Thursday, August 3, 2023

Online “headLIE”: “Ossoff bills vital to passage of Defense Authorization Act” – Hmmm… like all Democrats, Ossoff tries to convince the Democrat base that he's funding his bills out of his own pocket rather than telling the Dem Base Voters he's taking it out of THEIR pockets.

Online headline: “Supreme Court Redistricting Decision Could Cost Republicans More House Seats” -- "Could cost Republicans"? It should be against the law for a "journalist" to use the word "could" in a news story/headline! If changes are made in Districting that follow non-political favoritism, it "COULD" actually create more Republican representatives..


Online headline: “Why potential Trump charges in Fulton could have staying power” -- There's that word again.. "COULD". Well, for that matter, all the ballot manipulators "COULD" be held responsible... but we know that's not going to happen.... either.

Online headline: “Renewed call for paper ballots in Georgia flares up at crowded State Election Board meeting” -- Raffensperger KNOWS the Dominion System is prone to being hacked, but still is using the system. Impeach Raffensperger!


Online headline: “How did Columbus area school districts do on the newest state tests? Here are the scores” -- You know, while "improvement" is an important aspect, it really means very little compared to having our students DEEMED to o have exceeded the state's minimum levels considered "passing". Now, annual improvements showing increases in the number of students PASSING the state minimum passing scores would be something to get excited about.

Online headline: “ Columbus Technical College unveils ‘Thrashing’ new mascot” –Hmmm ... while the Brown Thrasher is the State Bird of GA, this "blue/green Thrasher mascot" hardly represents one.. in fact, since Columbus Tech is a vocational institute...(and a very good and needed entity in Columbus, GA)... but it has no sports teams that need a mascot .. so what this shows is somebody just wildly spent money that could have gone to a better educational purpose..

Online headline: “Operation Homefront provides school essentials to Fort Moore families” – Hmmm… $60,000,000.00 to fill 550,000 backpacks with some notebooks, pencils, and crayons.... hmmmm... that's over $109.00 PER backpack....and since it’s a non-profit, all the dollars not spent on school supplies goes into someone's pocket. Media needs to ask the right questions before retelling a story.

Online headline: “Fort Moore announces August firing schedule” -- long as a "firing schedule" is being discussed, maybe a schedule of the firing of the people responsible for "canceling history" should be the first "firing" on the schedule.

Online headline: “Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp dangles the possibility of increased state spending after years of surpluses” -- Yes...Kemp "COULD" spend like a drunken sailor... or he COULD do the RIGHT THING and reduce taxes and the unsustainable surplus so state revenues would reflect the actual growth rate.

Online headline: “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, wife of 18 years announce separation” – Hmmm… maybe, after all these years, we can find out all the donors.. and amounts…who sent money to the Clinton Foundations opened in Canada r[to keep such info out of the public eye/

Online story: “Then-Vice President Mike Pence took "contemporaneous notes" of his conversations with Donald Trump in the days before the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, Special Counsel Jack Smith's indictment of the former president revealed Tuesday. “ – Hmmm… Two questions: “Did Pence take “contemporaneous notes" of his conversations with Donald Trump throughout his time as VP?”, and “Did Pence have any eyewitness support of his claim that the “contemporaneous notes” were taken as spoken or later at a more convenient time?”. Both are very valid questions since Pence is an announced seeker of the Republican nomination and is very desperate for media attention.


You know, even though the “polls” mainly compare “Biden vs Trump”, Biden doesn’t really matter.. whoever the Democrats have on the ballot, he/she will get 43% of the overall which is the Democrat base who will vote for any candidate.. dead or alive… on the ballot with a “D” beside the name..

Online headline: “CNN reporter burglarized a third time while covering rampant crime in the Bay Area” – I gotta ask… did CNN or MSNBC cover the story any of the 3 times she was robbed?

Talk about a policy condemnation… what will Mayorkas, Biden, Schumer, and Jeffries say about finally building the WALL on our Southern Border?

Online headline: “Kamala Harris turns down DeSantis invitation to discuss Florida curriculum” –- Wow! Chuckles flew down on the taxpayers’ dime to lie about one sentence in a whole curriculum of Black history, but now refuses to discuss any of it with Governor DeSantis.. even CNN can't “chuckle” about this..

Online headline: “Fruit-picking robots take flight, just when you've seen it all” -- Now we know why the Democrats are so anti-Israel.. These fruit picking robots will make migrant pickers from below-our-Southern-Border obsolete, and remove any reason for the Democrats to fight logic to close our border off from illegals.

Talk about “dumb”…. Resident Biden is going to go after manufacturers on incandescent light bulbs here in America.. Other than my antiques dining room chandelier, I haven’t used incandescent bulbs in a decade or more, but the folly of Resident Biden is that while light bulb manufactures will be chastised for selling incandescent bulbs to 330,000,000 Americans, there are 8 BILLION other people around the world manufacturers can sell them to…

I’m tired of people defending Hunter Biden’s drug problems escalating following the death of his brother… next libs will defend Hunter’s sorry move of going after his brother’s widow…

Did you hear that one of the past “Bachelorette” stars just admitted she was a lesbian? While I would not be eligible to participate, I think the “Bachelorette “ audience should file a class-action suit against ABC for malfeasance!

Online story: “The Pentagon is calling back 1,100 active-duty troops deployed to the U.S.-Mexico border earlier this year, with forces beginning to return to their home bases this week, a defense official confirmed Wednesday.” – This should squash any rumors… and hopes.. that the White House “handlers” have any intention of securing the border.

Hmmm… looks like Resident Biden’s dog finally bit the right butt…


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