Thursday, October 29, 2020

 From the "It may have no bearing at all, but what was SCOTUS thinking?" department - Online story: "The justices, by a 5-3 vote Wednesday, refused to disturb a decision by the State Board of Elections to lengthen the period from three to nine days because of the coronavirus pandemic, pushing back the deadline to Nov. 12. * The Court upheld the State Board of Elections’ effort to ensure that every eligible vote counts, even during a pandemic" -- Good grief! The "extension" was "granted" by"unelected bureaucrats on a state panel controlled by one political party overrule election laws passed by legislatures".. This was not an Executive Order of the NC Governor, but the shenanigans of a group of politically appointed minions. I thought the SCOTUS' job was to interpret LAWS.. not personal opinions! ...Let's pray that the NC Electoral College votes make no difference in the outcome...

From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online story: "A St. Louis couple facing felony charges for waving guns at racial injustice protesters who marched near their home will be in court Wednesday asking a judge to remove the city's top prosecutor from the case." -- "waving guns at racial injustice protesters"? Good grief.. once the "protesters" broke in by destroying a locked gate, the :protesters" became CRIMINALS!

From the "are you ready for this?" Department - Volvo is no longer a Swedish company ...Ford bought it in 1999...and it gets worse.... Ford sold it to China in 2010... that's right... China is listening to what ..and are talking to and tracking where you travel. ....and after China unleashed the coronavirus on the US/World, do you really believe China is concerned about your safety?

From the "Hmmm.. you know.. JoKKKe Biden wasn't in Warm Springs... he was in "Hot Water" department - Remember yesterday, when I mentioned about JoKKKe Biden holding that closed 30-person "rally" in Warm Springs, but I didn't actually remember that site being on the premise of The Little White House? Well, I was right... I learned that he was actually at Mountain Top Inn... and technically in Pine Mountain, GA ..not Warm Springs, GA.... and I don't think JoKKKe Joe knew the difference..then.. or now!

Now we know who the actual racist/bigot is.. It's Kamala Harris herself.. We've been scolded for calling the Democrat VP candidate "KAM-a-la" and that she prefers "comma-la"... well...until Tuesday... after asking one of her staff if she was in Cleveland, she turned and belted out, " Hey, Cleveland.. it's KAM-a-la!".

Can you believe, Tony Bobulinski, a credible, with independent collaborative evidence, former US Naval officer presented such on a major network, and no other print or TV media outlets presented it to the American people... Controlling what's in the news is pure Socialism in action.

From the "how liberals really think of "BLM" department - Online "hateline": "Does Amy Coney Barrett Need Her Black Children Anymore? * by Charles Mudede of The Stranger" -- Good grief! What a hateful attitude! ... and what a hateful Seattle based website..two children have been blessed....literally EXTRICATED out of a bleak Haiti existence, and some @-hole with access to the Internet condemns a family for being caring. This is what's wrong with Socialist-Liberals.

JoKKKe Biden said he feels the looting and riots in Philadelphia need to stop as they don't help (well, don't help his image in regards to safety and law & order)... What he didn't say was that he had talked with the Democratic Mayor of Philadelphia and advised him to order his Police Force to stop it.

JoKKKe Biden says "vote for change"...hmmm.. and I think Trump is exactly the change America needed and needs to overturn Biden's 47 years in Washington.

All of a sudden, JoKKKe Biden is saying that "if elected" he won't be able to stop Covid-19 with a flip of a switch. Guess JoKKKe Joe has forgotten what he was campaigning on the day before.

I'm about tired of JoKKKe Biden taking the green microphone in front of an empty room and talking a one-track false Covid-19 message, rather than addressing questions about his personal wealth gains from his political contacts.

Question: How can you have Medicare AND Medicaid? I saw a Humana ad addressing the dual aspect, and was aghast that someone could have dual coverage.

From the "does being liberal come with a degree in stupidity?" department - Online headline: "Rob Reiner says Trump's closing plan is to 'kill as many Americans as possible'" -- Good grief...will someone stuff a red flag...preferably a LARGE one... into Rib Reiner's mouth! WE have to make sure he's on the "No Buy" list at gun stores.

From the "there's a caveat" that needs exposing" department - Online headline/story: 'Can I change my vote' trends on Google: What you need to know' * While most states do not allow voters to change their early votes, there are some that do, with restrictions." -- Good grief... the real issue is allowing early voting .. other than real Absentee voting, more than a week before the actual Election date. Allowing a re-vote at the polls following a mail-in vote leaves too many opportunities for people to illegally vote twice. In several states, you can go to an Early Vote location prior to Election Day or... OR.. in some states you can even go to the polls on Election Day and ask to stop you first vote, and get a provisional ballot to on the spot. The mail-in vote is supposed to be "pulled" and your in-person-vote be your official one.. but.. BUT if an error is made (and you mail-in vote not be "pulled", both votes could be counted.

As hard as the Democrats are pushing "Early Voting" everywhere, but especially it GA, it makes you wonder if the Democrats have a plan for chaos and disruption on November 3rd to dampen in-person voting.

Online headline: "Biden stays silent on Bobulinski claims about family's business ventures" -- Good grief! JoKKKe Biden has made too many gaffes to remain silent on this one... but where is MSM-13 like it was during the Nixon years?

From the "What BS!" department - Those "hear, see, speak no evil" yokels of Twitter, Facebook , and Google will yank the chains of the Washington pols over regulation "230". The three know how to make fair adjustments, but aren't going to act because they figure the Washington pols "suggestions" will be less restrictive of eliminating their biases. The three Social Media CEOs say that they have initiated "bias algorithms" based on keywords's people with biases that select those words used.

Hey.... everybody with 401Ks and personal/business retirement funds...
are you watching how the stock market drop has affected them? This is just a preview of what would happen if JoKKKe Biden wins on November 3rd.

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