Tuesday, July 25, 2023

 The Democrats shook our the worms of some of their old dead wood trying to act like A "No Labels" candidacy by RFK, Jr would harm Biden's chances. Former House Minority Leader a generation ago, Dick Gephardt, was on Fox News as a “contributor” cursing RFK, Jr trying to undermine the Socialist-Democrats by “taking votes away” from Biden.. Hey, Gephardt’s “JOB” was to make sure Independents and anti-Trumpers who might not vote at all in a Trump-Biden rematch would be encouraged to get out and vote for RFK …

Online story: “Louis Snipe admires President Biden. He has a much different opinion of Grandpa Joe Biden. * Snipe, a Lyft driver who spent years repairing pool tables for work, credits Biden for rebuilding the economy and restoring dignity to the White House.” – “credits Biden for rebuilding the economy and restoring dignity to the White House”? This is why Biden will get 43-44% of the vote, and why he will ONLY get 43-44% of the vote.. so a 3rd Party candidate is very important to re-electing Biden…

Remember Carlee Russell… the Alabama woman who falsely claimed to see a toddler on the side of the road and stopped to help… but was kidnapped herself? Now the rest of the story has come out, and none of the above happened.. Well, some $63,000.00 was donated to “Crime Stoppers” in reward money for tips bring the “ghost perpetrator(s) to justice” for something that didn’t happen… and “Crime Stoppers” does not want to refund the donations to the concerned givers.. Remember that the next time when you feel the need to help in a situation like this… “Defund Crime Stoppers”!

Hey, Columbus GA Council! The next time the GA DOT encourages y’all to renew the 10 year, $400,000,000.00 T-SPLOST, tell’em “NO!” If you want another T-SPLOST, make it one that repairs and maintains our own streets, not just the state maintained ones that zip Harris County residents back home from their Columbus jobs…

You know... any lawyer elected to Congress should know what our Constitution is, and how it works, and how it's changed. Therefore, any lawyer who becomes a Congressperson and violates the oath he/she swore to uphold our Constitution.. in any way... should be impeached and banned from the legal and political professions.... forever!

Hmmm… Greta Thunberg got arrested in Sweden for disobeying a police order… Hmm.. she ought get arrested for obeying whatever John Kerry or Algore tell her to do…

Hmmm… I think one of the older sit-coms needs a 21st Century spinoff.. “Stalag 17” would be a natural to highlight Sgt Schultz… working title should be “Stalag 1600 Pennsylvania Ave”

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