Wednesday, October 28, 2020

 From the "if a tree falls in the forest, and nobody hears/see it, did the tree really fall?" department  - Yesterday,JoKKKe Biden may... or may not... have been at Warm Springs, GA. It's hard to prove by the one media still picture I could find. Looks like it could have been taken anywhere, as it appears only the traveling entourage of reporters were the only one's present... and since there are no iconic Little White House buildings in it, it may have been taken in his own back yard..


It's ironic that JoKKKe Joe Biden scheduled Warm Springs, GA for a rally... Not only is there limited space for people, it's also where FDR...his Socialist a word...DIED.. Maybe it's an omen of Biden's campaign.


Hmmm..JoKKKE Biden said he'd "Clear the deck for action!".. Hmmmm... well,  why didn't.. why HASN'T he taken action...and shown leadership as head of the Democratic Party and get the Democratic Governors and Mayors to stop the violence in their states and cities  even if it meant asking  Trump for help?


Let's look at the potential Cabinet/Agency heads of a Biden Administration should disaster strike... how about Bernie as Sec of Labor... and  Warren as Sec of the Indian Bureau; or how about Joe Scarborough and Mika as co-heads of the Miseducation Department ...and Pelosi as  Sec of Treasury ... how about Al Sharlatan to head the IRS, and maybe Ilhan Omar to head Immigration, and maybe Alexandra Ocasio Cortez to head up the EPA.. and Hellary to run the FBI, and Bill Clinton  to head Foreign Affairs.. and don't forget Obama as Ambassador to Venezuela.. or Gov redo Cuomo as head of Nursing Homes and Senior Healthcare.... and maybe A Dam Schi** as the new House Speaker. Just let  your imagination run wild.


You know how some e-mail are written in all caps and are hard to read and hurt your eyes ? Well, JoKKKe Biden  gets behind  a microphone  and yells at us  in ALL CAPS and it hurts our ears.


JoKKKe Joe ...says people are concerned about not being  able to pay their rent, put food on their family table, or send their children to school.. yet feels shutting down the economy will fix it..  Who is the masked man?


Major J.D. Hawk of the CPD is retiring,... too! It looks like Columbus Council is changing the face of Columbus, GA! Council went outside to hire a new Fire Chief, and is looking outside to hire a new Police Chief as well, I imagine this move has triggered the retirements of of Chief Rick Boren, Assistant Chief Gil Slouchick, Major J.D. Hawk and several other high ranking Columbus Police and Fire Department veterans.  My guess is... that like troubled private businesses, the good one leave while the getting's good..


We've already had 38 homicides this year, and on Monday, we had two more shootings that probably will result in 2 more homicides before the week is out. It's gotten so deadly here in Columbus, that even the Atlanta Journal has started carrying our stories..


From the "so WHY MSM-13 is belittling President Trump?" department Online headline/story: "Obama Said U.S. Wasn't 'at All Ready' for Worst-Case Swine Flu Scenario, Response Was Based on 'Best Available Science' * Sixty million Americans contracted H1N1, and the virus is estimated to have killed approximately 12,500 Americans over one year. Obama said the nation was lucky the swine flu was less deadly than originally thought." -- Good grief! Six times (60M vs 8.75M) more Americans were afflicted by Swine Flu, than have been afflicted by Covid-19 yet Trump is being attacked for keeping the spread of it way more under control than Biden/Obama did! Here, Obama says "we weren't prepared", yet when he and JoKKKe Biden left office, they left no pandemic supplies for the incoming administration...Hey, MSM-13.. THIS IS YOUR STORY!


Hmm...Hey, JoKKKe Biden.. Justice Barrett been confirmed and sworn  in...NOW,  tell us in detail as bout your Court Packing plan.. start with the list of names you're thinking about.


Justice  Amy Coney Barrett is strong in her conviction... and her commitment.. to adhere to our Constitution as written...and properly amended. How about getting Justices Breyer, Sotomayor,  Kagan.... and Robert's commit publicly  to do the same  in the future.


Hey Columbus Council... and you, too, ex-mayor Tom-LYING-son in case you get "the itch" to run again.. this is why we are not going to give up "The Freeze": It looks like Shicago's Mayor wants another property tax increase because of tax revenue shortages created by her "shutting down the city and schools". Let's review the last 20 years for Shicago citizens.. they've already had over 115% in increases of their Property Taxes.. yet inflation has "only" been 36% and wage growth only 57%.


Reflecting back at last Thursday's Debate, aside from announcing ahead of time that she was not going address "Foreign Relations " , Kristen Welker did not address the violence on the streets of major cities... it wasn't a secret that President Trump had a standing offer to governors and mayors to send help and support, but what Welker should  have asked candidate JoKKKe Biden why, as leader of the Democratic Party,  didn't he advise those governors and mayors to get the violence stopped.. even if it took using President  Trump's help.

Another question that Kristen Welker dealt out during the Debate was preceded with a comment about "the talk" minority  parents have with their  children about police  situations they will face... I thought she was presumptively racist in presentation.. EVERY parent has (or should have) a talk with their children about the police.. Ours was that police are to be respected  at all times, and that if they found themselves in a confrontation with a police officer, to obey what they requested..even if they didn't understand or agree they'd done something wrong/illegal. If an arrest or ticket was made, bride and I,  would help them in a better situation than a "field confrontation ". We emphasized the importance of them respecting the police officers doing their job.


Top scientists at Harvard, Stanford and Oxford just announced they though lockdowns foe Covid-19 were horrible.. Hey..JoKKKe Biden.. what do your scientists say?


Online headline: "Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell: Biden has done nothing for Black community 'other than insulting' them * 'I've been a civil rights attorney for 30 years and I don't know anything Joe Biden has done,' Terrell says on Fox Nation show" -- Wow! 5 months ago... and in the preceding 30 years, Attorney and LA Talk Show host was a full fledged, card carrying Democrat. Now he's stopped drinking he Kool-Aid.


Online headline: "Philadelphia police arrest 91 people during violent riots after shooting of armed Black man; 30 cops hurt *Police said 27-year-old Walter Wallace appeared to disregard orders to drop a knife" -- "police said"? ... there were plenty of witnesses taking cellphone videos that confirm what happened... but the "elephant in the room" question is, "Why was Obama in Philadelphia 2 days before this? Obama's presence there was not going to sway any voters.. in fact, in 2012, there were 59 Philadelphia precincts that had "ZERO" votes recorded for the Republican presidential candidate...


I believe my prediction may be on it's way to fruition ...... remember when I speculated when AT&T bought CNN that AT&T would make changes to make CNN become a profitable asset... well, rumors abound now that talk about changes at CNN are imminent. There are "rumors" that Jeff Bezos might buy it, but the FCC isn't going to approve that..


Online story: " Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is planning to spend around $15 million to help Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden defeat President Donald in Texas and Ohio during the final week of the campaign, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing a senior Bloomberg aide." -- Hmmm... That's sorta "chump-change" compared to the $100 MILLION he spent in Florida.. Makes you also wonder why JoKKKe Biden called Trump supporters "Chumps".. it's Biden who's getting "CHUMP"-change from Bloomberg

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