Monday, July 31, 2023

 Online headline: “Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes acknowledges it's 'clear' Hunter Biden broke the law: 'Should be held accountable'” -- Yes, it is clear, but the Democrats who admit this aren't interested in bringing Resident Biden and his family to Justice. No, he only want to get JoKKKe Biden and Chuckles out of the 2024 picture so he can shake their stigma crippling his own re-election.

I was somewhat taken aback by our Mayor's comment about the Ralston Housing situation being something he "inherited" indicating that he sorta seemed to wanna wash his hands of it... but he cannot say that the Columbus GA Police staff shortages are something he "inherited".. He was a Councilor when the 2008 Public Safety LOST was presented by Council to correct a 100 person "need" within the Columbus GA Police Department, and now he been the Head of Public Safety for 5 years and not only have we not gotten those 100 more police officers, now it's apparent we need even more. Hope the Police Chief Headhunter informs all the candidates that the Mayor/City Manager haven't been that supportive of helping the Police Chief's primary issues.

Online headline: “Hunter Logan birdies final hole to win 94th Southeastern Amateur” --
The Southeastern Amateur Invitational is special in our family. My Dad won it in 1933 and 1935, and my brother won it in 1981 and 1987. They are the only father and son champions. To boot, in 1933, when the tournament was “match play, my 16 year old dad bet HIS DAD, aged 49 at the time, in the finals..

Online headline: “Trump’s former intel director: ‘There are people in prison’ for taking classified docs home” -- Yes, tis true… very true .. but Donald Trump was still President when he left the White House, and had the power.. and discretion ... to declare a document status to whatever he wanted it to be. On the other hand, when Sen/VP Biden took classified documents home, he had no such authorization, power, or discretion. Biden SHOULD BE in jail!

Online headline: “New Yorkers fed up after sex workers allegedly ask kids to hand out business cards, taxi driver is beaten” – Hmmm Looks like “No Cash Bail” covers molesters and pedophiles just as well.

Online headline: “ Legal expert: Judge who blocked Hunter Biden deal was "only person" who "did her job properly" – hmmm….I hope the judge orders a Special Prosecutor to prosecute the Delaware prosecutor!

Online headline: “GOP presidential candidate, Trump critic Will Hurd booed off stage at Iowa event” -- "William Hurd"? ..Hmmm.. from now on, William Hurd will be remembered as "William T***"....

Online headline/story: “Biden panned for 'Friday night news dump' acknowledging 7th grandchild to People mag: 'Absolutely disgusting' * Weeks after his son Hunter Biden settled his court battle with the mother of their 4-year-old child Navy Joan, the president offered an exclusive statement to the magazine, commenting on Navy's existence for the very first time after years of claiming he had only six grandchildren. * "Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward * "This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy." – “including Navy”? What a hypocrite! Navt should have been included in the first part of the statement when he said, “Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren”…

Online headline: “Harris slammed for saying most can’t afford a $400 surprise expense: ‘Yeah, that’s called Bidenomics’” – Good grief! Chuckles finally says something truthful, and MSM and the Democrat Party all ballistic on her!

Online headline”: “Sparks fly at hearing on Georgia Power project that could stick ratepayers with Plant Vogtle tab” – “could stick ratepayers with Plant Vogtle tab”? Good grief! We’ve been paying this all along! .. now GAPowCo wants to “double dip”!

Online story: “Justice Alito says he voluntarily follows disclosure statutes that apply to lower-court judges and executive-branch officials; so do the other justices. But he notes that “Congress did not create the Supreme Court”—the Constitution did. “I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it,” he says. “No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court—period.” – Hmmm… you know.. any Congressman who votes on anything contrary to Judge Alito’s statement should be expelled from Congress as underserving of serving the people!

After 20 years, and numerous “nudges by yours truly, our neighborhood streets are getting resurfaced… a crew showed up unexpectedly on Friday afternoon (and are back this Monday morning), and when questioned, a crew member told me that, “We were on River Road, and decided we would come take care of this… we don’t get to North Columbus (GA) very often”… I muttered under my breath… “tell me about it”.. Anyway, despite the lack of prior knowledge, we are tickled to get our neighbor hood streets looking worthy again….

Online “headLIE”: “White House agrees to accept more foreign nationals living in Mexico as refugees” – Good grief! Resident Biden isn’t inviting.. much less allowing.. any of those refugees to live in the White House with him!

Online headline/story: “AOC's campaign keeps paying Chinese foreign agent, FEC filings show * The New York Democrat's campaign paid $442 to Sing Tao Newspapers May 25 for print advertisements, according to her campaign's records. * While a small expense, Ocasio-Cortez's committee appears to be the only one to place advertisements in the paper during the second quarter. Her campaign previously sent $5,000 to the company for the same purpose. * Sing Tao U.S. is a subsidiary of the Hong Kong-based Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd. In August 2021, the Justice Department required the Chinese-owned entity to register as a Chinese foreign agent as tensions rose between Washington and Beijing.” – Hmmm… maybe the House Oversight Committee ought to be looking closer at AOC’s campaign donation lists and IRS forms….
Online story: “Roy McGrath died on April 4 near Knoxvillle, Tennessee, a former Maryland political aide who failed to appear for his trial on federal corruption charges died after suffering two gunshot wounds — one of them self-inflicted — as FBI agents closed in on him in Tennessee, according to an autopsy report made public Friday. * "One of the gunshot wounds was self-inflicted and the other gunshot wound was not * "Simultaneously, McGrath fired his gun striking his right temple, and the agent fired one round striking McGrath’s left cheek.” – Hmmm… another death directed by the FBI… hmmm.. perhaps an independent forensic exam will disclose if the “self-inflicted one” was fired post mortem….

Online headline: “New York, California lost more tax income than every other state as people fled liberal enclaves” – Wow! Records show that more than 2 Million one-way U-Hauls have left California… and that doesn’t include the wealthy who get moving companies to do all the work…

Wow! Mastercard is gonna stop processing transactions for marijuana sales. This is gonna destroy marijuana stores in college towns when students can't use their daddies' credit/debit cards…. That, or marijuana stores will just install “banks” of ATMs close to the cash registers….
You know... maybe the concept of "Climate Change" is God's way of telling liberals that trying to control the weather via legislation and/or "green energy" ain't gonna happen or work.. this is HIS domain..
Good grief! A NYC "Assemblyman" was on the news because she's going write a letter to the President to get 'migrants' (ILLEGAL ALIENS) to be able to get jobs so they can support themselves..... DOH! Webster's Dictionary will have a picture of her as the example of "Stupid" in its future editions! If she wants something done, then she oughta write Schumer, D-NY, to stop the illegal aliens at our border, and speed up the deportations of those already in our country!
Online headline: “Biden admin withholding key funding for schools with hunting, archery programs” – Hmmm…. Hmmm.. and who expected Biden “not to”? When was the last time you saw … or heard… hi “shoot straight” about anything?

Online headline: “Hunter Biden remains 'good standing' member of DC Bar despite facing criminal charges” – Wow! And we wonder why Trump calls Washington a “swamp”.

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