Friday, April 19, 2019

Gregg Gutfield nailed the MSM-13/Democrats on their "fake" Mueller outrage. Gutfield said that those libs were acting like they were watching "Die Hard" for the second or third time and were expecting a different ending.
Well, the redacted Mueller Report is out.. after 2-plus years of political posturing and MSM-13/Democrat collusion, what we still don't know is why Comey, Hellary, Lynch, and Obama aren't in jail.
Anybody hear how much in donations the Clinton Foundations reported for 2018? Wonder if Canada will release the donor names ? You know, why would the Clinton's open a foundation in Canada versus the US? For that matter, why would Canada open a foundation for non-citizens?
A local Columbus, GA Public Defender just ruined all concern about drug crimes being a victimless crime. During a report of three men caught with $18,000 in meth, a Public Defender expressed sympathy for them that they don't have  regular jobs so they sell drugs as a source of income. Why should we have any concern for them ever seeing the streets again ?
Andrew Yang ..another of the hundreds of liberals wanting to be the Democrat presidential nominee is counting his own spiel on universal income ..$1,000.00 per month per person in America..all 320 million of us..a quick trip to the calculator shows this would cost $3,800,000,000,000.00 . In other words, for everybody in America to receive $12,000 annually in "free money", everybody in America would have to pay $1,000.00 per month in income taxes. DOH!
Socialist healthcare is delusional ...without private sector revenues and investment, research and discovery of new cures basically disappear.
M/C L-E headline: "These Democrats are ready to put Mueller in the rear view mirror" --
Yeah... because the headlights are aimed at Comey, Hellary, Lynch and Obama..
M/C L-E headline: "Police official: Short-circuit likely caused Notre Dame fire" -- "Short-circuit likely "? Likely? They have no clue but just don't want the silence to dwell on arson or terrorism. Think about this.. the construction was finished in the 13th/14th Centuries and a few restorations/repairs since but was there really any interior wiring in the spire and roof, and wouldn't a massive restoration project include shutting down any power to such?
You know, a great future industry, if Cuba gives up it's communist/socialist style government and curtails its human rights issues, would be buying old American 50s and 60s cars from there, and bring them back, get them running and spiffed up, and capitalize on the nostalgia market baby boomers so love.
You know, I think Conservative PACS ought to produce a short video ad of the Democrat Presidential Wannabes parodying Alfred Lord Tennyson's classic.. "The Contrite Brigade: Into the Valley of Dearth Rode the 600".
Online headline: "San Francisco sees ‘brownout’ amid spike in public pooping, reports say" -- Hmm.. I guess Nancy PeLOUSY does spend more weekends there since as Speaker, she has a taxpayer paid personal jet for a taxi.
While I could really care less about seeing any politician's tax returns, what I'd love to see is their investment portfolios' transaction records and legislative proposals that affected any stocks there were buying/selling within 6 months of such..
From the "Michael Jackson Hall of Shame" department - Online headline/story: "Kamala Harris admits 'unintended consequences' in anti-truancy law while she was California AG * Kamala Harris expressed regret this week over a 2011 anti-truancy law she supported that put some parents in jail while she was California’s attorney general. * She admitted, however, that it had “unintended consequences.”" -- Like all Democrat candidates.. when you shine the light of truth on them, Harris is more than adept at the Michael Jackson "moonwalk" as she backs away from the truth. Of course.. the "moonwalk" is a basic requirement of being A democrat.. no matter what their "good intentions" are, it's guaranteed they will have to walk it back as the truth comes to light.
You know... Democrat Presidential wannabes must really dread campaigning in Virginia, and not knowing whether Governor Northam might show up in "blackface" to introduce and endorse them.
Online headline: "Ann Coulter says she’d consider vote for Bernie Sanders" -- Hmmm... this sorta 'splains her anti-Trump rhetoric of late..Betcha Bernie is out doing "damage control".
A man was caught carrying 2 gas tanks, 2 bottles of charcoal lighter, and two butane lighters into St Patrick's Cathedral in New York yesterday.. he was also caught last week in another Catholic cathedral, and had a purchased a plane ticket to Italy.. arson.. terrorism.. cannot be ruled out in Paris. Another good thing about his capture is that he'll be removed from classroom influencing of many students... well, unless the teacher union objects on the basis of "tenure".
M/C L-E headline: "Shortages in Cuba raise possibility of new crisis" -- and Bernie and Schumer and PeLOUSY rejoice as it takes Venezuela out of the limelight for a few days.
We knew Democrats didn't read the laws they vote on when we heard Pelosi announce for them not to read it before voting on it.. and subsequent ObamaCRAP flaws showed they really hadn't read it afterwards either.. and we know none have read the Constitution, bur we really didn't know the limit's to their reading skills until they started talking about things that aren't even in Mueller's Report.
From the "meanwhile, hidden back on page 5b "- department - M/C L-E headline/story: "US jobless aid claims hit lowest level since 1969 * The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits dropped to the lowest level in nearly half a century. * The Labor Department says claims for jobless aid fell by 5,000 last week to 192,000, the lowest since September 1969. The four-week average dropped by 6,000 to 201,250, the lowest since November 1969." -- You know, there's a method to the MSM-13's madness.. they have to put anti-Trump news on the front pages so even the uniformed will see the headline and believe what the headline says, but eventually, the truth will come out.. even BURIED back in other sections.

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