Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 Online headline/story: "U.S. military guns keep vanishing, some used in street crimes * The Pentagon used to share annual updates about stolen weapons with Congress, but that requirement ended years ago and public accountability has slipped. The Army and the Air Force couldn’t readily tell AP how many weapons were lost or stolen from 2010 through 2019. " -- Hmmm... accountability stopped around 2010....guess that nails the Obama bin Biden era, and while Eric Holder and his "fast and furious" plan sent such guns to Mexican drug lords.. Wonder how many of them returned via illegal Southern Border crossings?

Just a reminder if the MCSB District 2 Special Election today, June 15th here in Columbus, GA. Don't let our students down.. We are voting for Nickie Tillery!

Online story: " A grocery store cashier in the Atlanta area was killed and two other people were wounded Monday in a shooting that followed an argument over wearing face masks in the supermarket, authorities said. " -- Hmmm... I guess, under MSM and Fauci interpretations, that this will be chalked up to another "Covid-19 related death"..

Online headline: "Biden says Republican Party is 'fractured,' thanks to Trump" -- "fractured"? What Trump has brought is unity for the majority of Republicans who are conservatives, and shaken up the RINOs, but what's funny is JoKKKe Biden's "assessment" considering there really isn't a "Democratic Party"... there's only a coalition of single issue driven segments that are currently unraveling..

Online story: "The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled 9-0 that potentially hundreds of low-level crack cocaine offenders cannot benefit under a 2018 federal law that reduced certain prison sentences in part to address racial disparities detrimental to Black defendants." -- You'd think liberals would be ecstatic at the US Supreme Court overruling a Trump signed act...equal treatment for all!

You know, if JoKKKe Biden were really interested in "unity", "bipartisan support" or "working across the aisle", he would at least listen to Republicans...

Good grief! Did you hear France's Macron say he was glad to have a US President "back in the club again"? Whatta @-hole! The world was a better.. safer ..place when Trump put America First!

Well, we've seen/heard about all JoKKKe Biden promised the G7 countries, but there's nothing on his list of things that will benefit America. Gone is "America First"...

And a picture is worth 1'000 words:

Online headline: "Biden slams Republicans while on foreign soil in break with political norms" -- Hmmm You really have to wonder if JoKKKe Biden even knew he was in Europe....

Online headline: "Joe Biden was corrected by Boris Johnson after the president interrupted him at the G7 summit" -- Biden was pathetic... an acting like a kindergartener trying to upstage a teacher...

Online headline: "Kamala Harris becomes 1st sitting vice president to march in Pride parade" -- Hmmm... Maybe we can get the LGBTQIA+ to have a parade at one of our Southern Border cities.

From the "travesty" department - Online story: "Atlanta police held a press conference Monday to provide more information about a shooting at Lenox Square that left a security guard critically injured. * Police believe the two 15-year-olds charged with the crime were trying to get into the Apple store and that the guard may have had keys to get inside. Deputy Chief Charles Hampton Jr. confirmed that the teens did try to get into the Apple store following the shooting. * Both are now in custody on a slew of charges including armed robbery, criminal attempt of murder, aggravated assault, possession of a firearm during a felony, possession of a firearm by a person under age 18 and tampering with evidence. Because they are juveniles, police are not releasing their names." -- "because they are juveniles, police are not releasing their names"? Good grief! There was absolutely NOTHING JUVENILE about what they did, and they shouldn't be treated as such!!!

Online headline: "CNN enthusiastic at Katie Hill possibly running for office again: Don't you want to 'get back in the arena?' * Hill resigned from Congress in 2019 amid ethics probe" -- Good grief! Only a Democrat would feel she could rebound following sexual harassment issues involving an aide and her husband in a 3-way sex party.. with pictures! Of course, what's unethical about this to Democrats...

Online headline: "Colleagues mourn reporter who broke Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting: 'We are all still in shock" -- Another Clinton problem solved by suicide... I guess it's suicide as Bill Clinton might define it .... Sign joins "the list" which include: Epstein, Vince Foster, Paul Tulley, Ed Willey, James Bunch, James Wilson and many others... and if you add the "unexplained "deaths" not ruled "suicides", the Clintons would be on the top of the serial killer list.

Online headline: "Biden says Ukraine hasn't met NATO membership criteria" -- Forget the NATO obligations, what I want to know is whether the Ukraine has paid it's bill on the BILLION DOLLAR LOAN GUARANTEE JoKKKe Biden made to Ukraine's President to get the Atty General going after Hunter Biden fired!

Hallelujah! Fox New's "The Five" is back.. Five candid journalist actually sat down at the same table like normal times. Not having Whine William's in the line up helped as well.

Online headline: "“I’m Back.” With Two Words Kasim Reed Just Entered Atlanta’s Heated Mayor’s Race" -- Seriously.... Atlanta may have it's own version of Wash DC's Mayor Marion Berry

Online headline: "Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms told Iowa Democrats on Sunday "finally help is here" in cheering President Joe Biden's efforts to rescue the nation from an economically crippling COVID-19 pandemic in ways that she said are aiding many Americans and businesses." -- Good grief! This is the one time Democrats and MSM could truthfully blame Trump.. but are trying to sell JoKKKe Biden.. 50 years or so ago, a tsunami hit southeast Asia... America announced it was sending 7 huge cargo ships of rice there in aid. Russia then rushed a small ship of rice there ahead of the American ships... and told the officials at the ports that more was on he way.. a couple of days later, the American ships arrived, and Russia got the credit...

WRCBtv.com headline: "Columbus police say shooting spree was racially motivated" -- First.. is WRBL-TV3 changing it's call letters? Secondly,, where are the "HATE CRIME" charges!

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