Thursday, April 14, 2011

Online headline: "Obama's Blistering Attack On GOP" -- What a hypocrite! For two years Emperor Scarlet Obama had majorities in both Houses who passed whatever they wanted (except an actual budget), and now he wants to pistol whip the Republicans and the Republicans' programs will be what will get the Emperor re-elected in b 2012.
When it comes to leadership, Emperor Scarlet Obama must have got his degree in 'String Pushing'. Exploiting senior citizens' fears is neither "hope" nor "change"; it's simply fear mongering.
Yesterday mid-morning headline: "Obama to Call for Medicare Cuts, Tax Hikes in Speech" -- Why does media shoot it self in the foot (and a few other places) by reporting what Emperor Scarlet Obama (or anyone else, for that matter) is going to say for himself later on in the day? I guess the media can say later that what the Emperor says later is not what he meant or simply the TelePrompter messed up and 'said' something different.
Online headline: 'Egypt's Mubarak Hospitalized With Heart Problems" -- Emperor Scarlet Obama was probably startled to find out he had one after consistently displaying his obvious lack of a brain.
Now the liberal doves (I know...redundant) are advocating budget savings by not engaging in 'war' because of the replacement costs of jets and missiles and bombs. Hmm, liberals feel it's OK to pay for foreign aid, and presidential vacations (working or not) to foreign countries with money we're borrowing from the Chinese, but it's not OK for using the Chinese money to pay for replacement equipment made in this country.
Barry Bonds....all one has to do to know if he used HGH and steroids is to look at his rookie pictures and his final season pictures. No adult's head grows that much without excessive chemical influence. Same goes for Mark McGwire et al.
The prosecutors could should have used a variation of the OJ Defense, and pulled out Bond's rookie year hat and have him try it on with the caveat that "If it fits, then acquit.".
I heard a plea the other day for America not to kick hard working Latino's out of the country just because they're here illegally..... Let me ask them, "How does their country treat Americans who enter illegally.... or for that matter, legally? Let me ask them what funding would their country give to illegal Americans for medical treatment, food supplements for their children, and education?
Worthy a partial repeat: Basically, what the secondary rink needs is a good assistant to the current Civic Center manage/executive since obviously he has experience overseeing the main ice rink. How come there's someone not on the existing city payroll who's qualified for that expansion of duties? I emphasize my point of isn't there someone, anyone, on the existing city payroll who is worthy of his/her job duties being expanded to become the assistant to a Civic Center exec who is already in place; if not, why not? Shoot, even our City Manager has 2 assistants.
From L-E story: "In a procedural irregularity, Peters said that Shelnutt signed the court document -- a notice for rule (sic) nici -- containing the date and time of the hearing. Superior Court clerk’s officials said those documents are typically signed by judges or their secretaries. " -- Do we see another marriage to another secretary in Shelnutt's immediate future, or is Shelnutt just making an early declaration that he's going to run against Peters next election?
Reports vary, but it appears we have about 400 billionaires in the US, and the average billionaire is worth about $3,500,000,000.00. Altogether their worth is about $1.4 trillion. Even if Emperor Scarlet Obama confiscated all their wealth today, he'd still be short of reducing the debt he's already piled onto our children's and grandchildren's future. To boot, by confiscating all the accumulated wealth of theses financially successful giants, Emperor Scarlet Obama's plans for recovery would be out the window as trillions of dollars of commercial revenue and millions of existing jobs would become non-existent.
L-E headline/story: "MUSCOGEE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD * Discussion on alternative education facilities headed to special meeting * The board was to vote on the recommendation Monday at the regular monthly meeting but board chair Cathy Williams suggested that since the issue is “so complex” that a special board meeting to discuss nothing but alternative education be held sometime before the May work session. Board members agreed." -- This is the problem with accepting federal grants that basically are our tax dollars we sent to Washington (which after trimming close to 80% of those tax dollars for General&Administrative costs of running such programs) being sent back to us to use locally.
If Emperor Scarlet Obama wants to show support of the troops and their families, he could do it by making the soldiers feel what they are fighting for is being protected in America by our government; not by what the Emperor is actually doing.
L-E's feature "Chattahoochee Chatter" has its best subject matter to date. Wish the writer(s) had been credited with their work so we could them for not walking on egg shells like too many L-E stories do.

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