Friday, July 21, 2023

 Think about what happened yesterday when the House Democrats badgered Robert F. Kennedy, Jr... Kennedy was speaking about the censorship of opinion in media, and the Democrats on that committee wanted to reconvene in a private setting so they could keep Kennedy's opinion off the air.. The Dems on the Committee investigating censorship wanted to censor the testifying opinion of Kennedy! Heil Debbie Wasserman Schultz!

What I prognosticated months ago is pretty evident now… The Democrats do not want to deal with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.. because to do so, the progressives have to open too many cans of worms they don't want to deal with... like JFK's moderate policies and tax cuts... and his internal assassination.. RFK, Sr's Muslim assassination, and Dr. King, Jr's Democrat assassination... Yep... and the House Democrats sent out a warning shot to every other Democrat that either fall in line, or be destroyed.
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz ... Why is she even in Congress anymore?.. She shamed herself within the Democratic Party structure in 2016 as the Chair of the DNC when she colluded with Hellary to insure her nomination as the Democrat Party Presidential candidate to the point her peers were shouting "Shame" and forced her to resign. Well, she "shamed" herself again attacking Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. yesterday in the Congressional hearings. It's time for her to resign from the Democrats.. and American politics to insure open discussions in the future.
As expected: I watched the opening statement of NBC Nightly B-News at 6:30 last night… and not one word was mentioned in the “contents disclosure” that Robert F. Kennedy or Debbie Wasserman Schultz had “spoken” to each other most of the day…Lester Holt has six hands.. two to cover his eyes, two to cover his ears, and two to flip his middle fingers at America when he speaks.
Democrats love the word “Bidenomics”, but have no real clue as to what it is... the best example of Bidenomics is a street scene of homeless encampments in major cities.
Does anyone know if Robert F Kennedy, Jr has a medical situation that has affected his voice.. or is he just hoarse from constantly yelling into the DNC’s face?
I 'm referring specifically about Rep Stacey Plaskett, D-Virgin Islands, but why are ceremonial, non-voting Representatives of one of our territories even on a House Investigative Committee?
Online headline/story: “Biden admin unveils sweeping new actions increasing costs for oil, gas leasing * "would make oil and gas leasing on public land more costly for for developers", but "would ensure fair return to taxpayers"? -- Good grief! Adding "costs" at the lowest levels of the production cycle "INSURES" progressively HIGHER prices at all levels and even more at the pump! The taxpayers are getting screwed! THIS…. is “Bidenomics”!
Online headline: “Majority of college students favor reporting professors for ‘offensive’ opinions” -- Sounds like the Socialist-Democratic Party has reached its Hitleresque goal... turning the youth into "Brown Shirt" snitches!

Hmmm… Democrat Representative Jamie Raskin of Maryland has carried his Covid-19 “protection a step too far..Though now free from cancer, he wore a cloth “mask” on his head… I guess he now feels protected from new and accurate information entering his brain as he embarrassed himself in the House Democrats’ scourge of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Online headline: “ 'Dead as fried chicken.' Senate panel approves Supreme Court ethics measure” -- And I think the Supreme Court should send Congress a message... threaten an absolute veto of their bill ... unless they also pass a TERM LIMITS Bill for themselves!
Online headline: “ Murkowski: If 2024 match-up is between Biden, Trump then ‘I would go with Joe Manchin’” – Hmmm… If she doesn't feel she can vote "for" Trump or Biden, then she ought to put HERSELF into the choices as an alternative... not say she's going to vote for somebody else as a protest vote!
Online headline: “State elections board investigation reveals mistakes in Fulton County's 2020 audit” -- If any fraud is noted, then the depth of the fraud cannot be written off as "not enough to make a difference". Raffensperger ADMITS the Dominion Voting machines are HACKABLE, but won’t fix the problems! Impeach him!
Both Stanford and Harvard have announced resignations of high officials because they published misinformation (In other words, LIED) in papers they wrote.. Parents… or loan providers ought to get reimbursed!
Online headline: “Cathy Williams on NeighborWorks Columbus, GA & Elliot's Walk” -- I wish Williams would define "affordable housing".. and if she even hints that it must include government supplement or participation, then she doesn't grasp what “affordable housing” is.

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