Wednesday, June 2, 2021

 From the " if at first he doesn't succeed, he just lies, lies, lies... again" department : Online "headLIE"/story: "Biden calls out Sinema, Manchin for voting 'more with Republicans' * According to FiveThirtyEight, Sinema and Manchin have voted with the White House 100 percent of the time since Biden’s inauguration." -- In fact.. both have only threatened to consider America First if votes to weaken filibuster and voting laws.

Online headline/story: "Geraldo Rivera: The urban crime spikes show government unable to keep us safe" -- Unable? Since the discussion was about inner city homicides in Blue Cities, it's more like incapable or unwilling!
From the "and the truth will set you free" department - Online story: "In a 2-1 opinion, written by Judge Amul Thapar, the federal appellate court in Knoxville, Tennessee, noted, “This case is about whether the government can allocate limited coronavirus relief funds based on the race and sex of the applicants. We hold that it cannot. Thus, we enjoin the government from using these unconstitutional criteria.” * On Thursday, however, a federal appellate court said the Biden administration’s rules amounted to systemic racism." -- Let's see if MSM will report JoKKKe Biden's act of "systemic racism"....
Online headline/story: "St. Paul BLM founder ‘resigned’ after he ‘learned the ugly truth’ as ‘insider’ * The founder of the Black Lives Matter chapter in St. Paul, Minn. said he left the group after learning the “ugly truth” of the organization from the inside. Rashard Turner told his story on a YouTube video for the group TakeCharge, a black-led organization that posts content on cultural issues, like critical race theory, as reported by the Daily Wire. * After a year on the inside, I learned they had little concern for rebuilding black families, and they cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis,” Turner said" -- You know, if MSM actually reported the truth as it happens, here would never be a majority of Socialist-Democrats elected to office... at any level.

Online headline: "CNN: Kamala Harris' team 'dismayed' by being held responsible for border crisis" -- "dismayed"? Good grief... the majority of America is DEVASTATED! Hey, Kamala.. so, it looks like PeLOUSY hasn't invoked the 25th Amendment on JoKKKe Biden is because you're next in line...

During MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports", a meme was posted of Texas Governor Abbott sitting in his wheelchair with a caption of "Texas Two Step".The only thing missing was JoKKKe Biden's gaffe to a wheelchair bound Missouri State Senator, "Stand up Chuck, let ‘em see you".

Online headline/story: "Seattle's $700M 'woke' waterfront may backfire, critics warn
City wants 35% of all park programs to be geared toward 'underserved communities'" --Hmmm... Seattle/King County has about 11,700 "homeless" people.. That's barely one-half of 1 percent ( 0.0052), yet Seattle has decided to misappropriate $700,000,000.00 from American taxpayers (almost $60,000.00 per "homeless"). This is nothing more that theft of public moneys and malfeasance in office!

Notes: Seattle/King County has a population of 2.250,000.. 7% are Blacks (152,700)

Now the Socialist-Democrat agenda is to eliminate student loan debt so Blacks can buy homeland become successful. Hmmm.. you know what will happen is that once Blacks achieve this success, they will become Republicans and "Uncle Toms" to the Socialist-Democrats.

Online headline: "Captain America will now be gay" -- Good grief.. For 75+ years, Captain America has connected with women, and now Marvel wants to "change directions".. looks like Santa will probably be SACKING UP Captain America paraphernalia from our grandsons' toy chests this year. Biden is more than enough " direction change" for them to digest in one year.
Our Columbus Mayor said Tuesday's latest homicide was number 29.. I believe the Mayor must not be living in Columbus, GA at this time.. That's at least 32.. and probably closer to 35.. for the first 152 days of 2021, that makes Columbus on schedule to have 76 or 77 for the year.. That'll be an increase of 31 for the physical year versus 2020.. which WAS A RECORD!
WTVM-TV9 headline: "Columbus City Council discusses minimum fine for littering" --
Wow! Columbus will  make a mint  on the bodies the CPD finds littering our street... if the DA charges the shooters properly!
Online headline/story: "Murder, rape, and sodomy charges dismissed in Chamber County case against Stacey Gray in Renee Eldridge murder * According to The Valley Times, District Attorney Jeremy Duerr said charges against Gray were dismissed after a court ruling excluded DNA evidence found on the body of Eldridge." -- Seriously.. a court dismissed DNA evidence discovered ON the victim's being? This is outrageous!
California Law Enforcement and Firefighters are being shot and killed while performing their duties.... Good grief! Governor Nancy's Nephew and the Socialist-Democrat Party  have created a "sanctuary" for criminals, but don't feel their  Public Safety personnel deserve the same sanctuary status.
Online headline: "Candace Owens slams US embassies for flying Black Lives Matter flag: They are ‘celebrating Black death’" -- Good grief! This is not about whether Black lives matter... it's about the SOCIALIST-DEMOCRATS of the  United States of America flying a MARXIST flag  in countries where immigrants think our government is different from theirs!
From the "three on a match" department - Online headline/story: " Schumer bombs with stale joke at NYC comedy club reopening * Senate majority leader was speaking at celebration of Save Our Stages Act * Schumer recycled a joke about a woman in trouble for stealing a can of peaches who gets one night in jail for each of the four peaches in the can, the New York Daily News reported. * The punchline? The woman's husband wants a stolen can of peas added to her sentence." -- First JoKKKe Biden.. then Kamala Harris, and now Schumer.. now do you believe me when I've oft said you can tell a liberal from a Conservative because liberals have no sense of humor!
BLM has been outed... They still wore masks during outdoor Memorial Day protests.. only now the masks were to conceal their faces.

From the "you didn't see this on CNN" department - Online headline/story: "Biden Imported Oil from Iran in March – First Time Since 1991- Ignoring US Law to Please Terrorist Country * The United States imported a rare cargo of 1.033 million barrels of Iranian crude in March despite sanctions on Iran’s energy sector, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration showed." -- Good grief.. JoKKKe Biden must have signed something other than Executive Orders on Day 1.. Think about his.. at $53.00 a barrel on January 20, 2021, JoKKKe Biden handed Iran $54,749,000.00 pre-inflation US dollars. Wonder how many Israeli-bound missiles that paid for? Hey, A Dam Schi**, when are you impeaching JoKKKe Biden?

Let's look at Biden's oil purchase from Iran with two other fossil fuel decisions.. JoKKKe Biden shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline, and new fracking on federal lands, but opened the Russia-Germany pipeline which devastated huge numbers of American union job holders, yet has produced jobs for Irani, German, and Russia. Has anyone checked to see if Hunter Biden is on any Irani, German or Russian boards?

Online headline: "Biden speech commemorating Tulsa race massacre to detail efforts to combat racial inequality" -- Wonder if the Democrats will be staging "anniversary" rallies in all major Blue Cities 100 years from now to remind those cities' citizens of the horrendous Black-on-Black street homicides!
Online headline: "CNN: Kamala Harris' team 'dismayed' by being held responsible for border crisis" -- "team dismayed"? Good grief... the majority of America is DEVASTATED! Hey, Kamala.. so , it looks like PeLOUSY hasn't invoked the 25th Amendment on JoKKKe Biden is because you're next in line...
During MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports", a meme was posted of Texas Governor Abbott sitting in his wheelchair with a caption of "Texas Two Step".The only thing missing was JoKKKe Biden's gaffe to a wheelchair bound Missouri State Senator, "Stand up Chuck, let ‘em see you".

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