Thursday, April 11, 2019

From the "Crisis? What stinkin' crisis?" department - Online headline: "GOP governor pushes Texas' first sales tax hike in 30 years * Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday called for Texas' first sales tax increase in nearly 30 years as Republican leaders who promised to boost money for classrooms and cut property taxes struggle to achieve both with just weeks left to deliver * The plan would push the sales tax rate to 7.25%, tying Texas with California for highest in the U.S., an irony for Texas Republicans who for years have mocked the nation's biggest liberal state as the wrong way to govern." -- In the words of Sheriff Buford T Justice, "What we have here is a failure to communicate" The liberal "take" is Texas is like California.. well, in one way Texas is.. it's overrun but fast growth in people and services needed.. but when your state's population grows from 17,000,000 in 1990 to 21,000,000 in 2000 to 25,000,000 in 2010 to 28 Million in 2017, too many non-property taxpayers have made the economic pot boil over, and the only way to get revenue from illegal aliens is a sales tax because there are no state income taxes in Texas.
Three black churches in Louisiana under went the anguish of an arsonist in the past two weeks.. a 21 year old man was arrested for suspicion of arson... and it turns out his father is the son of St. Landry Parish Deputy. While I don't generally advocate sons or fathers pay for the crimes of each other, this seems to be a case of an apple not falling far from the tree. It's a somewhat "rush to judgment" I generally disdain, but the father not immediately resigning complicates this.. Of course, MSM-13 will melt down if a Louisiana State Attorney follows the example of the Shicago State Attorney and wipes his record clean like Foxx did about Jussie Smollett.
Looks like Benjamin Netanyahu has won a 4th term.. patriotic Americans join in celebration.. Democrats in Congress.. not so much.. Oh! And talk about blatant election influencing.. the last election in Israel saw President Obama sending members of HIS election teams over to support Netanyahu's opponent...
From the "Bias? What Bias?" department - Online headline: "Dems rage against Barr for backing claims of Trump campaign ‘spying’ by FBI" -- Good grief, even on Fox, headlines don't tell the truth.. it appears that no one in MSM-13 wants to associate that it was Obama's FBI/DOJ team that made these decisions..
Online headline: "Trump signs executive orders making it tougher for states to block pipeline construction" -- You know, Trump should not have to do this.. but when a liberal District Court Judge has to power to "overrule" a law that involves interstate commerce then this has to be done.. Why isn't the Federal Commerce Department all over judges who overstep their jurisdictions!
Had to cross Warm Springs Road yesterday, and was greeted with a new visual...the orange barrels had been moved, and traffic was now diverted to the Southern lanes.. I guess we should feel that makes the project half-way finished. Now, does anyone remember what year it was started so we can calculate an approximate finish date?
Just a refresher . the River Road roundabout was approved in 2012 but didn't actually start until October of 2018.
After reading about the Maxine Waters led committee session with Steven Mnuchin, I finally figured out PeLOUSY's political strategy.. by putting Maxine Waters in charge of the Financial Committee and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the front pages, Waters's and AOC's ignorance will make PeLOUSY's silence look intelligent.
Went and got our 2020 license stickers yesterday... remember those 10 "reserved" spaces in the Macon Road Government Center parking garage that Councilor Thomas campaigned on to make them open spaces for citizens to use when there on business...then reversed her position once the election over? Well, yesterday about 10:00 AM 4 of spaces were empty, 4 were filled with cars with Alabama plates, one had a GA Washington County decal, and one was from Muscogee County..Why aren't all those jobs filled with Columbus/Muscogee County taxpayers?
From the "When he was Secretary of State, Brian Kemp was right, too!" department - Online story: "Georgia Democratic Rep. Lucy McBath was the target of some creative trolling by the Republican Party over her widely disputed claim that she actually lives in Georgia, after receiving and signing for a gift basket the GOP sent to her address -- in Tennessee.
* McBath, a racial justice activist who defeated Republican incumbent Karen Handel in November, has been dogged with questions since the election campaign on whether she actually lives in the state she now represents. * The congresswoman disputed previous reports that she’s not a resident of Georgia, insisting that she only “briefly” lived in Tennessee or that she “recently” moved to Georgia. * The state’s Cobb County Tax Commissioner’s Office, which refrained from issuing a decision during the election due to appeals, confirmed last month that McBath didn’t meet the requirements to call her Cobb County home her primary residence for the three tax years leading up to the election, meaning she was a Tennessee resident when she was elected to Congress. * Cobb County permits some residents to decrease their property tax liability through a homestead exemption to residents, an exemption McBath’s husband used since 2000 * Yet according to documents reviewed by, her husband has been ordered to pay back taxes for the last three years as the exemption was revoked for having vehicle registrations, voter registrations and driver's license applications in other states." -- Yes... our voter registration records DO need attention as obviously an "illegal alien" from Tennessee was elected in GA.
From the "Wait a Minute!" department - Online story: ""To this day, OMB (the White House budget office) hasn't even submitted a request for disaster assistance," noted a visibly frustrated Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), as he said on the House floor Tuesday that calls for help 'to White House staff have gone unheeded.' - Austin Scott is no more than a wussy RIM+NO! Democrats voted against a major bill to relieve GA Farmers because it contained money for the Border Wall! Southwest GA should blame Congressman Bishop for his "no" vote!
Local coaching legend Bobby Howard just "notched" his teams 1,000th win. Too bad it wasn't with the Columbus High Blue Devils but we know why.. ( psst..MCSB members..ask Superintendent Lewis if you don't know the story) but we can relish that it came in Columbus as Howard is now the coach at St Anne-Pacelli private school. Congratulation Coach Bobby Howard!

M/C L-E headline: "Castro warns Cubans to brace for shortages" -- Good grief.. will the Democrats get ANY votes in 2020? First Venezuela, and now Cuba collapsing under Socialist/Communists regimes that most of the Democrat presidential candidates use to demonstrate why America would thrive under such rule...

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