Players Quit After Team’s “Disgusting” Anthem Tweet * Just before the Scrap Yard Fast Pitch began a seven-game series against the USSSA Pride on Monday in Florida, a tweet was sent out from the team’s Twitter account @ScrapYardFP. It tagged Trump and acknowledged how every player was standing for the national anthem and “respecting the flag.” -- Good grief! Thanks, though, for opening up team spots for patriotic Americans who respect our country!
WTVM-9 headline: "CPD explains use of force as calls for police reform increase" -- Good grief! Why does the CPD have to tell criminals how far they can PUSH an arresting officer before the officer steps up his/her game. What should be happening is for the CPD ..with media HELP, letting criminals know in advance that if they cooperate when first confronted, such as stop when ordered, drop weapons when ordered, and neither resist nor flee when the police officers are doing their job, that no physical harm will come their way.
Hmmm... so the Left is "name dropping" ..but not in the generally accepted fashion.. now it wants colleges to "drop the names " of buildings and such when they don't like anything someone did or said 50 to 250 years so ago. Woodrow Wilson, Washington, Jefferson, Calhoun et al...even John "Duke" Wayne Airport is a recent target... I'm wondering when Senator Doug Jones, D-Alabama, will go after Lurleen B.Wallace Community College.
From the "we'll see" department - Yesterday, Seattle announced it was cleaning out the CHAZ/CHOP take-over of its Central business district. Let's see...this Socialist-Democrat run City has twiddled it's thumbs for 3 plus weeks before acting. Now, why should anyone believe the rhetoric of Biden, Pelosi, Schi**, Schumer, Cuomo, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, or CBS that they would have responded faster than Trump did with Covid-19. Yeah...right.
"Animal Farm" is a great satirical depiction of a Socialist-Democrat government (all animals are equal but some animals are MORE EQUAL than others), but the Seattle CHAZ/CHOP is a real life version of "Lord of the Flies" when they develop rules and a system of organization, but without any adults to serve as a 'civilizing' impulse, the children eventually become violent and brutal. I wonder if William Golding had America's Democrat-run major cities in mind when he came up with not only the story but the title, too. Golding must have envisioned "tent cities" and uncontrolled "body waste distributions" when came up with "Flies".
From the "all Minneapolis citizen are equal but some are more equal than others" department - Online headline: "Minneapolis council members calling to defund police spend $63G on private security details after receiving death threats " -- You know, every Socialist-Democrat governing body has it's own "Royal Guard" to protect itself from the masses.
From the "eat their own" department - Online headline: "California Democrats pass resolution calling for John Wayne Airport to be renamed" -- Good grief! Silicon Valley has ruin CA-razy! Looks like all of them have gotten so use to erasing history on their computers by simply hitting the "Delete" key y=that they feel they can erase US history just as easily.
From the "why is this person still on the payroll?" department - Online headline/story: "University of Alabama ‘Professor’ Instructs Rioters How to Destroy Public Monuments * Sarah Parcak, a purported Egyptologist who focuses on ancient architecture, claims to be an expert on obelisks such as that of the shape of the Washington Monument. She exclaimed obelisks “might be masquerading as a racist monument.” * “PSA For ANYONE who might be interested in how to pull down an obelisk* safely from an Egyptologist who never ever in a million years thought this advice might come in handy. *might be masquerading as a racist monument I dunno,” Parcak tweeted on Sunday." -- Good grief.. Didn't know Alabama offered degrees in "Destructive Engineering" ... Hey Dr Bell.. "Defund the Job"!
From the "she not only looks like Bozo, she speaks like his screeching horn as well" department - Online headline/story: "In Racist Screed, NYT’s 1619 Project Founder Calls ‘White Race’ ‘Barbaric Devils,’ ‘Bloodsuckers,’ Columbus ‘No Different Than Hitler * Nikole Hannah-Jones, the lead essayist on New York Times Magazine’s 1619 Project, wrote a letter to the editor in Notre Dame’s The Observer stating that “the white race is the biggest murderer, rapist, pillager, and thief of the modern world. * She then moves to the present and argues that white people today still take advantage of other people. * “The descendants of these savage people pump drugs and guns into the Black community, pack Black people into the squalor of segregated urban ghettos and continue to be bloodsuckers in our community,” she writes." ’ -- Hmmm.. Guess by time her mentors had rewritten the history she learned, Idi Amin Dada of Uganda was a Saint, but her real bias is exposed when she complains about the "descendants" that "pack Black people into the squalor of segregated urban ghettos and continue to be bloodsuckers in our community" without recognizing those are Socialist-Democrat agenda polices.

From the "perspective depends on whether your guide is the Socialist-Democrat Agenda or the Bible" department - Online headline/story: "Oakland mayor hits back at Trump after says city is 'hell' * The mayor of Oakland, Calif., has joined other Democratic leaders in clapping back at President Trump for claiming their cities are so ravaged by violence "it's like living in hell." * Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat who has led Oakland since 2015, took to Twitter to respond to Trump's harsh criticism." -- You know.. the "More Equals" of the Socialist-Democrat Party can't possibly know what their inner city voter base\s life is like... none of the "more equals" LIVE in their "inner cities"
Online headline: "(Billionaire BET Founder) Robert Johnson's Big Idea: $14 trillion in slavery reparations to African-Americans" -- Seriously?... If any reparations are up for discussion for African-Americans, they should come from Africa... which supplied their captives to traders.
Online headline: "Episodes Of 30 Rock Will Be Removed Due To Blackface" -- Libs are such hypocrites...Tina Fey and 3rd Rock get a matador sweep of the Cape (as did VA Gov Northam) yet media lynched Roseanne Barr and Tim Allen.
From the shaking my head" department - Online headline: "Arizona: Muslim Students Threaten to Kill Prof for Suggesting Islam Is Violent" -- DOH! Will someone... other that Bill Clinton, A Dam Schi** or Ilhan Omar .... define "Sharia Law" to these students...
Online headline: "Bubba Wallace predicts cops won't pepper spray NASCAR fans protesting Confederate flag ban" -- Hmmm... Probably not.. but My guess it'll be because that none of the protesters will disrespect the police officers, so an aggressive police response probably won't be necessary.
From the "just what America needs... AGAIN!" department - Online headline: "Trump signs executive order to punish vandalism against federal monuments" -- Yes! Criminals NEED consequences... it's the best insurance against recidivism.
From the "they really missed one" department - How could the antifa/vandals/monument destroyer missed this one.. Instead of toppling statues of Lincoln, Grant, Christopher Columbus... even Washington and the Confederate Generals.. they could have gone after the LEWIS and CLARK BRIDGE over the Colombia River connecting Washington and Oregon. To a liberal, Lewis and Clark might be considered the worst for spreading "white culture" to the Left Coast.
From the "I can name that US Court District... with my eyes shut" department - Online headline/story: "Appeals court rules funding for Trump border wall construction 'unlawful' ^ The Trump administration does not have the authority to use military funding to pay for construction of a border wall, a federal appeals court panel ruled on Friday. * In a 2-1 ruling, a 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals panel found that diverting $2.5 billion Congress had appropriated for the military violated the Constitution and is unlawful. * The decision upheld a ruling by a federal judge in California who last year found that the Trump administration's funding scheme was against the law. * The U.S. district court judge, Haywood S. Gilliam Jr., found the administration failed to prove the money was need "unforeseen military requirements." -- Yep... District 9 on the Left Coast! But what's with this " "unforeseen military requirements." excuse? Of course a sufficient wall on our Southern Border addresses a KNOWN military issue.. it stop/slow down infiltration by enemy personnel! Too boot, Judge Gilliam was an Obama appointee.. and Obama was the one that allowed the FBI spying on Trump!
From the "when is a denial not really a denial?" " department - Online story: "The Black Lives Matter Global Network distanced itself Thursday from an unaffiliated activist whose comments sparked the ire of President Donald Trump, saying the activist was not speaking on behalf of the movement. * Trump lashed out on Twitter after Hawk Newsome appeared on Fox News this week * “Black Lives Matter leader states, ‘If U.S. doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it’. This is Treason, Sedition, Insurrection!” Trump tweeted. * In a statement to The Associated Press, BLM Global Network managing director Kailee Scales said Newsome’s comments were not an official statement of the network. * “Hawk Newsome has no relation to the Black Lives Matter Global Network,” Scales said." -- But what Ms Scales DID NOT say was that she disagreed with Newsome.
Online AJC story: "Biden: I'd require everyone to wear masks if I'm president" * Asked if that meant he would be effectively mandating that all American wear a mask, he responded by saying, "I would do everything possible r=to make it required that people had to wear masks in public" -- First, we're talking "if", but more importantly, Joke Biden just revealed his agenda.. he wants to overrule Amendments 9 and 10 as well as the 1st and 2nd Amendments he already on record saying.. Hey.. Joke Biden.. you should move to Cuba, Venezuela, China or Iran.. those countries are ready made for your ideas...
Wow! Seattle Mayor Durkan has been hoisted by her own petard! She started to dismantle protesters' CHOP Zone, but when heavy equipment arrived to remove the barriers, protesters resisted by laying down on them and baffled the heavy equipment operators, Hey, Mayor .. don't you wish you hadn't disrespected your own police officers.. you could use some to simply remove the protesters from the barriers so the heavy equipment operators could do their job...
Did you notice that T****** E***** B*******, Jr died.. of natural cause.. in an Alabama Jail.. not gonna spell out his name because he never earned to be respected. He was the last living of 3 KKK members that bombed a church in Birmingham in 1963 that killed 4 girls. Alabama allowing him to die a "natural death" was TOO GOOD for him!
Hmmm... now we know HOW the MSM-13 polls are harvested... Online political ad headline: "Need 63 Democrats to Let Us Know: Are You Voting for Joe Biden?" -- Wow! Even the DNC is worried about the loyalty of its voter base, but note that the open request is not for just American citizens to respond..
Columbus L-E headline/story: "Tucker to face Gillespie in council District 4 special election runoff * The Columbus Council District 4 special election runoff that was almost canceled is back on after the second-place finisher dropped out and the third-place candidate decided to stay in." -- Isn't Elaine Gillespie either a current or former staff member of Congressman Bishop? Why would she be subjecting the taxpayers of Columbus to a 50,000.00 "hit" for a runoff for a Council Seat of only 4.5 months duration... Toyia Tucker has already won the 4 year term beginning in January without a runoff. Do the right thing Congressman BISHOP.. take you "pawn" off the board
Online headline/story: "Nancy Pelosi Silent on Own Father Who Oversaw Dedication of Confederate Statue * House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who on Wednesday demanded the removal of Confederate statues occupying the U.S. Capitol, has remained silent on her father’s role in overseeing the dedication of the Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee Monument while serving as Baltimore’s mayor in 1948." -- You know, Queen Pelosi is older than the Baltimore statue her father dedicated .. heck, she was 8 when it went up..maybe she was there for the ceremony.. Regardless, America would benefit more if she was ripped off the pedestal she's raised herself on.
Online headline: "Biden is reportedly down to 4 vice presidential finalists" - Online headline: "Biden is reportedly down to 4 vice presidential finalists" -- Hmmmm..and I wonder who the DNC will tell him to pick... I even wonder if he'll be informed of the pick until after the DNC announces it..
Online headline: "Robert Johnson's Big Idea: $14 trillion in slavery reparations to African-Americans" -- Good grief! Over $22 TRILLION has been spent on the "War on Poverty" since 1965.. and we see it has not "won the war".. another $14 Trillion want help win it either.. People have to take control of their own lives and own situations to be successful..the Socialist-Democrats' agenda/plan will not work.. never has.. never will.
Online headline: "House approves statehood for DC in 232-180 vote" -- Good grief! The Socialist-Democrats could care less about Washington, DC being a state! Wash, DC already has 3 "blue" Electoral College votes. But what the Soc-Dens KNOW is that it would automatically give the 2 more Senators (plus 1 Representative) which would aid in retaking and holding a majority in the Senate. In 2016, Washington, DC voters voted over 90% for Hellary (and Trump barely got 2nd place). Fortunately, it won't pass the Senate, and it would be Vetoed if it did, and not even Pelosi could get 290 votes in the House in a veto override vote.
Hmmm... polls are in...evidence shows that the worst cities needing better police policies and better neighborhood conditions already live under Socialist-Democrat rules. True reform will not happen until better leadership is elected.
From the "if you wondered why Pelosi has not asked the rioters to stop" department - Online headline: "House Dems Unanimously Block Resolution Condemning Violence and Rioting" -- Seriously... does Pelosi.. and more importantly, do voters in Democrat Districts feel rioting, looting, street violence and arson should be supported by their representatives?
As long as Pelosi and the other Socialist-Democrats are wanting to change names of existing organizations, perhaps they should reconsider the mascot they display.. the Jackass no longer truly represents their agenda.. now it would be better recognized by an Ostrich with it's head buried ..... up..... to its shoulders... in sand.
From the "the games have begun" department - Online story: "Joe Biden is under pressure to pick a Black woman as his vice presidential running mate. But polls suggest the most popular prospect among Black Democrats is white. * Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., are widely seen by Democratic officials and activists close to the process as front-runners, * In a CBS News poll last month, Warren topped the list of prospects that Democrats wanted Biden to consider, followed by Harris. Warren even led among Black Democrats — 72 percent said she should be considered, with 60 percent saying the same of Harris." --- Hmmm.. looks like Joke Biden will be making a second statement soon... "you ain't Black unless you vote for the white woman, too!
The Socialist-Democrats have been desperate... but even more now.. President Trump won the 2016 election with but 6 or so percent of the Black vote, but now has Black voter support ranging fro 12-to-18%, and it's not, the latest Socialist-Dem ploy is to "suggest" that President Trump will withdraw from the 2020 election. Sorry MSM-13, that ain't happening.

Here we go.. Worldwide Covid-19 (including a possibly 25% error) reached 504,970 .. that's 33,794 more reported since last Monday. Abortions worldwide topped the 21,000,000 mark.. which means that another 815,000 babies were killed since last Monday's report... and this number does not include terminated by the over-the-counter Plan B pill... what is Pelosi's priority!

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