Tuesday, February 16, 2021

 Online headline: "Iraq rocket attack hits U.S. forces, killing contractor" -- Hmmm... what's next... a "go-to-ZOOM-Apology Tour"?

From the "who is this guy?" department - Online YAHOO headline: "Anthony Scaramucci claims new faction of Republican Party could have a convention this fall" -- Good grief! Scara-mooch-ie has served as a MSM "patsy/foil" longer than the 11 days he served as a White House Director of Communications, and the best YAHOO can come up with is someone feels "some" RINOs COULD want to pout and whine? Dang! MSM really does miss Trump and his tweets

Online headline: "North Carolina Republican leaders vote to censure Burr over impeachment vote" -- Hmmm... no, The real Republicans just "pinned a tale on a Jackass".

From the "once you lie about something, you have keep to lying about it forever" department - Online story: "Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday the state didn't cover up deaths but should have moved faster to release some information sought by lawmakers, the public and the press." -- Hmmm ... how carefully worded.. " the state didn't cover up deaths"... probably true.. but Gov Fredo Cuomo certainly did.. and President Trump isn't around to be blamed...

Wow! Kelly Conway's daughter has become am "American Idol" and her estranged husband has become an "American Ideologue"...

Well, I'll be darned.. Looks like Columbus Council has finally "woke"... for nearly two years, I've published Columbus' soaring number of "Homicides per 100,000 people" and Council is finally addressing it publicly. I was beginning to wonder if maybe Pelosi had told them "not to read my blog I send them"..

Online headline/story: "2 people busted with guns outside White House but Joe Biden never in danger: Secret Service * The suspects were a 66-year-old woman named Sylvia Hall and an unidentified man, * Hall was arrested for possession of an unregistered firearm, possession of unregistered ammunition and carrying a pistol without a license." -- Hmmm...my first reaction is that neither of the two was a Trump supporter... why? ... because the two would have been blasted about it, and their gun would have been called a Russian assault weapon... besides, a Trump supporter's gun would be registered and a carry permit held...

Wow! It really is cold in Texas.. in fact, "The storms knocked out nearly half the wind power generation capacity of Texas on Sunday. Wind generation ranks as the second-largest source of electricity in Texas, accounting for 23% of state power supplies" -- Hmmm... Hey.. AOC... why don't you go to Texas and rant about your "New Green Deal"... those wind powered turbines could sure use a constant gust of hot air to keep them working...

Hmmmm...please notice that none of the "Green New Deal" crowd is claiming solar energy would... COULD... solve the problem.

Speaking of "green" energy in Texas, "Choose Energy" (https://www.chooseenergy.com/data-center/solar-energy-production-by-state/) shows that in Texas, the November production of solar energy dropped 18.1 percent from solar energy produced in October. October average temps in Texas average range between 75 degrees for highs and 55 degrees for lows.. In November, the average highs are 60 degrees, and 45 degrees for Texas lows.. and that change caused a drop of 18.1 percent Solar production. Just imagine what the production drop in weather like this would be with Texas' morning (7:00 CST) HIGH temp is 23 degrees...

From the "Joke of the day!" department - Online headline/story: "Pelosi says independent commission will examine Capitol riot * Pelosi said, “It is clear from his findings and from the impeachment trial that we must get to the truth of how this happened.”" -- Good grief! There is no independent possibility with Pelosi calling the shots! Now, I would like to nominate "Jack Nicholson" to be in charge... I'd love to see him get in Pelosi's face and say, "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!".

Juan Williams on Fox News' "The FIVE" said both of Trump's, and Clinton's impeachment charges were a on a par with each other and were initiated by "the people".. what unmitigated BS! Clinton was tried on perjury under oath and obstruction of justice. Trump was persecuted by a vendetta forced by a demented 80 year old who still has flashbacks of PMS.

Looks like Gov Fredo Cuomo has ended his political career and aspirations.. same for NYC Mayor "bull" de Bl@sio. ... Covid-19 has done them what "shock treatments" did for 1972 VP candidate Thomas Eagleton, philandering did for Gary Hart(pence).

What do we call it when Gov Fredo Cuomo tries to explain things? One thing for sure is that we can't ..and won't ... call it "man splaining"... I don't even think the alternate lifestylers have a gender designation that fits him, but "man" will never do.

What a vicious cycle runs throughout the Socialist-Democrat Party... a prime example is JoKKKe Biden's unfailing support of NY Gov Fredo Cuomo, and Fredo's unfailing support of JoKKKe Biden.

Wow....with MSM keeping pretty much "mum" about NY Gov Fredo Cuomo's Covid-19 TRUE death toll in nursing/long term care facilities for so long, the average Democratic Party voter probably had no clue what they had enabled by voting for Socialist-Democrat politicians.

From the "Fred Sanford, "It's the big one Elizabeth.. I'm coming to see you!" department - Online story: " A few days ago, the New York Times quietly “updated” its report, published over a month earlier, asserting that Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick had been killed by being struck with a fire extinguisher during the January 6 riot. *
According to the update, “new information has emerged regarding the death of the Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick that questions the initial cause of his death provided by officials close to the Capitol Police.” * what the Times calls “new information” actually began emerging the same day the paper filed its January 8 report." -- Hmmm.. and not only was Officer Sicknick cremated (was too fast), the ME's report was sealed, but sources say he was killed by a "stroke"...

Online headline: "Flake says he's been in touch with Biden administration and has interest in making sure 'our foreign policy is bipartisan'" -- Good grief! How can Flake agreeing with Biden be even considered to be bipartisan!

Online story: "A book about a transgender boy has prompted a school district in Utah to suspend its book program after the story was read to third graders. Call Me Max was read to a class last month after a student brought a copy of the book to the Horizon Elementary School in Murray." -- Good grief.. what should have happened was for the 3rd Grade teacher to be fired, and the state initiate revoking the student's parents right of child custody!

Remember how being "chipped" was a great concern to everyone, and simply the thought of being 'tailed' by Big Brother sent cringes throughout our bodies? Looks like we don't need to worry about that... Big Brother doesn't even have to worry about how to sneak a "chip" into us anymore.... we carry our cellphones with us everywhere!

Excuse me as I'm rubbing my eyes in disbelief... I just saw former Columbus mayoral candidate Zeph Baker on a TV ad about homicides in Columbus, GA. It's funny to hear someone who doesn't follow the rules complain about rule breakers... Zeph Baker still hasn't reported his political donations and expenses from nearly three years.

Keeping government in check to keep from losing our Constitutionally guaranteed God given rights is tough all by itself, but when publicly traded corporate executives such as those of Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Twitter..and Disney start inflicting their personal judgment on American citizens, we need our government back! Remember, when you go to the polls in the future, make sure you practice "Socialist-Democrat Distancing " by not letting your finger or ballot marker get within 10' of a box with a "D" next to the candidate's name!

You know, when a group... especially a political group... tries to keep God out of government, it's really about them wanting government to deny you the RIGHTS God gave you.

From the "unintended consequences" department - Online headline: "Minneapolis push to defund police backfires after residents complain of slow response times, increase in crime" -- Yep.. when politicians kowtow to the sentiment of criminals, they find out that a riled law abiding public has sharper teeth.

Yesterday I reported that 2 CHS students had placed in a GA High School Fishing Event. You know, with it being a school event, you have to wonder if the State School Superintendent ordered "safe Social Distancing" policies for the schools of fish?

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