Sunday, April 10, 2011

Soul Surfer... now showing at Carmike 15 and Ritz 13. Take your kids, take your grandkids, take your siblings' kids, but see it and introduce any kids you can on what a "can do with God attitude" can accomplish. Donate tickets to your church youth group, too! (but don't miss it yourself!)
Online headline: "Judge Blocks Deal on Protections for Wolves" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought some brave judge had ruled against immunity for parking tickets by UN diplomats.
What's sad about the deal to avert shutting down the government is that it didn't actually stop any spending; it only reduced the amount of what they were spending from the amount of money Congress didn't have to begin with.
Online headline/story: "Tax Time Windfall: Family Gets $54,000 Tax Refund * The Wards make about $39,000 per year. You would guess that would make a tax refund such as theirs impossible, right? Not at all, thanks to refundable tax credits. * For nearly 15 years, the adoption tax credit was nonrefundable * That all changed in 2010, when the credit became refundable." -- This is just wrong! How can DUMB&DUMBERats pass such a law/tax rule that is just so wrong.
L-E liberal's "soundoff": " There is no doubt in my mind who is responsible for the shutdown — the radical Republicans who are shouting “Shut it down.” They campaigned on their contempt of the “guvment.” -- He/she is right.... Of course what he/she chooses not to see is that Republicans and supportive Independents would rather see the government "shutdown" rather than let the DUMB&DUMBERats continue in their effort to shutdown America.
Congressman Bishop doesn't sit on a fence, he's a fence post! He votes for stripping the EPA on its "authority to regulate greenhouse-gas emissions associated with climate-change and challenging the science upon which those regulations are based.", yet votes for Congress accepting "EPA’s “scientific findings that climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for public health and welfare.” Let's pray that Congressional redistricting will remove his Columbus bloc vote so the Albany folks can replace him in 2012.
Why would the L-E give space for Master's commentary to a AP staffer no one cares about his opinions? Guess it was easier and cheaper than to send a local reporter to Augusta. Of course, if the only L-E reporter available for such duty was Dimon Kendrick-Holmes, then the L-E made a good choice.
Robert Redford is making a movie on the Civil War. Somehow I can't be too excited about his perspective..there'll probably be more emphasis on the effect of black powder canon fire's impact on the ozone layer.

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