Friday, June 11, 2021

 Online headline/story: "Pelosi Steps In After Uproar Over Omar's Latest Comments * In a written statement, Pelosi, D-Calif., said that “drawing false equivalencies between democracies like the U.S. and Israel and groups that engage in terrorism like Hamas and the Taliban foments prejudice and undermines peace and security for all. * “We welcome the clarification by Congresswoman Omar that there is no moral equivalency between the U.S. and Israel and Hamas and the Taliban,” Pelosi continued" --  "Pelosi steps in"? More like PeLOUSY STEPPED IN IT!If PeLOUSY really believed in "peace and security" of America, Omar...  as well as the rest of "the Squad"... would be immediately expelled.. and PeLOUSY would STEP DOWN!


Online headline: "Dem infighting reaches new level after Omar calls colleagues' criticism 'Islamophobic'" -- Of course she calls calls her critics "Islamophobic".. she's an Islamic terrorist supporter.


Talk about being color blind.. the Congress Black Caucus is fighting a Black Republican Congressman, Byron Donalds, R-FL, to keep him out of the CBC.. In other words,  if "you ain't a JoKKKe Democrat,  you ain't a Congressional Black."


Good grief! When JoKKKe Biden was Bleep-Veep Biden, he felt America was the "World's Police Force".. now that Kamala "Chuckles"  Harris has become VP, they believe that America is the "World's Social Worker" and wants to solve 3rd world Central American countries' poverty issues.


From he "see, I told you" department - Online story: "President Biden pledged that the U.S. will donate 500 million additional doses of the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine to COVAX, a global initiative aiming to provide vaccines to developing countries. * “America will be the arsenal of vaccines in our fight against COVID-19, just as America was the arsenal of democracy in World War II,” Biden said. “The United States is providing these half-billion doses with no strings attached.” -- "no strings attached".. besides we know different based on Biden's "quid pro quo" threat to the Ukraine president  to fire the prosecutor looking into Hunter's escapades, not only will there be "strings attached" for other countries, there will be huge "taxes" attached to US Taxpayers.


Looks like China's "investment" in the Biden's  has really paid off! Seems that $400 BILLION... close to half a TRILLION dollars of he "stimulus plan"  has been directed to foreign entities led by China.. you have to wonder whether  Hunter Biden is getting a ton of that money to re-invest... oh.. and whether "the big guy" is getting his 10% cut.


Wow.... Prez JoKKKe has backtracked from naming Russia as our gravest threat to "White Supremacy is our greatest threat to now claiming Climate Change is our greatest threat. To me, America's current greatest threats  are Biden, Harris, and PeLOUSY. On the other hand, what's not a "great threat" to the three of hem are illegal aliens, illegal drugs, rising crime rates, rampant inflation and national debt, or engineered pandemic viruses.


According to recent reports/theories,  the Earth and moon orbit shifts may be the cause of liberals' concerns about "Climate Change", and we haven't heard one liberal offer a plan that would make course corrections for the orbits of the moon and Earth . 


From the " new sequel to 'Catch Me If You Can' movie" department - Online story: "New York City police on Thursday arrested a man for allegedly holding up a Chase Bank – just one day after he was released from custody in another bank heist." -- Good grief! And the sequel's working title is "Release me as soon as you can!".


From the "taking the Donkey by the horns" department - Online headline: "Gov. Abbott says Texas will build border wall amid immigration crisis" -- Yeah! And he should commandeer the illegal aliens that are being shipped around our country by  JoKKKe Biden and put them to work building the wall that should have kept them from entering illegally in the first place.


From the "you gotta be kidding me!" department - Online story: "Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., denounced the "politicization" of government under former President Donald Trump on Thursday after The New York Times reported that the Justice Department targeted records of the communications of key Democratic lawmakers, their aides and family members." Good grief! A Dam Schi** denouncing the "politicization of government" is an absolute oxymoron! If any of his records were gathered, it would be to build a case against him  for politicizing impeachment procedures using the lies he spewed from the House and Committee Floors.


Online headline/story: "Jeffrey Toobin Returns to CNN After Exposing Himself on Zoom Call * Toobin in October was fired from Conde Nast’s The New Yorker after being spotted masturbating on camera during a business call on Zoom" -- I guess Toobin will be a good fit for CNN.. It's commentators get paid for jerking off it's viewers' sense of the truth.


Wow! Murder charges stemming from 42 years ago against a former Tennessee Governor for murder have been filed.. Hey, Bill and Hillary Clinton.. the Tennessee Governor was a Democrat, too,  so all those bodies y'all "buried" may come back to haunt y'all!


Online headline: "Polls: US image abroad has rebounded since Biden took office" -- Yeah,,, "rebounded" to the 2009 "Apology Tour" wimpiness of the Obama bin Biden era..


Online headline/story: "Why Colorado is throwing its doors open to undocumented immigrants" *  Among the new laws is one that removes the phrase “illegal alien” from state documents and replaces it with “worker without authorization”  *  “We can’t just sit around waiting for the federal government to fix our broken immigration system," Polis said at a signing ceremony for a law eliminating the requirement that regulatory agencies verify a person’s immigration status before issuing or renewing a license, certificate or registration. " -- Good grief... Where to start! How a out with eliminating "illegal aliens" and replacing mentions with "immigrants".. How v= can Colorado do this.. "Immigrant" implies that the individual was compliant with all US Immigration laws when he/she first entered our country. Then there's the "We can’t just sit around waiting for the federal government to fix our broken immigration system" statement.. Hey, Gov Polis.. how about sitting down with Colorado's Congressional delegation and demand they carry out what's best for Colorado citizens versus whatever PeLOUSY tells them to do> Oh.. and this one takes the cake, "a law eliminating the requirement that regulatory agencies verify a person’s immigration status before issuing or renewing a license, certificate or registration".. How can Colorado register ANYONE to vote without asking about their citizenship... that's a US Constitutional issue!!!

Oh, and maybe one of JoKKKe Biden's "handlers" should hand deliver  a copy of this to Gov Polis: " An unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday that thousands of people living in the U.S. for humanitarian reasons are ineligible to apply to become permanent residents.: 


Antonio Brown.. there, I've "said his name".. now, all those that "demanded" that, I want you to "State his Record"! The man was fleeing arrest on the latest of his 30 years of crimes.. 


Will.. actually.. "CAN" any school board member in affected districts explain this to me: Transgender bathroom and locker room policies "to providing an equitable, safe and inclusive working environment regardless of "sexual orientation, gender identity"> Question: How does this provide "an equitable, safe and inclusive working environment" to girls .. or boys... who abide by the gender they were created with.. 


You know.. to be a "transgender", you cannot believe in God.. God made us perfect, also, and has a path designed for each of us... and plans... "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" individual believing he or she can undo God's work on a whim has no faith...


Online headline: "Alabama close to completing nitrogen gas death chamber" -- Great move, Alabama... now even the "Green Movement", the eco-freaks.. or even organics lobby won't  have an argument!


Online headline: "Take That, Chick-fil-A: Burger King Unveils New Gay Chicken Sandwich For Pride With Proceeds Benefiting HRC" -- Whatta grandstand play!  Why not just change it's name to Burger Queen.. or for reality sake, just make a quiet donation rather than trying to capitalize on political aspects. 


Online headline: "Potatoes for McDonald's fries are reportedly grown on Bill Gates' farmland in fields so vast that you can see them from space" -- Hmmm and in Washington State.. not Idaho... his explains why I think that McDonald's current French Fry" offerings taste like they have "crashed and burned".


Online headline: "Georgia Sec of State: 200 cases of fraud in Georgia but nothing widespread" --  Good grief! Raffensperger should be VERY concerned that any fraud was exposed.. some voter fraud is like being only  "a little bit pregnant".. given time, it becomes a full-blown entity..


President Trump has been FULLY exonerated by the Inspector General as being the instigator of the clearing of Lafayette Park "so he could stage a photo-OP" at St John's Church. The truth was that the Washington Parks Department ordered the park cleared because  it needed to move the White House Security fences back because of the VIOLENT Antifa and BLM protests from the night before. In other words, Speaker of the House PELOUSY and Washington DC Mayor "Woof Woof" Bowser had to make that decision. Now, who's lining up on the left to apologize to President Trump and America? 


I still find it strange that the only reason the Senate has a 50/50 split is that 2 'Independents" are included with 48 Socialist-Democrats. In my book, until the two independents change party affiliation.. and run for... and win.. re-election as Socialist-Democrats, the Republican leader should  be recognized as the Senate Leader. 


Online headline: "Biden admin officials ‘perplexed’ at Harris’ performance during Central America trip" -- "Perplexed"? How about "awakened"!  She was only selected for her gender and skin color, not her character. 


The May numbers are in!  Another 180,000-plus illegal border crossings... that we know of! That's more than 500,000 in 3 months... and these reported figures do not include the illegal aliens that crossed who didn't want to turn themselves into our Border Agents.

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