Monday, February 3, 2025


If it wasn’t so painful otherwise, a video of the World Trade Towers “pancaking” to the ground would be a great visual to describe what the Democratic Party is doing to itself since Trump took office… NY Gov Hockul has issued “fines” for commerce to travel in NYC, IL Gov Pritzker has accused Secret Service Agents following up a threat to a government official  being ICE Agents raiding a school, California Gov Newsom is being petitioned .. again… for another “recall” action, Democrat House Minority Leader Jeffries has issued an INSURRECTION appeal, and the DNC has rejected Schumer and PeLOUSY’s choice for the new Chair of the DNC. In addition, the Democrats still think their “war” is with Trump “MAGA” policies, yet it was the Democrat policies that even former Democrat voters rejected that controlled the outcome…


Online headline: "Buttigieg mulling Senate bid after nixing play for Michigan governor" --  Good grief! Another Hellary move.. Hellary couldn't win a political race in Arkansas so she jumped into the New York Senate race, and now Mayor Pete of Indiana feels he can't win in Indiana so he jumps into  the Michigan arena. Hmmm... I wonder if Tranny-portation Secretary  even knows the which way Michigan is from Indiana?




Online headline: "Florida Surgeon Removes Wrong Organ Fatal Error: FL. Legal Protections Laws Questioned" -- Wait a minute! Confusing a liver with a spleen? How can... how does ..something like this possibly happen? Don’t ever forget this name… Dr Tomasz Shaknovsky! Having recently had colon surgery, I’m so glad I didn’t live in the Florida Panhandle where Shaknovsky “practiced”…there’s no telling what he might have taken out instead!



Online headline: "Canada imposes 25% tariffs in trade war with US" --  Hmmm... sounds more like a, "Oh yeah... two can play at this game" he exits the playground!  Trudeau has just encouraged Canadians to speed up his leaving the Prime Minister's office that he's already announced.. 



From the "Jon Lovitz, Yeah! That's the ticket!" department - Online headline: "Stores across Canada to pull American booze from shelves as trade war escalates" -- Oh! Next they can dress up as Indians and  pour it into one of  the Great Lakes! Do they realize they have already paid for that American booze, and removing it from the shelves doesn't save them any money or reduce costs?



Tariffs on other countries does not inflate prices in the US. Other countries will just lose excessive margins that will fall in line with what American companies live with.


Online headline: "Groundhog Day: Punxsutawney Phil predicts 6 more weeks of winter" --  Hmmm... you know, every year, when my calendar gets to February, I look ahead and see that Spring is marked around the 20th of next month, so I really care less about watching a buncha politicians   gathered for a photo-op.



Online headline: Montgomery AL Mayor Calls for Removal of “Politicized” Billboard Artwork * The work, designed by the art collective For Freedoms, depicts a photograph from Selma’s Bloody Sunday in 1965 overlaid with Trump’s campaign slogan." – Hmmmm.... hmmm... As history was recorded, the "massacre" was totally a Democrat Party event. The Democrats were "Antifa" in the Jim KKKrow days, and "Antifa" is the Democrat "massacre" division of the 21st Century.. 



Online headline: "Artists behind Montgomery MAGA Bloody Sunday billboard: Removal a ‘clear act of censorship" -- Hmmm... I wish they'd leave it up, and the Republicans put a billboard beside it pointing out this was the 1965 Democrat government at work, and run a duplicate billboard with Trump and Vance reaching out welcoming Lewis and Williams into the Republican Party.



Online headline: "Georgia Power cancels coal plant closures, chooses fossil fuels to meet demand" -- You know… somewhere, GA Power officials are meeting with the GA PSC to figure out how they can come up with a way to raise our power rates because of how cancelling the coal closures will actually lower GA Power's costs!



Online headline: "James Carville said Democrats started their '7th string quarterback' by running Kamala Harris in 2024" --  Carville should receive an ESPN "Espy Award" for the "Sack of the Year"!



Think about this .. the Democrats want to board, feed illegal aliens at taxpayer expense and now want to arm them by allowing them 2nd Amendment Rights..  Hmmm.. Isn't this the same pattern that motivated our patriots in 1776 to revolt and pass our Constitution with Amendments that said citizens had the Rights to bear arms and not have to house enemy soldiers?



Online headline: "OJ Simpson murder trial: Suppressed witness testimony casts shadow over verdict" -- Good grief! From the "Slow White Bronco" chase in June of 1994, is there anyone who didn't/doesn't KNOW the California Prosecutors BLEW that trial! Does anyone ever believe any of the prosecutors WANTED to be remembered for convicting "OJ"? Let's face it.. California has been a "Sanctuary State" since Rodney King was pedestalized!



Online headline: "Third soldier inside Black Hawk helicopter involved in DC midair collision identified"--  I've heard that the helicopter pilot/co-pilot had 1,000/500 hours of flight time. Hmmmm.. When I was in college, my roommate from Indiana, at age 19, had his own Beechcraft Bonanza, and over 2,000 flight hours in a single engine aircraft....



You know, since Columbus GA bought the old Kirven's/CB&T/Synovus building and turned it into "City Hall", it's time the City remove the "Columbus Bank & Trust" signage on the 12th St/Broadway corner (and place a “Plaque” denoting the history at eye-level for walking traffic to see). To be honest, Synovus should have removed it when they changed the name to Synovus, but on top of that, it's no longer a bank building,.. well, unless you consider how City officials seem not know what accounts MILLIONS of tax/fee revenue payments should be moved into.



Online headline: "Raphael Warnock Flips Qualification Questions Back On DEI-Obsessed Republicans" -- Hmmm... Years ago, the US Supreme Court determined "Affirmative Action" was indeed DISCRIMINATORY, and, therefore, unconstitutional. "DEI" is just repackaged "Affirmative Action" and is wrong for America's future!



Online headline/story: "Former Federal Reserve adviser indicted and arrested for alleged espionage in dealings with China * A grand jury indictment accuses John Harold Rogers, 63, of Vienna, Virginia, of stealing Federal Reserve trade secrets and selling them to Chinese intelligence officials * “As alleged in the indictment, Rogers betrayed his country while employed at the Federal Reserve by providing restricted U.S. financial and economic information to Chinese government intelligence officers" – Hmmm… Sounds like Rogers maybe a cousin of General Milley!


Online "headLIE": "Auburn still without dynamic guard ahead of South Carolina game" -- What petty bias!  In Saturday's game against Ole Miss, all 5 of Auburn 's starters scored double-digit points!  That is the perfect goal for a winning team!


Online "headLIE": "Trump tariffs affect Georgia businesses " --  Purely speculative, vindictive, and over-reactive BS by an Atlanta Democrat biased TV staton (Channel 5)! The "tariffs" didn't even begin until Saturday and would only affect future orders to US distributors, not current inventory of the distributors or beer/liquor businesses. This is basically a "let's raise prices and blame it on Trump" campaign in order to greedily make more money off their customers! 



Online posturing headline: "Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens Urges Trump Administration To ‘Immediately Restore’ Federal Funding" --  As if the Atlanta Mayor has any control/influence  of federal spending issues...on the other hand, the Atlanta Mayor could offer his help in restoring election integrity to Atlanta/Fulton County elections to get a positive conversation started.



Online headline: "‘We Didn’t Blame White People!’ MSNBC’s Velshi Says There Were ‘Far More Plane Crashes’ Back Before DEI and ‘Equitable’ Workforce" --  If the report that the manager of the flight controllers is accurate (as it now appears to be), and one controller was given permission to leave his/her job early, and another one made responsible to track both plane AND helicopter traffic at the same time, then the flight controller manager has 'a whole lotta splainin to do'... and a job to defend his/her job!



Since Citizen safety should be the prime service of the Columbus GA's Animal Control Department that is now now under PAWS Humane control, how will PAWS' protocol and mission work with citizens calling about security situations with wild animals... does the "Hindenberg" or “Train Wreck”  come to mind?



Online headline: "Panama pledges to end key canal deal with China, work with US after Rubio visit" -- Hmmmm.... and why didn't Biden do this? Could it be that he was getting his "Big Guy 10%" of the exorbitant fees China was charging our Navy to use the canal?



Online headline: "Arab nations reject Trump’s suggestion to relocate Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and Jordan" --  Of course that's their initial reaction/response.. but what's really happened is that Trump has put meaningful solution discussion on the "American Hold-em" game table.



Online headline: "Dozens of DOJ lawyers, FBI agents fired with more to come" --  Good grief! Trump is not "retaliating" against the DOJ, he's cleaning house of DOJ workers who used the Democrat agenda to persecute Americans to override the rights of American citizens protected by the US Constitution! 



Why are we Columbus GA citizens paying the T-SPLOST tax for better roads only to have our Council spend it on frilly, way-over-priced round-a-bouts? I drove under the vaunted Dragonfly Trail Underpass between 10th Ave & 6th Avenue on Friday, and it that looked like IEDs had torn it up. 



A church in Columbus, IN hosted a  'know your rights' event for illegal aliens" -- Hmmm..."know your rights"? What rights does a criminal breaking into my house have!



Hey, Columbus GA Council… it’s time to address the removal of those four “Red Arrows” that were wrongly erected along 13th St cutting through the Dinglewood/Lakebottom area! Originally certain people wanted to turn them into illegal “signs” byt that plan got “outed” so they’ve just been left out and now there’s huge deterioration in all 4 which is making them an even worse eyesore than before..



Years ago, the US Supreme Court ruled "Affirmative Action" was discriminatory so therefore unconstitutional.. Why, then, hasn't the Supreme Court stepped  forward and denounced "DEI" as "Affirmative Action" with a new name?



WTVM-TV9 headline: "New initiative to help Columbus GA  EMS respond faster to critical emergencies" -- What will cut back on abusive 911 calls is for fines and/or arrests be made for people calling 911 to get a "free taxi ride" to the Midtown area!



Did you hear House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries say the Democrats will fight Trump's policies "in the courts... and in the streets"? Talk about open INSURRECTION! Jeffries should be, at a minimum, CENSURED, and probably kicked out and arrested!



Online headline: "Chuck Todd quitting NBC News — and he’s taking his ‘Chuck Toddcast’ with him" --  Well, “quitting” probably got him a better “parachute” than getting fired! But, “taking his "Toddcast" with him”? Hey, why would NBC even want to "keep" Todd's podcast when NBC  is sending him out the door? 



Online headline: "'There is a lot of fear': Latinos gather in North Georgia to protest against mass deportations" -- Hmmm... The REAL FEAR should have been about getting involved with the Mexican Drug Cartels about  crossing our border illegally!



Online headline: "Former Lia Thomas opponents share 'abuse,' push Georgia lawmakers to pass trans athlete in women's sports ban" --College women who were forced to allow men to use the same locker rooms and to "compete" in events need.. NEED to file a huge class action lawsuit against the NCAA and every judge that enabled men to compete against them! 



WTVM-TV9 Online "headLIE": "Reports of ICE agents in Columbus, GA  cause panic among Hispanic community" --  Hey.. this isn't "news", it's panic driven overreaction by liberal media!



Online headline: "Woman Facing Criminal Charges Over “Don’t be a c**t” Bumper Sticker in Chester, England" -- Wow! Talk about Deja Vu for Columbus, GA citizens during the 80s when our Mayor Jernigan wanted to arrest anybody who had a "**it Happens" bumper sticker on their car.



Online headline/story: "Man killed five people after neighbor complained gunfire was keeping baby awake * The Mexican national pleaded guilty to capital murder of multiple persons as part of a deal to avoid a possible death sentence” --  "Mexican National"? Just another liberal way to keep from saying, "ILLEGAL ALIEN"! What’s worse is that this was in Texas under Biden in 2023!



Online headline: "Ronzell Buckner: A Living Legacy for Columbus GA" --  I became a Ronzell Buckner fan in 1990 during the local elections process, and am still a fan of him.. a good man.



Just curious, but why aren't our border walls wired so an electric charge can be directed when someone makes an attempt to climb on or over them?


Online headline: "HamASS has "built" 450 miles of tunnels under the Gaza strip" -- ...think about that... and when Gaza collapses one day from being "undermined" by HamASS terrorists, and when it does collapse, you know Democrats and media liberals are going to blame Netanyahu and Trump....

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