Sunday, April 3, 2011

In Wisconsin, prisoners received over $250,000.00 in "unemployment benefits". Now, is there anyone who cannot sympathize with Governor Scott Walker's efforts to end government unions?
Emperor Imam-a has 'wagged the media's tail' with his Libyan ploy. Now, Afghanistan and the Mexican situations are under the radar in the newspaper and TV news shows.
HB80..our Senator, Josh McKoon makes a passionate and effective argument for its passage. I agree.
Whether you believe or not believe the birth certificate debate concerning Emperor Imam-a, and the news stories chronicling his birth in Hawaii, if a future president is born in Columbus, there'd be no record of it unless the baby's family had the insight to buy an ad to announce it (with the exception of a New Year's Day baby).
Leonard Pitts' commentary continues to reach new depths of racism. I guess throwing the race card out when you have no other defense still works in the McClatchy system.
Looking back at the last month or so, it looks like Emperor Imam-a's NCAA bracket choices have fared better than his Libyan, Syrian, Yemen, Egyptian, Iraqi, Irani, and Afghanistan choices.
This will be a daily inclusion of the Breakfast Club: Diane Schneider, a representative with the National Education Association (NEA), said that graphic sex education needs to be taught in the classroom. * "She said that 'gender identity expression' and sexual orientation are a spectrum, and...that those [who are] opposed to homosexuality are stuck -- quote -- 'in a binary box that religion and family create.' -- This should be sent to every teacher in every school district, and they should be asked to either endorse it, demand Ms Schneider be fired, or drop their NEA membership.

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