Monday, August 14, 2023

 Online headline: “Nonprofit installs solar panels, plants flowers along 18-miles of west GA highway” – Hmmmm…Remember Iron Eyes Mike, the Native American known as the "Crying Indian" in PSA ads of the 1970s as he sat on his horse weeping at the sight of commercial smokestacks across his former tribal lands? They'd be calling him "Bawling Indian" if he saw what hundreds of acres of ugly black solar panels did to his view of nature. These "environmentalists" have no idea of what these areas will look like after 20 years of concentrated heat build up that have devastated the property or bee population.

Online headline: “GA Secretary Raffensperger to Host Fifth Financial Literacy Webinar, 'ReThink Your Money: Building Your Financial Toolbox'” -- Hmmm... wonder if he came into a bunch of extra money to invest for using the "known to be hackable" Dominion voting machines in the NEXT election? Impeach Raffensperger!

Elections are not all that complicated… you have a basic choice… Democrat candidates who say they'll support your single issue if you vote for them, or Republican candidates who say "this is our country’s Constitution that we believe in, and if you do also, vote for us"?

Online headline: “ Georgia election official warns Trump’s claims could lead to violence: ‘You never know what’s going to happen’ -- "Could lead to violence”? Liberal journalists should be banned from using the word "could" in any claims or stories ... Using "COULD" allows liars to make statements that aren't the truth.. yet ambiguous enough to avoid lawsuits or perjury arrests.

Why?.... Yes... WHY... do even some of Fox News' "journalists" emulate the liberals on CNN, MSNBC, CBC, ABC, and NBC in promoting any of the Grand Jury "findings" as CONVICTIONS? Grand juries only assess the unchallenged points a state or federal prosecutor present against someone. None of the Grand Jury findings mean a crime was ever committed, nor will confirmed by a jury once both sides are presented.

Online headline: “IRS Faces Potential Fraud Risk as Millions of Microfilm Tax Records Vanish” – Hmmm…. And where were the Bidens when this happened?
Hmmm… Have you noticed that when Resident Biden says "he's not done anything wrong", that what he doesn't say is "nothing wrong has been done" or “Hunter has done anything wrong”....

From the “head scratching” department - Online headline: “Beaufort County, SC Black Chamber of Commerce Boosts Black Community for Black Business Month” -- In this day and time, why would Black business persons want to separate themselves from the networking site of the majority of business persons....Wouldn’t complete community support make everyone better off?

Think about this .. when ...if ever... have you heard liberal the media talk about the good things Donald Trump has done for our country? Aside from being President, Trump has been a very successful businessman and philanthropist ... he's generated thousands of jobs, and wealth for many American families... Conversely, when have you heard liberal media report about the bad things and scandals Resident Biden has been in … talk about enough info to fill a tome!

Only Dems believe this .. that Resident Biden's "Iran hostage deal" of releasing BILLIONS of frozen funds will only be used for "humanitarianism" uses.

Have you ever wondered what the most inefficient use of taxpayer dollars has been? For months, the sign at the new VA Clinic on River Road at Mobley Road has been
Army recruitment toppled over. Was real excited Friday to see what appeared to be a “fix it” crew working on it… Then rode by it Saturday, and this was the result. 

Instead of having the sign just stood back up and re-anchored properly, a temporary sign was just erected to act as a shield to the damaged one….I’m assuming another “fix it” crew will eventually show up sometime and stand the original sign on back up, but have no clue what will be done with the totally unnecessary “temp” sign…

WTVM-TV9 headline: “CSU football kicks off 14th season” – Hmmm…curious.....I really wasn't aware of the CSU Club football program but with the Columbus L-E not reporting local news that happens on the weekends until Tuesday, I'm not surprised…. but I'm also curious at how much CSU pays to use Kinnett Stadium, and shouldn't payments be used to give taxpayers get a break on the homeowners taxes we pay?

Hmmm... It's interesting that a judge has ordered Trump not to talk about certain "sensitive" material (whatever that is), but she didn't say that Resident Biden should not lie about things he says..

Online headline: ‘Public trust wanes as AG Merrick Garland misses opportunity for transparency: Jonathan Turley” -- What does the writer mean by "missed an opportunity"? What Garland missed was the LEGAL directive that a Special Counsel "SHALL" not be a federal government employee, which is what Weiss IS!

Whatta joke! Appointing Weiss as Special Prosecutor for Hunter Biden, when it was Weiss who tried to get that "special plea bargain deal" past a savvy Judge!

Online headline: “Jake Tapper questions 'odd' special counsel appointment of David Weiss: 'Maybe the whistleblowers were right'” – “maybe the whistleblowers were right”? Hmmm Hey, Tapper… the real observation that fits here is, “CNN was obviously WRONG!”

From the “figures don’t lie, but liars figure a lot!” department – Online “headLIE”: “Nearly half of Americans say Trump should be convicted” – Liberals just will not accept .. nor speak… the real truth… if “nearly” half of Americans say Trump should be convicted”, it actually means the MORE THAN HALF don’t feel or think that!

Online “headLIE”: “Pelosi says Trump winning in 2024 would put a 'criminal enterprise in the White House” – Good grief! America already HAS a “criminal enterprise” in the White House”… America also has had one in the House since Queen PeLOUSY first became “Speaker:…

Online “headLIE”: “Geraldo Rivera says he will make sure Trump 'is not reelected president ever'” -- Whatta flake! Geraldo is Fake News with FLAKE VIEWS!

Online “headLIE”: “Romney says Manchin running for president would 'elect Donald Trump'” – Willard “RATT” Romney just proved his disloyalty to the Republicans! No third party candidate is going to take votes away from the Democrats... A coiflipping decision maker third party candidate would appeal to moderate Independents and RINOs, and if a third party candidate can pull 15 or 16% of the popular vote, the Democrat will win with 43%... like Clinton did in 1992.

From the “and if you don’t take my assessment of RATT Romney” department – Online headline: ” More than 60 Utah Republicans endorse primary challenger to Mitt Romney” – Hmmm… If not to me, then listen to the “homeboys”….

Online headline: “Bill Barr says Hunter Biden probe legitimate, but his actions ‘can be shameful without being illegal’” -- Good grief!Hunter Biden’s actions ARE shameful, and ARE illegal! Bill Barr should change his name to “Dis Barred”..

Online headline: “Republicans blast 'coverup' of Hunter Biden special counsel appointment: 'Something’s not right' -- "Something's not right"? Hey.. there's a WHOLE LOT that's NOT RIGHT!

Online headline/story: “Despite Orders to Preserve Evidence, Jan 6th Committee Destroyed Nearly Everything When GOP Took House * Incoming Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, (R-CA) ordered the House Select Committee investigating January 6th to "preserve its records, evidence and transcripts," as required by federal law. The now-disbanded committee, chaired by Rep. Bennie Thompson, (D-MS), ignored that order and has destroyed nearly everything in its possession. – Wow! Looks like Rep Thompson… and any of his “advisors… should be charged with TREASON!

From the “truth be known” department – Online story: “Environmental experts are pushing back on claims that the devastating wildfires in Hawaii were caused by global warming, instead pointing to poor state land management practices.” – Hmmm Environmental EXPERTS are pushing back on claims”? Yeah.. “pushing back” on CNN. MSNBC, and the White House “handlers”… and rightfully so!

Looks like Disney cannot learn a lesson from other people’s mistakes… After watching Budweiser stock and sales crash when it made a transgender person “the face of Bud Light, Disney is doing the same for little girls’ costumery.. Now a transgender is the face of “Minnie and Me”… I guess it can all be summed up in one sentence: “DUDE Lights have become the face of “DUD Light” and now “DUDS Light”.



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