Thursday, December 6, 2018

Local item only: PARID: 025 007 001 -- Hmmm... As of Jan 1, 2018, this house had a FMV of $282,580 even though it was last sold in 1996 for $295,000. There's no exemption as owner has moved to Phenix City. It's listed for sale now at $650,000.00 What happened with the software that Mayor Tom-LYING-son endorsed because it would keep data up-to-date.
I watched some of the funeral process to lay President George H.W. Bush to rest.. Seems to me that more detail was spent on the process than allowing President Bush's family to find peace and comfort.

I liked George H.W. Bush... voted for him twice in spite of his decision to break a promise to America of "no new taxes" by trusting Democrats, and I was pleased to know he was consulted on his funeral preferences years ago..... but a TRAIN? I hardly feel that Bush 41 would have designated his body be transported by train.. We ought to be able to see the original "plan", and see what's been changed that he didn't request/approve of...
Speaking of trains and funerals.. My grandfather did not like President Franklin D. Roosevelt.. when Roosevelt died in 1945, and plans were announced for the special train car, my grandfather volunteered to have the shroud made in our store to cover the casket for the trip back to Washington. He had it made with as heavy lace as he could get... wanted to make sure the casket top couldn't be opened.
I believe it is still in the display at the Smithsonian.
Hypocrisy ..they name is liberal-Socialist....I like President George H.W. fact I liked him a lot more than mainscream media or Democrats ever did, ever has. He did two basic "kowtows" trying to "get along" with that multi-headed Socialist monster.. After he promised "no new taxes", he signed a new bill raising taxes because the Dems 'promised' " no new or increased spending", and of course that was just another broken Democrat promise...then he promised to pull out of the Gulf War as soon as the US could run Saddam Hussein's army out of Kuwait...and he kept his promise to the Dems and mainscream media even though they still called him a warmonger, and it only allowed Hussein to regroup and bite us again. And even with all that working against him in the 1992 election, mainscream media and the Democrats could only generate 43% of the votes FOR Slick Willie. Damn that Ross Perot! It was him responsible for the last 26 years we've been cursed by Hellary!
From the "distressing priorities" department - Online headline.story: "Ezekiel Elliott scolds NFL over Salvation Army kettle penalty: 'I'll pay their little fine' * On Thanksgiving, Ezekiel Elliott dropped $21 and Dak Prescott into a giant Salvation Army kettle during a win over the Washington Redskins. * His donation ended up costing him more than $13,000. The Dallas Cowboys running back did so while celebrating touchdowns, which drew the ire of the NFL’s fine police, who docked him $13,369 for unsportsmanlike conduct." -- If you hadn't joined the strike of the NFL games, this is a perfect time to jump in.. The NFL protects disrespecting our veterans, law enforcement officers, active duty military, those who sacrificed their all for our freedom, our Flag, and our National Anthem, yet fines those who respect our Lord and Savior, and a Christian based organization that does so much to help those in trouble because of disasters or personal issues.
From the "MSM-13 Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "George W. Bush and Michelle Obama share in sweet tradition at late George H.W. Bush's funeral * As the younger Bush greeted mourners at his late father’s memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral, he appeared to hand Obama a piece of candy, a kind act he also performed at the funeral of late Senator John McCain in September." -- What about "protocol"? Did he bring enough for everyone? And if Trump had dine the same thing, he;d been called a misogynist, gender-biased, ... yeah, and probably racist.
Online headline: "Princeton group cuts 'Mermaid' song over 'toxic masculinity'" -- Hmmm.. well, obviously, there is no "masculinity... toxic or not" within the Princeton all-male a cappella group....
Looks like the last Obama insider at the FBI is retiring before the end of the year...sadly, we taxpayers will be funding his retirement ...
HuffPOOPOO headline/'story': "The Longest-Serving Congressman In History Wants To Abolish The Senate * John D. Dingell, a man who served Congress for more than 59 years says he could fix its broken systems by completely abolishing the Senate." -- Good grief...what a typical Democrat-Socialist view of a what's best for Democrat-Socialist rather than what's best for America .
In reality, all Dingle is thinking about is no matter what the Democrat majority feels about impeaching Trump, the Senate will not convict him.
What is it with Democrats and their embittered vitriol on the "popular" vote being the determinant factor in the Presidential race? Sure, Hellary got 3,000,000 more votes across the country, but she got 3,500,000 more in California alone.. meaning Trump had the most popular votes in the other 49 states combined.. and Gore in 2000.. he had a few more "popular votes overall... BUT he even lost his home state of Tennessee which if he had won, would have given him the presidency.. and he did not win one Southern state.. period.. but the fact his "home" rejected him is proof he shouldn't have even been so close.
Online headline: "American Football Unexpectedly Grows in the Land of the Nile
The rise of American football in Egypt is unexpected. * Egypt is the only country in the Middle East and Africa which boasts a domestic league: the Egyptian Federation of American Football (EFAF)." -- Hmmm... you have to wonder if the Egyptian government likes it because until recently, the NFL pretty much allowed players to beat up on the women in their lives... maybe not so much in the future of Egyptian American football.
Online headline: "Satanic Sculpture Installed At Illinois Statehouse, Just In Time For The Holidays" -- Bet the sculpture is on the 2020 ballot for the new Illinois Superintendent of Elections race... of course, Illinois could have put out an "empty chair" instead, but Clint Eastwood already claims the glory...
M/CL-E story: "On a frigid Wednesday night in Jordan-Hare Stadium, the Central Red Devils were trying to warm the hearts of their fans and bring home to Phenix City the football program’s first state championship in a quarter century. * Their game against the Thompson Warriors of Alabaster wasn’t finished before press time." -- Pssst... hey L-E... Central won.. but don't tell anybody....we might be interested...

M/C L-E headline/story: "‘Full plate’ of worries for new secretary of state * THE SECRETARY OF STATE’S OFFICE HAS FACED CRITICISM AT LEAST THREE TIMES SINCE 2015 FOR SECURITY BREACHES THAT RISKED EXPOSING INFORMATION ON MILLIONS OF GEORGIA VOTERS." -- "faced criticism 3 times"? Hmmm.. to me, it's been so constant, I cannot figure out where anybody could disseminate when/where there has been a "break" that you could categorize as "a time", much less 3 times.
Even sadder is mainscream media the L-E, has not recognized that Stacey Abrams was pretty much responsible for the errors her New Georgia Project "agents" created by not verifying info on voter registration apps.
M/C L-E headline/story: "Realtor Parker robbed, stabbed, police say * The robbery and stabbing remain under investigation by the Robbery/Assault Unit of the Investigative Services Bureau at the Columbus Police Department." -- Wow,,, not one word.. much less an adjective.. of description of the assailant so that the PUBLIC might help the CPD to find "it"... Bet this shakes the Mayor's donor/supporter list about her claim that crime is down 40% since she took over office, and Columbus is a safe place to live.

M/C L-E headline: "Macron scraps French tax hike amid protests" -- Don't laugh... don't say, "I told you so!".. it could have just as easily a headline here... Hellary would have done the same!

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