Tuesday, October 20, 2020

 From the "WE know what's BEST for YOU" department - Thursday night's debate will have a liberal moderator with a "mute" button on each candidate's microphone.. Millions of viewers will get to see what the Socialist=Democrat agenda is.. not only "Big Brother" control of of what you can say, but when you can speak. This is what a crippled 1st Amendment will look like... government by committee decision.

From the "gender reveal gone bad" department - HuffPOOPOO story: "The New Yorker has suspended staff writer Jeffrey Toobin after he reportedly exposed himself during a Zoom meeting last week. * The reporter, who is also CNN’s chief legal analyst, said the entire incident was accidental. “I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video,” * Toobin’s transgression occurred during a virtual conference between New Yorker staff and local radio station WNYC." -- Good grief.. The one good thing is that it was on a call to a radio station rather than a TV station...but you would think that Toobin would be more embarrassed at exposing his public liberalism more so than his gender..

Online headline travesty: "Georgetown University hires Peter Strzok to teach at foreign service school" -- Good grief, hiring Peter Strzok is bad enough, but hiring him to teach "Foreign Service" is a travesty.. about the only this worse would be hearing James Comey is teaching an Ethics Course at William & Mary... ARRGGGHHH! He already DOES!

Georgia Voters.. Definitely vote "NO" on the 1st and Second Amendments.. the 3rd isn't as bad, but still leaves a lot of finagling room for liberals, so I'm voting "NO" there, too. The 1st one allows politicians to prioritize tax dollars to a "pork project" without a "sunset" .. but with an opening to use it for unintended purposes.. Remember that our Lottery was going to be used ONLY for in-state college tuition, but that's no longer the case... The 2nd one allows frivolous law suits by any unscrupulous lawyers and can only divert tax dollars intended to be used as a government service to be redirected to lawyers in excessive fee form.. The 3rd solely depends on people handling charitable money to be totally scrupulous... and we know that while it's a "good intention", it will digress quickly.

Did we hear right....JoKKKe Biden announced he is running for the Senate.... again ..Wonder how many early votes he's gotten as a Senate candidate?

Online "headLIE"/story: "50 Cent appears to endorse President Trump after seeing Biden's tax plan * “WHAT THE F***! (VOTE For TRUMP) IM OUT,” 50 Cent wrote. * In New York, where the entrepreneur lives, taxpayers earning more than $400,000 a year could face combined federal and state tax rates of 62 percent under Biden’s plan, according to experts." -- "50 Cent "appears" to endorse President Trump"? I think 50 Cent was pretty clear.. if not outright ADAMANT, that President Trump is who he's voting for!

Do we see a trend here? 50 Cent is just the most recent Black entertainer to speak out against the Socialist-Democrats' agenda.. he follows recent hit jobs of Kanye, Ice Cube, and the Kardashians.. What's beginning to look more transparent is not so much the entertainers that support JoKKKe Biden, but the number of entertainers who are NOT speaking out "for" JoKKKe Biden...

From the "I think we have a first on SCOTUS.. a transgender Chief Justice" department Absolute "headLIE": "SCOTUS allows 3-day extension for state's ballots" -- No, the US Supreme Court DID NOT allow a 3-day extension for ballots to arrive and be counted.. SCOTUS had a 4-4 tied ruling that allows a lower court decision to stand until readdressed. There's a huge difference.,,, and it's "ties like this" caused by an absence of a sitting Justice that allows for a single state's courts to be in control of our Constitution! This is why America NEEDS a 9th Justice.

Online headline: "Sen. Marco Rubio: Joe Biden and packing the Supreme Court -- the dirty little secret Dems don't want to reveal * This isn’t about Amy Coney Barrett or Justice Neil Gorsuch or Justice Brett Kavanaugh" -- Hmmm... but the real question JoKKKe Biden is dodging is revealing who's on his list of names he'll "pack" it with. If he says Obama and Clinton are on it, he'll lose smart voters, and he says they aren't, he'll lose the leftist voters.

From the "it didn't start at Ukraine" department - Online headline/story: "FLASHBACK: 2008 Obama campaign denied Biden vote influenced by payments to Hunter Biden * Then-Sen. Joe Biden was supporting a bankruptcy bill while his son worked for a company that pushed for it * Obama's campaign aides acknowledged to The New York Times that Hunter Biden's consulting work for MBNA – which earned him a $100,000 yearly retainer – was a subject they looked into when vetting the elder Biden as a running mate. * The bill made it more difficult for individual consumers to declare bankruptcy, * Sen. Biden, who by 2008 had received more than $214,000 in campaign contributions from MBNA employees, according to the Times. * MBNA, which was later bought by Bank of America, was also the largest employer in Biden's home state of Delaware at the time." -- Hmmm making it tougher for working/middle-class voters to declare bankruptcy doesn't sound like JoKKKe Biden has ever had the working/middle-class voters' backs., and there was GOOD REASON Biden never had support/success in his earlier presidential runs...

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