Wednesday, April 24, 2019

From the "refresher course" department - Online headline: "Trump, Twitter CEO chat at White House after fresh attack on social media giant" -- Hmmm... what a great step forward.. a chance to discuss the 1st Amendment of our Constitution balanced with the 9th Commandment from our God.
From the "guess Hellary was responsible for PeLOUSY's instructions for Democrats not to read " department - Online headline: "Hillary Clinton: Russian interference 'certainly had an impact' on the 2016 election" -- Good grief..obviously Hellary hasn't read the Mueller Report... and learned that the Russians had nothing to do with her loss to Trump.. guess this also changes the classification of her book, "What Happened" to "hysterical fiction" rather than historical.
Forget the the federal suit that will be charged against Smollett.. for get the dismissed charges by the Shicago State Attorney.. lawyers for the Osundairo brothers have filed a suit against Smollett's lawyers for defamation! Maybe justice will get served!
From the "Red Allen: How about that" department - Online story: "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced via video Tuesday that he intends to introduce a resolution to have a new Jewish settlement named after President Donald Trump in gratitude for his decision to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the area. * "I'm here on the beautiful Golan Heights," Netanyahu said, arm around his wife. "All Israelis were deeply moved when President Trump made his historic decision to recognize Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Therefore after the Passover holiday I intend to bring to the government a resolution calling for a new community on the Golan Heights named after President Donald J. Trump." -- Now.. that's respect! I'd like to propose naming small towns in CA and NY for PeLOUSY and Schumer.. we could call them "Sanctimonious Cities".
M/C L-E headline/story: "Here’s a first look at Mayor Skip Henderson’s proposed budget, featuring city pay raises * The total balanced budget recommended is $282,597,030.00 in revenue and expenses, which is a 2.64 percent increase over the fiscal year 2019 adopted budget. * Big changes include a $1 million allocation for demolitions of blighted properties and pay raises for all city employees. * Henderson said the funding will “rid some of the neighborhoods from having to look at these burned out, skeletal remains of trailer parks and also take down some of the homes that have been marked for demolition that we just never had the funding to do. * Henderson said his proposed budget does not use fund balance to balance the budget. His budget also anticipates a slight increase in the tax digest. * District 9 at-large Councilor Judy Thomas was appointed chair of the budget committee for fiscal year 2020 while District 10 at-large Councilor John House was appointed vice chair. ” -- Congrats for a budget that looks forward to solving problems and issues (versus creating them over the past 8 years)
Online headline: "Hillary Clinton: Anyone other than Trump would have been indicted for obstruction" -- Very cryptic... and if Hellary had been the one under investigation, she would have been indicted!
M/C L-E headline/story: "Is Columbus healthier than neighboring areas in Georgia? Here’s a breakdown. * Muscogee County is one of the unhealthiest in Georgia, and your northern neighbor, Harris County, was one of the ten healthiest * The counties immediately surrounding Columbus, however, performed better. Chattahoochee ranked 44, and Talbot ranked 77. The best nearby performer was eighth-ranked Harris County. * Muscogee County ranked 120 out of 159 counties.
According to the data, Muscogee slipped much further behind nearby places because of several determining factors that directly or indirectly affect health:
People in Muscogee County die at an earlier age than most Georgians.
Only 48 percent of all Muscogee families own their home, and 19 percent spend half or more of their income on housing.
33 percent of children grow up in poverty.
Muscogee County has a higher income inequality rate than the state average.
the state’s worst-ranked of 159 counties are concentrated in a swath from the southwestern border of the state near Columbus to its eastern border near Augusta." -- Wow! Somebody please make sure this article gets posted on Teresa Tom-LYING-son's Campaign website and sent to Senator Perdue's office!
Of, and GA GOP.. make sure this is THE building block in planning the 2020 ads for Congressman Bishop's District 2 race!
In the recent town hall event with Bernie, a student who's family fled the socialist government of Russia in 1979 asked, basically, Bernie why does he feel socialism would work here. In typical liberalese, Bernie hem-hawed through his rhetoric and pretty much gave the standard Democrat Party stance.. other countries have failed because "the right people weren't running it". Hey Bernie! There are no right people who can run a socialist economic system that will work "for the people". In fact, if you were currently running the country in the manner you promote, that student would not have been allowed to ask you her question in an open discussion...
Online headline: "Sanders and Harris: We Should Restore the Boston Marathon Bomber’s Voting Rights" -- Good grief.. What's worse is that neither Bernie Sanders or Kamala Harris were asked why should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev be given back voting rights when none of the 3 people he killed will ever vote again...
So Elizabeth Warren wants to write off $640 Billion in student loans which has upset those who have kept their promises to pay it back, and raised eyebrows of all the students awaiting their future tuition bills. Let's face it, the government has already distributed our money through bad loan risks, and now wants us to get nothing in return.
Let's Democrat says forgive 90,000 students for $640,000,000,000.00,. another says give everyone in America a $1,000.00 a month a cost of $3,800,000,000 000.00, and another feels MediCare for all is the answer ..hat's another $4,800,000,000,000.00 annually. That's $9,240,000,0000,000.00 (that's $28,875.00 in taxes for every one in America so far) and we still haven't paid for our military, shut down the border, or paid any free K-College tuition. No wonder libs want to control our education system ..especially students new math and reading ability.
Had a nose bleed yesterday AM and couldn't get it stopped so we went to the Northside emergency did stop, and when we left, I was given a prescription for Claritin...I thought, why would they give me a prescription for an over-the-counter drug..well, I looked it up on my GoodRX prescription guide..if I bought it "off the rack", it's be $4.00, but if I gave it to the pharmacist, it would have cost $20.00. This is one if the main reasons healthcare/healthcare insurance is so out of touch with citizens. One other thing.. had my nose not finally stopped bleeding after additional pressure treatment, they were seriously discussing calling an ambulance to carry me to Piedmont Midtown because the Northside facility did not have a ENT trained doctor on hand to cauterize the wound. Heck, my wife, who drove me there was standing right with me, and could do the same without causing undue expense to me or the insurance.
If you want to talk about poll numbers.. talk about this. Yesterday, the DOW hit it's 81st "HIGH" under Trump's economy.. Hey, MSM-13, like Clinton said, "It IS the economy!"
A former Republican governor of Massachusetts, as and the Republican governor of Maryland are threatening to run against President Trump in the 2020 primaries. Hey, no governor of Massachusetts or Maryland is a Republican...period... just look at Romney!
Jessie S-MOL-lett is more appropriate than Jussie S-mol-LET. He certainly more of a "mullet" than a Tony Dor-SETT!
M/C L-E FRONT PAGE Headline: "Islamic State claims Easter attack in Sri Lanka * BY SHASHANK BENGALI * Los Angeles Times" -- You know, when a mosque gets bombed and (rightfully so) MSM-13 reports it, it is a condemnation of right-wing Christians, yet when Islamic terrorists attack a Christian church, MSM-13 seems eager.. no, more like PRIDEFUL, to report it almost as justified!
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - M/C L-E headliner: "M/C L-E FRONT PAGE Headline: "Conservative justices seem united on census issue" -- The truth is that the 4 liberal judges are more unified for pushing their own agenda rather than supporting the intent of the Constitution...
M/C L-E story: "Britt David Magnet Academy won the 2019 Georgia Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl state championship in the elementary school division March 30 at the University of Georgia." -- A bright spot for the MCSD.. though it is a selective magnet school.. seems some diversity is missing, though...


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