Wednesday, July 26, 2023

 Well.. today's the day.. the day when a judge rules on the sweetheart plea bargain deal the DOJ offered Garland's boss' son... Hopefully, said judge has been listening to the news and commentary about it and will throw it out...

Online headline: “Georgia’s transportation chief is set to get another $100,000 raise” -- hmmm.. a 22% raise… gee.. how “insensitive” of what average Georgian workers will get for a raise… if any… next year? Oh! Wonder how much of that is paid out of the 10 year/$400 Million Dollar T-SPLOST we Muscogee Countians. are chipping in?

Online headline/story: “Superintendent spends $12 million to hire administrators, despite DeKalb County needing 400 teachers * Horton faced a lot of criticism when the school board first hired him a couple of months ago, ,mostly questioning his ability to lead a district as large as Dekalb County * Now, he’s facing even more criticism from teachers for spending $12 million on adding 70 new administrative positions but not one dime spent on teacher recruitment when the county is short 400 teachers.” -- $12 Million for 70 new hires.. that’s over $170,000.00 per person… hmmmm.... wonder how "diversely" the $12 Million was spread about.

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We can look back now that China leads Asia in missile development, and remember that it was President Bill Clinton who SOLD America’s technology for ICBM missiles to China back in the mid-1990s that previous presidents bent over backwards to keep such info out of China's hands. Clinton did so on a "quid pro quo" basis for all the illegal backdoor funding China provided for his election… Remember Yah-Lin “Charlie” Trie?

Online headline/story: “‘Categorically false’: Black member of Florida curriculum group fires back at Kamala Harris’ criticism * A prominent civil rights figure who helped craft Florida’s African American history standards has blasted Vice President Kamala Harris’ assessment of the curriculum as “categorically false.” * Dr. William Allen, former chairman of the US Commission on Civil Rights, says Harris was way off when she claimed in a speech last week that the standards suggested slavery was beneficial to black Americans. * It was never said that slavery was beneficial to Africans * He and another member of the working group, Dr. Frances Rice, added in a joint statement, “Florida students deserve to learn how slaves took advantage of whatever circumstances they were in to benefit themselves and the community of African descendants.” -- You know, none of the truth will make it to CNN, but.. if Drs Allen and Rice agreed with Chuckles Harris, both would be be all over the CNN, MSNBC, and MSM talk show tour…

Resident Biden chirped in to agree with Harris on the slavery error… Well, Biden was right for a change. we do need to know history... but the complete history.. not the version his education curriculum edits. Biden and Harris conducted a memorial dedication to Emmett Till, and it caused mixed emotions to Till's relatives and older Black citizens in attendance... ... two Democrats trying to wiggle out of being the reason Till was killed.. yep, Democrats WERE the Jim KKKrow reason of his death.

In the same ceremony, VP Chuckles Harris says "we" will be stronger only if "we" remember the past.... Sorry Chuckles... that's only half the equation... We have to remember what changes have made a difference of what the past was.
Online headline: “Biden’s dog Commander has bitten Secret Service officers 10 times in four months, records show” – And who is surprised… the dog is a quick learning, specially trained creature who has been exposed to a master who SNAPS at every journalist who asks him questions about his son and their business dealings..

Online headline: “Chicago boy, 10, fires shot at police officers called to scene after youth opens fire inside a home” -- What a tragedy! A 10 year old, so poisoned by family and friends, that he had no remorse at opening fire on police officers coming to answer a call.

Online headline: “Female Democratic lawmakers team up with VoteVets to knock Tuberville hold on military promotions” -- The simple solution... all along ... was to propose a single purpose bill restricted to the military promotions.. Tuberville had no qualms with that, but he should be applauded for bringing the OTHER PORK "amendments" into the spotlight!

From the "Joke of the Day" department - Online headline: "Hillary Clinton blames 'MAGA Republicans' for making it hot outside" -- Hmmm...seems to me Hellary's constant expulsion of HOT AIR has more effect on the heat than any Republicans'

Online headline: “State Department says 'no new communications' between US, North Korea over soldier Travis King” – Hmmm… sounds like a sequel to the Bowe Bergdahl scandal back in 2014 when Obama/Biden “fawned” all over this traitor…

Online story: “Rep. Stephanie Bice, R-Okla, vice chair of the House GOP's Main Street Caucus, cited watchdog group OpenTheBooks’s findings that said the IRS spent almost $10 million on weapons, ammunition and military-style gear since 2020. That is out of $35.2 million, adjusted for inflation, spent since 2006, according to the report.” – Good grief! Seriously… why does the IRS NEED its own “assault team”? Other than convicted felons, the last people in the world I want knocking on my door are armed agents who’ve been stooped over a desk all day “crunching numbers”! Surely, on an “as needed basis”, the Treasury Department could request a security team from the Secret Service to assist IRS if needed..

Online “headLIE”: “I’m a New Democrat and we have the key to a strong economy” – Good grief! Her naive excitement over only 3% inflation is because she has no clue that this 3%; is ON TOP of last year’s 9% increase!

From the “quid pro Joe” department – Online story: “Hunter Biden’s artwork has reportedly brought in at least $1.3 million and one of the buyers was a prominent Democratic donor who was appointed by President Biden to a prestigious commission. * Documents obtained by Business Insider showed that the buyer is Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a real estate investor from Los Angeles. * Naftali is a prominent Democratic donor, having donated more than $200,000 to the Biden Victory Fund during the 2020 election cycle and over $30,000 to the Democratic National Committee this year. She also maxed out to the Biden campaign with two $3,300 donations in April of this year.” – Just a coincidence? I don’t think so….

Online headline: ‘Karine Jean-Pierre claims Biden 'was never in business' with Hunter: 'Goalposts shifted'” – Hmmm… Semantics rule! Now the denial will be different from Resident Biden never having discussed Hunter's businesses to simply his name is not officially on any business documents with Hunter.

Online story: “Without spoilers, the possible error is evident during a scene where Oppenheimer, played by Murphy, walks into an auditorium in Los Alamos, New Mexico, where most of the film takes place, to address an enthusiastic crowd. * The rally attendees are standing, cheering, and waving American flags that have 50 stars. However, the scene takes place in 1945 — when the American flag had 48 stars as Alaska and Hawaii had not yet become states.” – 50 star flags in 1945? This is another reason why liberals and Hollywood do not need to be in charge of our nation’s history being taught to our children in school….Wonder if any of the armed actors bothered to check our whether their guns were loaded or not?

Yes! 200 school districts are suing Social Media Giants (Facebook, et al) because of the disciplinary problems they cause at schools.... Hmmm... you know, schools could simply take charge and not allow students to take/use cellphones inside school buildings.

Online headline: “Photos show Hunter Biden in dad's Corvette at Delaware home on same day as 'shakedown' message * Biden shouted 'No!' when asked whether he was with son during alleged 2017 discussion” – Hmmm… looks like “the Big Guy” has been simultaneously caught in TWO lies… this one, and the one that he said he was the only person who drives his Corvette.. Oh.. am I missing something… but how many Dad’s would knowingly allow their cocaine addict son drive their 60s Corvette?

Have you noticed... that the more attention MSM pays to RFK, Jr and Donald Trump, there's less attention paid to the economy, the border, Biden's health and poll numbers, China, Iran, and Russia/Ukraine…. Or Hunter and the ongoing Congressional hearings? Hey... It's not by accident

Online headline: “Columbus PD: 77-year-old woman (and her dog) killed in Wedell Drive stabbing, investigation underway” -- 27th homicide by had weapon, 12 vehicular homicides, 2 found corpses that death cause is still pending, and a huge bad of miscellaneous humans…

Online headline: ‘Columbus councilor, and chief judge react to news that Judicial Center projected costs rising, design changes being made” -- Good grief! When Council gets involved in "making sure a design is functional" rather than telling the Architect to use his/her knowledge and skills to accomplish the same thing, we can expect the same as the old Government Center and the J R Allen Parkway entry/exit ramp system... the state's original Parkway design was altered to cater to the “then” Columbus Council's ego.

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