Monday, October 19, 2020

 From the "P.E.L.O.S.I." department - Online headline: "Millions of Americans are entering poverty amid pandemic as stimulus runs out" -- The "P.E.L.O.S.I." department? "Putting Everyone's Lives Outta Sync Instead"? Yep..One women... one woman who puts her own agenda ahead of America...

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online "headLIE": "Conservatives staging free speech rally attacked by critics" -- "conservatives... attacked by CRITICS"? A Black Trump supporter was brutally attacked by an Antifa mob, three officers were injured from pepper spray/caustic chemicals and thrown water bottles...and "no arrests were made".

One more time... Hellary won the "popular vote" in 2016 by about 2.8 million total votes.
She won California by 4.3 Million votes.. In other words, President Trump won the popular vote in the OTHER 49 STATES by 1.5 million votes.. but, President Trump won 30 out of 50 states and also garnered 304 Electoral College votes to Hellary's 227.. .. LANDSLIDE TRUMP!

From the "let's revisit the facts" department - Michigan Governor Whitmer is blaming President Grump for "domestic terrorism".. Hmmm.. let's see,, the Governor of Delaware (JoKKKe Biden's state) PARDON a felon who went to Michigan to spearhead a "kidnap plot", and President Trump's DOJ/FBI departments UNCOVERED and STOPPED the "plot".. and Trump is the blame FOR the "plot" " Sounds a little backasswards to me... and REALITY..

Let's parse one word... "unintended" as used by the WHO:
"According to WHO, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day. * In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion , there are over 3,000 abortions per day. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion." -- "unintended"? Whatta carefully constructed presentation... More fitting are words like "accidental", "unplanned", "unexpected", or "ooops", but the only way "unintended" fits is when you add "consequences" to it.. "unintended consequences"... but even settling on "unintended consequences" isn't honest when lust overtakes accountability. Now.. on the other hand,  "abortion" is not a legislative issue.. it's a "personal relationship with God issue". All we mortals should be concerned with is making sure "back-alley" abortions are a thing of the past.

Perspective: In 2020, there have been 40,300,000 cases of coronavirus reported worldwide resulting in 1,119,305 Covid-19 associated deaths.. primarily of elderly.. Also in 2020, there have been 34,100,000 abortions.. resulting in 34,100,000 deaths of babies.... Priority?

From the "Yes... Racism against minorities still runs rampant...... in the Democratic Party!" department - Online headline: "John Leguizamo slams Latino support for President Trump: 'It's self-defeating and selfish" -- Wow! First, JoKKKe Biden said Black's that don't vote for Democrats ain't Black enough, now Leguizamo says Latinos who don't vote Democrat aren't Latino enough... what's next, Xi Jinping telling Chinese-Americans they aren't Chinese enough if they don't vote for Democrats?

Online headline: "Police rip Biden's repeated advice to shoot suspects 'in the leg'
Police reject the 'incredibly ignorant suggestion'" -- Well... it's a good thing JoKKKe Biden wants more Social Workers than new police officers.. When an officer is killed in the line of duty trying to follow Biden's "rules of engagement". the Social Workers are already on hand to go tell the officer's family he/she's been killed..

Online headline/story: "San Francisco may change 'inappropriate' names of 44 city schools, including Washington and Lincoln * The committee's recommendation, which is heading to the school board, said the names of Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson that have connections to connections to slavery, genocide, or oppression, must be changed. * Included was a recommendation to change the name of Dianne Feinstein Elementary, which honors the current U.S. Senator and former mayor of San Francisco, because she reportedly replaced a vandalized Confederate flag back in 1986. * also include Thomas Edison Elementary School on the list because of his treatment toward animals. * -- Hmmm.. and others include: Alamo, Balboa, Daniel Webster, Francis Scott Key, Garfield (the President.. not the CAT), Herbert Hoover, Monroe, Paul Revere, Sherman, et al. Good grief.. What's gonna be REAL Interesting is who "they" rename the schools FOR! How about artists and entertainers and local gang lords who died from overdoses and addictions and street shootings? Hey! That way, think of how much money the School System could save on "Drug and Crime Free Zone" signs..

Where's the liberal's "cancel culture" when it's about them? 2 examples: KFC. Kentucky Fried Chicken... they've pretty much tried to erase "the Plantation Colonel" image by having only 'his voice" being used in TV ads, and it's owned by Pepsi which Obama first bastardized their logo for his campaign, and now JoKKKe Biden has followed suit. Then there's late liberal Andy Griffith... he became Matlock and practiced law in GA...and now, in syndication, most of the court rooms in GA at the time had state flags containing the Confederate flag.. where are the "Black Lives Matters" protests against Pepsi/KFC and "MATLOCK"?

From the "Orkin Pest Control Poll" department - Online headline/story: "Good grief! Just the sheer number of DemocRATs in Shicago guarantee 1st place. * Top 10: 1. Chicago, 2. Los Angeles, 3. New York, 4. Washington, D.C, 5. San Francisco, 6. Detroit, 7. Philadelphia (+3), 8. Baltimore (+4), 9. Denver, 10. Minneapolis (-2)" -- Good grief! Just the sheer number of DemocRATs in Shicago guarantee 1st place. and the other Top 9 are also infested with DemocRATs. Also take note of these "Top 10 "Rat" cities".. and Google Major cities with Summer riots and lootings.. BINGO!

Online headline/story: "San Diego school districts overhauls grading system to combat racism * According to the data, Black students accounted for about 20% of all D or F grades during the first semester of last year, while Native American and Hispanic students each accounted for 23%. By comparison, white students made up 7% of all D or F grades during that same period. * Under the district’s new system, non-academic factors like late work and classroom behavior will not be counted toward their overall academic grade." -- Passing along "the blame" on something other than the truth accomplishes nothing.. why not just eliminate attendance, testing, and grading altogether..This is what has caused such degradation in education.. tests are given, but the educators use them against the truth.. tests reflect what the students are learning with the curriculum and conditions the education administration politically advocates "for" .. herein lies the real problem...

WTVM-9 headline: "Second overnight Columbus shooting claims another man’s life" -- Wow.. While I'm writing this Sunday AM so the weekend is not over, Columbus had it's 34th and 35th homicides of 2020.. That officially puts Columbus over the "18 per 100,000" death count.. and in pretty lofty heights nationwide..The CDC shows that our National "count" of "homicides per 100,000" is 6 . In 2019, and if Columbus had 250,000 people, 18 homicides per 100,000 would be in the TOP 10!.. Hmmm.. Like Sgt Joe Friday might add, "The facts.. just the facts".

Online headline: "U.S. to carry out first federal execution of a woman in seven decades" -- This story is talking about a Missouri killer of a mother and baby.. but if you're a realist.. the last woman US elected government officials who have tried to "execute" a woman are the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats persecuting Judge Barrett.

I saw something Saturday I'd never seen before.. UMass' punter shanked his kick and it only went about 15 yards, and after it hit the ground, the punter ran up and downed his own punt. Surely there's something illegal about that but no flag was thrown. In Soccer, too, if you are putting the ball back in play, somebody else has to touch the ball before you can.

Can you believe that JoKKKe Biden wants Trump to stop his campaign rallies? Of course he does.. the energy of Trump's campaigning overwhelms the crowd controlled efforts of Biden.

From the "Talking about "being above the law" department - Online headline: " Seven Chicago police officers have been suspended for their roles the night then-Superintendent Eddie Johnson was found asleep behind the wheel of his SUV after having several drinks at a bar, according to a report by the city’s inspector general released Friday." -- Good grief! 7 Shicago Police Officers "served and protected" their city by getting a drunk off the roads, and this is how the Democratic Party Mayor repays them!

Online headline/story: "Mark Kelly campaign spokesman apologizes for calling cops 'worthless f---ing pigs' * T.J. L’Heureux, Mr. Kelly’s deputy press secretary, called police “worthless f–ing pigs” in response to a video that showed Chicago police clashing with protesters in August. He joined Mr. Kelly’s campaign one week later." -Seriously? there any acceptable apology from a wannabe US Senator who would HIRE (versus FIRE) a staff member after he made such a comment comment?

Of course the Biden ratings were higher.. who thinks NBC would report figures that favored Trump over Biden, and some of those ABC eyes were mine seeing whether Stephanopoulos would ask any real questions.

Online headline: "Law Students on TikTok Are Throwing Out Their Textbooks After Amy Coney Barrett's SCOTUS Hearing" -- Hmmm... guess this just proves too many lawyers are more interested in making up their own laws rather than following the ones already on the books.. So glad President Trump decided in Judge Barrett..

From the "Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat!" department - Why is it OK with Democrats for JoKKKe Biden to claim he's a true Catholic.. when he's not, yet it's not OK for Judge Amy Barrett to be a true Catholic ... when she is?

From the "suspicions confirmed" department - Online story: "The cities of Oakland and Portland, Oregon have sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department, alleging that the agencies are overstepping constitutional limits in their use of federal law enforcement officers to tamp down on protests.The cities of Oakland and Portland, Oregon have sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department, alleging that the agencies are overstepping constitutional limits in their use of federal law enforcement officers to tamp down on protests." -- Wow! Socialist-Democrats have turned "Law & Order" into "hem-haw & sputter"

Another from the "suspicions confirmed" department - HuffPOOPOO "poopline/story": "Katie Porter 'strongly' disagrees with Dianne Feinstein about Coney Barrett hearings * On Friday, Rep. Katie Porter (D-Calif.), a progressive rock star who has expressed interest in serving in the Senate said, "“I disagree strongly with Sen. Feinstein that that set of hearings was one of the best or was even acceptable,” -- Good grief! Another first term Democrat Representative from CA-razy feels she knows how to run the country..

JoKKKe Biden is pumping up his "1st Time Home Buyers" program.. basically a $15,000.00 tax credit on down payments.. What Biden hasn't mentioned is that $15,000.00 is a down payment on only a $75,000.00 home... and that in West Virginia, state with the lowest priced median homes, the median costs for one is $108,236.00. He also doesn't mention that in Kamala Harris' home state of California, the median home cost is $554,886.00 and in his home state of Delaware, the median cost is $254,108.00... Good luck on finding any home in CA-razy and Delaware with your $15,000.00 down payment credit...

It'll be a long time before $15,000.00 down payment aid will help in these
Blue States". Here's list of the DROPPING 1-bedroom rentals in "very BLUE" CA-razy, NY, MA, WA, DC, HI, and DC itself.. Mind you these are the average prices... AFTER so many people have moved out because of the high taxes imposed:

There are a lot of needed "questions" that haven't been asked of JoKKKe Biden since he "won" the Democratic Party presidential nomination... but one that don't involve his son Hunter is: ""If elected, will you continue building the WALL on our Southern Border?" and there're two asked but not answered.. 1- Will you "PacK" the Supreme Court?" and 2 - Who's on your list of potential Supreme Court nominations?"

There's a real good reason JoKKKe Biden won't say he'll whether he'll pack the Supreme Court... if he does, MSM-13 will ask for names. If he mentions Obama and Hellary, he'll lose the election, if he doesn't name them, the left will not support him either..and he'll lose the election even more.

From the "Fraud? There's no fraud here" department - Online headline: "More than 100 undelivered absentee ballots found in Kentucky dumpster * The matter will be turned over to federal prosecutors" -- You know.. seeing small signs of "Vote Fraud" is like seeing an iceberg.. only 10% or less of it is visible ...

WTVM-9 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM) - The mayor of Columbus said the city’s mask mandate may come to and end if coronavirus trends continue in the right direction." -- You know, I like it when political leaders appear up-to-date and on-top-of-the-issues... This is one, but we'd like to know whether any arrests and fines were issued over "mask" issues.. we'd also like to know what the duties and salary of a Deputy Mayor are, and we'd also like to know who get's the 2.5% "convenience Fee" charged if you use your debit or credit card to pay your property taxes..

After watching the NBC Town Hall meeting and watching the "moderator" throw vicious punch after punch at a target that was prohibited, by convention, to punch back, President Trump has risen to star status that even "Rocky" would applaud.

Online headline: "Cristina Cuomo defends 'science-backed' bleach bath she took amid COVID-19 diagnosis" -- Well.. one thing good for sure did happen with her "bleach bath".. she eradicated L'il Fredo Cuomo's "cooties"...

Online headline: "Court rejects bid to extend vote counting on Navajo Nation" -- Hmmm... here it comes.. to have have equality for all, all are must be treated equally... this case was about "some should be MORE EQUAL".. Hey.. wasn't that the premise in "Animal Farm", "Lord of the Flies" , "Hunger Games" and the Socialist-Democrat platform agenda?

From the "talk about "fact checking" department - Online "headLIE"/story: "Biden falsely claims union endorsement during ABC town hall * "The boilermakers overwhelmingly endorse me, okay?" Biden responded. "So the Boilermakers Union has endorsed me because I sat down with them, went into great detail with leadership, exactly what I would do, number one."" -- However, as also in the story, "The International Boilermakers Union, however, made it clear on its website that it has not endorsed anyone. The Local 154 endorsed President Trump in a September message from business leader John Hughes." And... ABC News, the DNC, and George Stephanopoulos have been silent in response...

From the "mum's the word" department - Online headline/story: "ABC silent after Biden town hall attendees identified as ex-Obama speechwriter, wife of prominent Democrat * One of the questioners was Nathan Osburn, who worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration. * Another questioner was Mieke Haeck, who ABC identified as a physical therapist from State College, Pa. * Haeck is also the wife of Ezra Nanes, who in 2018 ran for Pennsylvania state Senate Republican Majority Leader Jake Corman. Nanes is currently an at-large member of the Centre County Democratic Committee. * Nanes praised his wife's appearance at the town hall on Twitter." -- Wow! "Silence" is often described as "Golden".. but in ABC's case, "Silence is tainted"

From the "intentional Democrat CHAOS" department - Online headline: "370K Pennsylvania mail-in ballot applications rejected * Many residents may have mistakenly sent in more than one ballot request" -- You know..this is only the beginning of the "planned chaos" the Dems have launched.. just wait until these voters go to the polls in person! It's going to happen here in GA as well.. I've received 5 different ballot request forms to mail in for an Absentee Ballot.. my wife has received 6 (one was a discriminatory action of a Democratic Party organization that excluded "White males") We sent none to our local Election office, but we still anticipate potential issues when we go vote on November 3rd.

Online headline/story: "'EDD' rapper faces federal charges for unemployment insurance * fraud * Fontrell Antonio Baines, 31, who uses the stage name "Nuke Bizzle," was arrested on federal charges alleging he fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. An up and coming rapper who boasted in a YouTube music video for his song "EDD," which is about getting rich from committing unemployment benefits fraud was arrested Friday in Los Angeles on federal charges of carrying out that very scheme by fraudulently applying for more than $1.2 million in jobless benefits, including by using stolen identities, federal prosecutors announced." -- "EDD" is the "CA-razy Employment Development Department." , and claims in CA-razy are probably more responsible for unemployment fraud than anything else.

Online headline/story: "More people receiving unemployment benefits than are unemployed, research finds * Provisions in the CARES Act have made the highly unlikely scenario possible * According to data from the St. Louis Fed, as of September about 12.5 million people were unemployed while around 13.5 million were making claims." -- According to the EDD reports out of CA-razy, the effect of Gov Pelosi's Nephew Gavin Newsom's "school and business closing policy". CA-razy may have ALL the unemployed living out there in fraud.

Online headline: "Biden questions ‘memory’ of (the 56 percent of)voters in poll who say they’re better off now than 4 years ago * The former VP appeared surprised by the recent Gallup survey" -- Good grief.. JoKKKe Biden probably doesn't even remember where he was living 4 years ago....

Apparently that White House meeting with the Chinese JoKKKe Biden says never happened ... did... (according to new e-mails of a Hunter Biden partner who's been convicted) ....... only the vaunted White House log in procedures were not adhered to.. I don't think that 3rd Debate's going to happen either...and ABC will be REAL SILENT on this..

Hmmm... after the VP debate and the dueling Town Hall meetings, it's apparent the DNC needs to revamp it's campaign signs.... how about "Hiden and EmBarris"

According to credible sources, there are files on the laptop of Hunter Biden that could only be Hunter Biden's. I can imagine they are personal to a point that publishing them would be embarrassing to Hunter.. and America.. while the real files of interest reveal the crimes of his father.

Think about this... how would..COULD...JoKKKe Biden have held up had Savannah Guthrie conducted his Town Hall like she did Trump's ? Now, think about JoKKKe Biden negotiating with Socialist leaders on a trade or military issue.... SMH

Apparently NBC was as guilty... and silent... as ABC for Town Hall irregularities: Online headline: "'Undecided voters' at NBC's Biden town hall were featured on MSNBC as Biden voters * Critics described the televised event as a 'Biden infomercial'" -- What a sad state MSM-13 has become...

Online headline/story: "Southwest Airlines Kicks Black Trump Supporter Off Plane for Not Wearing Mask * The incident was filmed by conservative activist and lawyer KrisAnne Hall, who named the passenger as Philip Ndifon. She said he was traveling as a member of her party en route to Amarillo, Texas, and claimed he was targeted by airline staff because he was wearing a "Black Voices for Trump" hat and a "Trump 2020" mask. * the man, who was on a plane due to depart from Tampa to Dallas, was put on a later flight after providing assurances that he would comply with their mask policy." -- Hmmm...wanna bet no "Black Lives Matter" representative jumped in to support him?

C-SPAN's indefinite suspension of Steve Scully's for lying about someone hacking his "tweet" account has sent shock waves through out the world of MSM-13.. MSM-13 is indignant about C-SPAN holding employees accountable and responsible..

From the "how'd this get into the MSM-13 news feed?" department - Online headline: "Chris Wallace: 'I've got a real problem' with Facebook, Twitter restricting NY Post Hunter Biden report * 'Fox News Sunday' host says social media giants' action 'strikes me as smacking of Big Brother'" -- Whoa! Chris Wallace say HE"S got a problem with MSM-13... and I have a problem with Chris Wallace's show of liberal bias..

If Thursday night's competing town hall meetings showed America one thing it was that President Trump would be a better... a more successful... negotiator than JoKKKe Biden for America's best interests with national and international issues.

It's getting even more apparent that Fox's Sandra Smith is the alter-ego of Shepard Smith... She criticized President Trump for holding a rally in a Florida area he won handily in 2016, yet applauded JoKKKe Biden for going to an area of Michigan that even Hellary won handily in 2016.

Looks like JoKKe Biden is trying to back up all his "free" programs... all of his signs are suddenly "free" with all the funds received going to him and and the down ballot Dems .. of course, if you ask him how he's going to distribute funds that are not existent ( since the mdse is free), JoKKKE Biden will respond..."it depends".

Have you noticed how often JoKKKe Biden starts answers to questions posed to him that he doesn't WANT to answer with ... "it depends"... how revealing to the fact that Biden doesn't want all the people to know how he really feels.. maybe he uses "it depends" to cover up his fear of all kinds of other "leaks" as well.

Maybe we all should pray for Joe Namath... he must be in poor financial shape if he is resorting to shilling for Medicare extended benefits .

Twitter has altered it's posture on what's permissible censorship in it's opinion, but Twitter still will continue to do so with it's own biases. This is not the America our Founding Fathers passed the 1st Amendment on to...
From the "Newsweek just unseated Burger King as "The Home of the Whopper" title" department - Online "headLIE": "Every Major Republican to Speak Out Against Trump Just Days Before Election" -- Sasse? Romney? Flake? MA Gov Baker?, MD Gov Hogan?, Vermont Gov Scott?, NH Gov Sununu?,and former OH Gov Kasich? These are considered "EVERY MAJOR REPUBLICAN"? None are even real Republicans, and if they supported President Trump. Newsweek would condemn them.. talk about plain, simple hypocrisy...

From the "shot across the bow" department - Online headline/story: "4 Democratic senators demand Jeff Bezos respond to allegations that Amazon spies on staff and undermines their right to unionize * The four Democratic senators accused the company of "secret anti-worker tactics" that amount to "unethical, and potentially unlawful, action. * Senators Brian Schatz, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Kirsten Gillibrand have demanded that Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos respond to allegations that his company spies on staff and undermines their right to unionize." -- First a bet... without Googling, what state does Senator Schatz represent? The other three are already in the "usual suspects" category when it comes to exploiting America's working people.. Bet Bezos simply made some more donations following this..
Online headline/story: "Joe Biden rebukes reporter in first public response to New York Post's Hunter Biden report * Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden did not seem to appreciate being asked about the recent allegations regarding his son Hunter's work overseas and if his vice presidency played a role in it. * A CBS News reporter asked the former vice president for a response to the New York Post's piecemeal stories about Hunter Biden's business dealings on Friday night, to which Joe Biden answered, “I know you’d ask it. I have no response. It’s another smear campaign.” * The former vice president then took a shot at the reporter, adding, “Right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.”" -- Wait a minute! JoKKKe Biden told a CBS reporter that his usual questions are all like this? Two bets: The CBS reporter will be re-assigned by CBS, and, this question won't come up in Thursday's debate..

Online "headLIE": "Black voters' mail-in ballots being rejected at higher rate" -- Good grief! I've seen my information used at the Election Poll sites when I vote, and have never seen where my race was designated... just my name address and signature for comparison to my voter ID. Mail-in ballots don't even require my ID to get one, so when a mail-in ballot is received, it is blindly compared to the info on the database..What I want to know now, is "How does anyone handling the ballots or checking the ballots or reporting about the ballots even know the race of the voter? But, since all the ballots sent in are to be treated equally, errors/failures are by the voters themselves..

From the "Oooops, how did this get published?" department - Online headline: "Chris Wallace: Facebook, Twitter limits on Hunter Biden story smack of 'Big Brother'" -- WoW! The Democrats are in big trouble when MSM-13 starts looking at their facts reliability.

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