Monday, July 10, 2023

 I've been out of town... Quick.. somebody let me know if Resident Biden reached God in time to Save the Queen!?

Whew! We're back from Florida's Gulf Coast after a week of vacation with our children and grandchildren... and we need another week of 2-person vacation to recover! But it was wonderful!!!

The best part of the Court decision concerning collusion between the White House and Social Media giants was banning government from invoking opinion constraints on private industry... the worst part of the situation was that private Social Media industry was EAGER to comply with government orders.

The Constitution defines the duties and restrictions of each Constitutionally established branch of government. The Legislative Branch proposes and words such bills, the Executive Branch signs them into law or rejects them. Once enacted, then.. and only then does the Supreme Court become the decider about questions of a laws for with the Constitution our Founders fought and died for to give us freedoms no other country exceeds. There should be no politics .. nor political leanings in the Justices decisions.

Online headline: "Liberals from Cori Bush to Ben & Jerry's attack US on July 4th: 'Stolen land,' 'gleeful white supremacist'" -- Hmmm... I'm wondering... Do Cori Bush and AOC and the CBC and the other non-White Democrats feel White Democrats... founded in the Jim Crow South of the last century... are not white supremacists?
Columbus GA Ledger-Enquirer headline/story: "How Muscogee school district rates under superintendent and how has he lasted 10 years? * The national average for the length of a school district superintendent’s tenure is considered around three years . This month marks 10 years since the Muscogee County School District board hired David Lewis to lead the system of nearly 30,000 students and more than 5,000 employees. * MCSD’s graduation rate has improved from 72.8% in 2013 to 92.04% in 2022, * In third-grade English language arts, 30% of students were at least proficient in 2015, 34% in 2019 and 27.7% in 2022. In third-grade math, 33% of students were at least proficient in 2015, 37.6% in 2019 and 27.6% in 2022."-- If you've ever wondered what I mean't when I said, "From the "Numbers don't lie, but liars figure a lot department" this MCSD report should be the example in Webster's Dictionary. First.. When he got here, there were 32,000, students in the public system, and less than 4,000 school personnel...Secondly, When he got here, graduation tests were required and now they aren't, and thirdly, students not reading at third grade level when they finish third grade will not get a quality education...

It's no mystery why so many teachers are leaving each year... The system allows...even entices teachers to "retire" after 29 -30 years when they are just entering what are their most valuable years.
Dr Jill Biden told a crowd of unionized teachers that her husband is "the Education President".....hmmmm...well, we know that's not true, and like every other program he's had his fingers in, he's getting a grade of "F".

Online "headLIE": "Zelensky pans Trump’s claim of ending war with Russia in 24 hours" -- Good grief.. what else can Zelensky say? Kissing Biden's arse is the only way Ukraine gets any weapons. And don't forget, Biden did the same "quid pro Joe" with the former Ukraine President by blackmailing him with holding up a BILLION Dollar loan if he didn't fore the Ukraine AG who was investigating Hunter

"Judicial Activism"? That's what the the CNN cabal has decided to call decisions of the Supreme Court that protect the integrity of the Constitution..... Wow...CNN would not even be in existence in a country that meets their ideals

Online headline: 'Janet Yellen awkwardly bows to CCP official during Beijing trip: 'Optics the Chinese love': -- Good grief! The most embarrassing public gesture by an American official since Obama's "Apology Tour"! Even sadder is that Yellen&Hollering was the Biden's personal messenger to Xi.
Have you seen the new quarters since Biden's been in office? The Republican vs Democrat quarter...... On the older quarters, George Washington looks RIGHT for America's future....but with Biden in office, Washington looks LEFT in stark disbelief!

Online headline/story: "U.S. opens new legal path for Central American, Colombian immigrants * To qualify for the program, migrants must have U.S. ties." -- Hmmm.. WHOA! How about ties with family which have become legal American citizens... and the families be fiscally responsible for themselves.

Online "headLIE": "Biden journeys through Europe ahead of NATO summit" -- "journeys"? How about "wanders"???? Heard rumors that the Secret Service has given him a new "code name"... "Where's Wal-Joe"

Online headline: " Stephenson resigns from PGA Tour board over ‘serious concerns’ about Saudi deal, according to report" -- Hmmm...if Stephenson has so much moral issue that Khashoggi's death rules his direction, how could he also support Biden...or the Clintons?

Online headline: "DNC chair calls moving up South Carolina primary ‘best indicator’ of eventual nominee" -- I'm curious as to why taxpayers pay for primary election costs... The primaries are private entity concerns, and the parties should pay for them.

Online headline: " Christie calls estimates of Trump rally crowd size ‘absurd’" -- Hmmm...sounds like Jealousy has reared it's ugly head...hmm..or maybe it has reared it's ugly "rear".

Online headline: 'Georgia Public Service Commission, the state agency that has FAILED to protect ratepayers in Georgia, has a new chair" -- A good start would be to make it illegal for any employee (or their family members) to be able to donate to or vote in a PSC election... And the same for school board elections.. school personnel and their families should not be able to vote for who controls their paychecks... the same for city/county employees and Mayor/Council...

Online "headLIE": "NBC meteorologist cites controversial UN study claiming extreme heat will make US south unlivable for humans" -- convenient...making an unsustainable statement of fact (a.k.a. an Algorism.) that he won't still be alive in 2070 when people try to ask him to 'splain'.

While we were gone, I read that an outburst of gunshots occurred at Edgewood Rd and Hilton Avenue in Columbus, GA... details were sketchy and haven't seen any updates... Anybody got more details to share...

Went into a Columbus GA convenience store while buying gas, and it had "bud... light" banners around the entire store... Most even associated with the Atlanta Falcons... good try, Bud-weasel, but this ain't gonna work fact, Atlanta Falcons ticket sales are probably gonna suffer, too

Good grief.. just in the last month, Biden has exposed the White House to topless trannies, flown our flag diminished by a decadent group, and been resident when cocaine was found on premise.

Of course the Biden's weren't at the White House when cocaine was found...well at least they weren't there when it was ANNOUNCED cocaine was found.... but either way, it's obvious that the Biden's were there when the cocaine was left there.

Online headline: "Ex-Walmart CEO predicts when US will see high prices drop
Bill Simon argues inflation continues to have ‘much bigger impact’ on US wallets than looming recession" -- Hmmm... Wonder if Walmart executives are regretting backing Biden?

Who does Mike Pence think he is? He's certainly not a true presidential candidate... he's basically a former Indiana governor who got picked by Trump for a VP candidate, but no other Republican would have picked him....

Have you seen the AARP commercial that says, according to a paid AARP spokesman, "You can trust AARP with your Social Security"...Well, just moments before that, the same spokesman just said that if if you don't like positions the AARP takes on other issues, you can trust AARP on Social Security so don't worry about the other issues ... Hmmm ..a play right out of the Democrat Agenda Playbook... Dems say don't worry about Border Security, illegal aliens, rampant drugs , soaring crime, rising inflation, or a failing education system, vote for us because we make promises we can't nor plan to keep on abortion rights and student loans. Don't trust the AARP or the Democrats... The AARP donated exclusively to Democrats.

The latest SCOTUS rulings on affirmative action and student loans just proves how Democrats have victimized their voter base... none of them feels they are able to be successful on their own.

Hmm.. and now Democrats want to lower the voting age to 16.. Hmmm... guess they figure that can buy the high school vote by promising CAR LOAN FORGIVENESS if they vote Democrat...

Presidential "JoKKKe" of the year: Biden says he's gonna get students better prepared for student loans .. Hmmm...well it WAS his and Obama's public school curriculum that dumbed-down reading, math, and history that would prepare students better, so it looks like Biden needs to revert back to the "3Rs" and drop the social issue courses that victimized every student.

Inquiring minds want to know: With all the "transgender" discussions on air, I have a couple of questions that I haven't heard addressed...... 1- If one of the husbands in a gay marriage died, would the survivor be a widow or widower? and 2 - If one husband in a gay marriage becomes a transgender woman, does the marriage then become heterosexual?
You know it's coming.... the Republicans being blamed for not canceling student debt and the Republican House for not passing a law to authorize, and knowing that even IF the House passed such a law, Resident Jo-KKK-e Biden and the Democrats will then claim all the credit for it...

There's now a lot of "interest" in stopping China from purchasing American farmland, but little notice has been made..or mentioned.. of the American food processing companies now controlled by China... The scariest one is Smithfield... a Virginia meat processing company...and I believe the largest in the world .. think about how easy China could wage war against a sole country ..or the world... by simply adding Wuhan Lab created viruses to the famous brands of meat products produced by Smithfield.

Now that the US Supreme Court has eliminated discrimination, now it needs to eliminate segregation...and racial exclusion.. starting with the Congressional BLACK Caucus, and Black Lives Matter.

It's amazing... Amazing how the MSM and Democrats blame Republicans for going after Hunter Biden's illegal gun purchase... Dems say it's only because he's Resident Biden's son. Hmmm..'s about Democrats just not enforcing all the laws they pushed for to get tighter control of gun purchasing!

Amazing... the Supreme Court agreed with Queen PeLOUSY about the President... ANY President.. not having the the power to forgive student loans, and you didn't see any MSM news anchor played that video clip.

At least three more gun homicides occurred in Columbus, GA while we were out-of-town... and that looks like were up to 24 via weapons, 12 vehicular homicides, 2 "found" bodies that have been publicly assigned a death reason , and that huge and mysterious "bag o' human bones"...

From the "Number 1 to DONE!" department - Online headline: "Bud Light no longer ranks among America's top 10 beers" -- Wow! Betcha Budweiser is "WOKE" now.

More went on while we were gone, but I'll catch up more tomorrow

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