Monday, February 24, 2025

 Hmmm...Democrats are going nuts because "the only locksmith in a National Park was fired, and he was the only one who had keys  to free visitors that got locked in restrooms"! Wait a minute .. how does someone get locked in a Park restroom, but wouldn't it be more efficient ... and less costly just to give all the Park Rangers a bathroom key to do that job if it ever happened again?


You know, most Democrats could do America..themselves.. and their re-election chances a whole lot of good if they just joined in to correct the asinine spending programs DOGE is exposing! 


Every voter should ask themselves this question, "Why would the Democrats not want audits made of programs supported by tax dollars?"


Online headline: "The average citizen is tired of the government funding programs tied to race" --  Whoa! It's much deeper than that... America is tired of federal programs that do not actually help even those a program was intended to help.


Instant replay: Online headline: "The average citizen is tired of the government funding programs tied to race" --  As JFK said, "Ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for your country!"


Gov Kemp just published next year's GA budget of over $37 Billion...Wow! $1.62 Billion goes to the GA Board of Corrections to handle 53,000 prisoners... That's and average cost per prisoner of OVER $30,000.00 a year in STATE TAXES alone..The K-12 Education Budget is $13.65 BILLION for 1,760,000 students which is a state allocation of $7,800.00 per child  (so Columbus/Muscogee County GA, with about 32,000 students) gets about $250 Million from the State plus... PLUS about $147 Million from Columbus GA ad valorem property taxes which adds up to $397,000,000.00 ... or about  $12,400.00 per student which is close to what the average private school estimate is (but with worse results).

And when you look at it costing $12,400.00 per student, giving students a $6,500.00 voucher to use at a private school means the Muscogee County School System basically BENEFITS by $5,900.00 per student who gets a voucher.


Online headline: "Hundreds gather in Central Park for one of biggest rallies yet to support Israeli hostages" --  Hmm...if the same story was about HamASS terrorist gathering to protest Israel's response, the headline would have read "thousands gather"...


The real concern Democrats have about Elon Musk  running DOGE is that Musk IS NOT ELECTED....but only because he has no upcoming re-election campaign the Democrats can influence to get rid of him.


Taking advantage of the Elon Musk led DOGE disclosures, rumor is that Hellary is about to release a sequel book titled, "It Takes A Pillage".


These Democrat Governors and District Attorneys who are "huffin' and puffin'" at Trump Executive Orders obviously didn't get the voters' message!  Dems are so expecting Trump to kowtow like the "usual Republican"  politicians that back off their promises when Dems challenge them in the media, and believe the same tactic will make Trump do it also... Maine's Governor got an education last Friday when she said she wasn't gonna back off letting young men play against girls.


Several years ago, I stopped at the antique store on 2nd Ave in the  "Bibb City" section of Columbus GA during its "store closing sale"... I found a scrap book labeled "Southern Open 1970-1976". It was full of newspaper stories during those years, and knowing how my family was involved during the beginning, I purchased it for $20.00. When I got home, I found the articles about my younger brother qualifying as an amateur in the first one (called the Green Island Open), and becoming the first amateur to "make the cut", my dad's involvement as one of the men who jumpstarted the Green Island/Southern Open, and my grandfather, who along with Jack Key, Sr, were the  "Marshalls Emeritus". There wasn't a name in the front of the book, and I just assumed it was from an estate of an avid golfer in Columbus. This past Saturday, my bride "noticed it" and she thumbed through it, and found two letters, one from tournament founder, Gunby Jordan, and one from Southern Airway's President at the time, Tom Wiley, addressed to, and thanking Cecil Darby for his dedication to promoting the golf tournament.  Wow .. this is Sports Editor Cecil Darby's personal scrapbook with all the articles  published by the Columbus Enquirer and Ledger for those 7 years. I really found.. and saved ... a true treasure of Columbus sports history.


Online headline/story: "Federal department cafeteria empty and closed for years under Biden * The Department of Interior (DOI) cafeteria was initially closed during the coronavirus pandemic, but the lunchroom remained shut down for several years because the Biden administration did not require federal employees to work in person. *  “It’s understandable that the cafeteria would close during the pandemic, but the pandemic has been over for years,”  * “Why did the Biden administration let everyone continue to work from home when there is real work to be done for the country?” -- What I want to know is "Were/are the Cafeteria Workers also being paid for 'working from home'?


Online headline: "MSNBC cancels Joy Reid’s show as part of programming shakeup at liberal network" -- Wow! Oviously, now, there is no more "Joy" at MSNBC...... unfortunately, there is still "JOY (behar)" at ABC's "The View", but hopefully that may change soon...


Online headline/story: “Comedy legend Jon Lovitz glad DOGE's efforts to clean up govt's 'crazy' spending is no joke * 'I think that's a good thing,' Lovitz said about the Trump administration's efforts to crack down on rampant government spending * Lovitz, who was a lifelong  Democratic Party voter until the party’s criticisms of Israel caused him to rethink his affiliation, has once against divorced himself from popular liberal opinion with his pro-spending cuts stance." -- I've wondered for decades why America's Jewish community supported the Democrats...but now it looks like the Jewish community is finally questioning itself...


Online headline: U.S. Education department: DEI is a civil rights violation" -- Yes.. and  the most harmful discrimination has been "public education"... federal, state, and local education has failed students of all colors by converting actual history to opinion...


Online headline: "Jane Fonda, 87, says she was never 'good enough' and still isn't fully 'satisfied' in career" --  Well, I agree... she was never "good enough", but she was certainly traitorous enough.. to our soldiers in NAM.... more than enough to be kicked out of America!


Online headline: "American Bar Association votes to stop enforcing DEI standard for law schools" --  It's about time the ABA followed the "equal justice for all" Constitutional mandates!


Online headline: "USPS leadership change long overdue, Sen. Ossoff says" --  Hmmm .... and what's even more overdue is the resignation of the entire House and Senate Democrat leadership team! What's also way overdue is TERM LIMITS for House and Senate members...


Online headline: "California governor requests $40 billion for fire aid, Washington Post reports" --  No way! California, with its massive  number/PERCENT of House Democrat delegates, has impacted the wasteful fraud practices being uncovered by DOGE more than. any other state, and, combined with California's crippling policies for forestry care, California Democrats need to either solve this issue or California voters need to vote Democrats out of control.


Online headline: "US opens probe into whether to rescind $4 billion in California high-speed rail grants" -- Absolutely... and President Trump should demand a refund on the Billions previously given to this $138 BILLION dollar (so far) fiasco!


Online headline: "George Clooney reveals when Biden lost his support: ‘I saw someone much less sharp" --  Wow! Clooney just admitted he has a mental problem himself since he's seen/supported Biden for nearly 4 years as being the 'Resident', and didn't see Biden's dementia until the summer before the last election!


Online headline: "Banning Cockfighting in Georgia is Harder Than You Think" -- Hmmm.... You know, somehow the cockfighting criminals could use "gender identity" to circumvent this law, too.. They can plead the fighting birds had declared themselves "hens", and it was a "hen-fight", not a "cockfight".


Online headline: "GA House panel approves easing burden of proof of intellectual disability in capital cases" --  Good grief! It's much easier for a smart person to "play dumb" with a lawyer's "coaching" than for a dumb person to play dumber.


Online headline: " Reform, not prohibition, should be the ticket on school zone speed cameras in GA" --  Obviously the opinion of a lobbyist being paid to support the revenue stream!  The key to the arguments is that the speed cameras do not increase safety.. Fines are sent only when a vehicle is captured exceeding the NORMALLY posted speed limit, and neither the state nor local law enforcement departments know of the danger students are in until a "ticket: is not paid... which may be weeks.. even months.. later than when the "crime" was noted. 


Online headline: "Senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock urge the Trump Administration to disburse $21B in relief" --  Well, if...when... Trump distributes $20+ Billion in relief, it won't be because Warnock or Ossoff "asked". The real question to be asked is: "Why did Warnock and Ossoff authorize Billions being sent to our foreign adversaries, and liberal slush fund accounts instead of to American citizens in real need?


Online headline/story: "Dems say they're  against government waste, but they hate DOGE more * "Of course there's some wasteful spending, but you don't use a meat ax and cut everything," Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Wednesday after Fox News Digital asked whether there was some waste worth cutting.  * "We need to look at each program. We need to go through Congress and see what's wasteful and move to eliminate it," he said."  -- "Dems say they're  against government waste, but they hate DOGE more"?  What double-talk! What hypocrisy! The time to "snip out" waste is BEFORE the bill is presented for a vote! Schumer knows every aspect of the waste in the bills he presents because the "pork" for each of his Party members is the only way he can get them to vote for the overall bill!


Online headline: "Democrats silent on Patel as first ‘person of color’ FBI director despite previous DEI emphasis” -- Well.. the Dems certainly were not "silent" about him in the Confirmation Hearing, and none of the Democrats voted for his confirmation on the Floor of the Senate... Dems just won't support people of color.. even White people...when they don't vote for Democrats! Hmmm... how can they even hint they are "the Party of Inclusion"…. or hold the same “Dream” and beliefs as Dr Martin Luther King, Jr?


Online headline: "Senators Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock urge the Trump Administration to disburse $21B in relief" --  Where were Warnock and Ossoff for the last 4 years? Instead of being good stewards of our tax dollars, they voted for the wasteful and fraudulent Biden bills that have ignited the super-inflation that hampers America today!


Online headline: "Washington State education chief says it's 'inaccurate' to say there are only two genders, in defense of trans athletes" --  Good grief!  Out of some 250,000 high school athletes, State of Washington Liberals want an estimated 5-to-10 "trannys" to control the other 249,990-to-249,995  school athletes!  On the other hand, nothing stops trannys from competing on teams where all other members share the same physical sex development. 


NOTE: There are humans born with dual genital presence, and there is a proper name for them .. Hermaphrodites ... but their's is not a whim or personal choice...



Online headline: "Fact Check: Nonprofit with link to former Rep. Stacey Abrams got $2B government grant" --  Wow! you know, when SNOPES runs a "fact check", and can't say conclusively that  the assertion is FALSE, then there's more fraud involved that just hasn't been fully revealed .



Online headline: "$1,300 coffee cups, 8,000% overpay for soap dispensers show waste as DOGE locks in on Pentagon” – Whoa! And we were stunned at $600.00 hammers and $1,000.00 toilet seats! Who supplied those coffee cups… Starbucks?




Online story: "Republican lawmakers are urging the Department of Justice to recover millions of taxpayer dollars sent as pensions to thousands of deceased Americans. * Congress passed the American Rescue Plan in 2021, which created the Special Financial Assistance Program (SFA) to save the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), which was failing financially. * The PBGC proceeded to approve over $127 million in SFA program overpayments for at least 3,479 deceased participants of the Central States Pension Fund." -- Hmmm... and while they are looking, the DOJ should examine every Democrat's "campaign accounts" and every check sent to a third party "dark money" account by the union or union bosses. Also, that $127 Million would be over $36,500.00 to each dead pensioners’ account… who endorsed/cashed those checks?



Online headline: "Transgender man from Minnesota files discrimination lawsuit against Walmart" --  You know, when a business is said to have "harassed" a customer, I've found it was  because the "harassed complainer" was doing something to bother/harass another customer.. Besides.. it's basically impossible to find a Walmart employee "on the floor" assisting customers when you're actually looking for one, so this guy musta  obviously been being intentionally obnoxious...



Online headline: "Former Georgia QB Carson Beck reportedly has Lamborghini and Mercedes stolen in Miami" --  Beck's in.Miami now...he  musta been told his UGA "NIL" account was being scrutinized by the Sheriff of "DOGE", and it was being shut down. Of course, the cars coulda been "repo'd" as his NFL draftability has certainly suffered since the 2023 season...



Online headline: "‘What’s it Gonna Take?’ Angus King Warns Americans to Realize We Are In ‘Biggest Constitutional Crisis’ In U.S. History" -- Well, in Russia, it might be a "Constitutional Crisis", but here in America, it's a CONSTITUTIONAL REVIVAL"!



Online headline: "John Curtis says DOGE spending cuts are ‘exact opposite’ of constitutional crisis" -- YES! They are a  CONSTITUTIONAL REVIVAL!



Online headline: "Wisconsin Democratic governor proposes replacing 'mother' with 'inseminated person' in state law" --  "replace 'mother' with 'inseminated person'? Hmmm ..maybe a better idea would be to just REPLACE GOV. EVERS...



Online headline/story: "Online headline/story: " Caesars Palace, MLB stadium, an ice cream truck: DOGE reveals how schools spent billions in COVID-relief funds * Granite Public Schools in Utah spent their COVID-relief funds on $86,000 in hotel rooms at Caesars Palace, a ritzy Las Vegas casino, while Santa Ana Unified in California spent $393,000 to rent out a Major League Baseball stadium, according to a report by Parents Defending Education and shared by DOGE. * The cost-cutting department also revealed that schools spent $60,000 of COVID-relief funds on swimming pool passes, while a California district used its funds to purchase an ice cream truck." -- Hmmm... maybe we should look closer at how Biden Bill grants were spent by our local government and school system here in Columbus, GA....


Online headline: "‘We won’t be safe if we’re silent’: Young trans leaders want to build a network of their own" -- Hey .. it's more of a matter that we want real girls and women to be safe when going into bathrooms, locker rooms, and playing sports!


Online headline: "Chinese researchers find bat virus enters human cells via same pathway as COVID" -- DOH! Now maybe Congress will work on kicking China out of ownership of Smithfield Hams/Farm"... it's the world's largest meat processor just a stone throw from the Capitol in Washington DC that could distribute virus-laced meat products all over the world and win WWIII without firing a missile!


Online headline: "LA mayor sacks fire chief, blaming her for mishandling wildfires" --  Well .. Mayor Bass NEEDED  a scapegoat for herself,  Gov Newsom and the California Legislators,  and the fire chief was a perfect fit for other reasons.


This sums it up about as good as it gets:

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