Friday, October 30, 2020

 JoKKKe Joe says the tremendous 33.1 3rd quarter GDP increase doesn't reflect real life... In a way... he's right... it doesn't reflect what "real life" will actually be if he's in charge if the economy.

The GDP grew 33.1% in the 3rd Quarter.. and that's in spite of the Socialist-Democrats keeping California, NY, and other Blue States businesses and schools shut down!

With Blue States wanting new and continued "shutdowns", don't you know Amazon is glad it stopped trying to build a huge fulfillment center in NY and opted for an open Red State like GA.

MSM-13 is not going to ease up on promoting liberal biased polls over the weekend.. MSM-13 will ONLY buy liberally biased polls, so most of the polls are intentionally liberally biased..

From the "and why didn't JoKKKe Biden pass this during the 2,922 days he was VP?" department - Online headline: "Biden, in LGBTQ interview, vows to pass Equality Act in first 100 days" -- Good grief..., JoKKKe Biden... in Texas terms.. "Big hat, no cattle".

Where IS Hunter Biden? Surely MSM-13 could "ping" his cellphone and find out quickly where he's hiding.

Think about this.. soon after Obama was elected , he took his World Apology Tour...He even donned Mid-Eastern garb, and bowed to dictators of human rights deprived countries.. what I don't remember is Obama...for that matter.. JoKKKe Biden... ever apologizing to America for the strife they created.

The GDP grew 33.1% in the 3rd Quarter.. in spite of the Socialist-Democrats keeping California, NY, and other Blue States businesses and schools shut down!

With Blue States wanting new and continued "shutdowns", don't you know Amazon is glad it stopped trying to build a huge fulfillment center in NY and opted for an open Red State like GA.

Online story: "Three people have been killed and several others wounded after a knife attack near a church in the French city of Nice." -- Another decapitation in France...Such a happening is horrible.. and it's horrible anywhere..but thank heaven.... and President Trump.... that Jihadist terrorist wasn't allowed to immigrate to America!

From "the Fred Sanford: I'm coming to see you Elizabeth.. it's the big one!" department - Online headline/story: "Glenn Greenwald, Legendary Progressive Journalist, Resigns Over Censorship of Biden Criticism * Glenn Greenwald, Pulitzer Prize winner and founder of The Intercept, announced that he would be resigning from the publication, due to censorship over his criticism of former Vice President Joe Biden." - Wow! Not just a "legendary" Progressive Journalist.. but a Pulitzer Prize winning one!.. finally standing up for the truth again!

I bet JoKKKe Biden was actually glad that President Trump was holding a rally in Tampa, too, yesterday..It meant that he didn't have to explain to his MSM-13 entourage why most of the cars on his route had Trump bumper stickers on their cars.

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