Monday, August 12, 2019

From the "how conveniently coincidental" department - Online headline/story: "Source: Epstein's guards were working extreme OT shifts * The jail staff failed to follow protocols leading up to Epstein's death , according to a report from The New York Times , deepening the fallout from what led to the highly connected financier's apparent suicide. * A law enforcement source also said he was alone in his cell Saturday night after his cellmate was transferred. An official with knowledge of the investigation told the Times that the Justice Department was told Epstein would have a cellmate and be monitored by a guard every 30 minutes. * Epstein had been placed on suicide watch after he was found a little over two weeks ago with bruising on his neck, according to a person familiar with the matter who wasn't authorized to discuss it publicly. But he was taken off the watch at the end of July and therefore wasn't on it at the time of his death" -- "would have a cellmate and be monitored by a guard every 30 minutes"? " was taken off the watch at the end of July "? How conveniently coincidental... especially considering there are NO coincidences...There has to a paper and electronic trail about who ordering all the changes .. and who was responsible to notify the DOJ.. not just of changes.. but to get permission to change.
Now, if you want a conspiracy theory that has possibilities, consider this. All efforts to keep the body of the person found dead in Jeffrey Epstein's prison cell from being cremated should be made so DNA comparisons can be made. A man of Epstein's nature and wealth may..... no, probably had a double somewhere "on call".  After the "suicide watch" was "intentionally removed", it would be possible to bring the double..already hung...and be left in the cell, and the real Epstein whisked away and set up for reconstructive surgery. A man like Epstein would surely be prepared should a situation like this present itself.
You know.. the death of Epstein at this moment may be to give MSM-13 and DemocRAT spinmeisters something to divert focus on the big DemocRAT candidate gaffes in Iowa...Iowans want to discuss pork products and pork farming, not "pork barrel" vote buying, and several of the DemocRAT candidates don't eat pork, and then there's Biden-been-Botoxed.. neither the DNC nor MSM-13 want him trying to explain his assertion that "poor kids" are as smart as "white kids".. Hey Creepy Joe.. tell us who the "poor kids" are!
Well, not all the DemocRATs were uncomfortable having to tiptoe around Iowa dodging questions about eating pork products. Some concentrated on showing up at the Bull Riding events where they are already recognized for their "bull throwing" expertise.
Macon Telegraph headline: "Columbus, Macon become ‘Smart’ communities in Georgia. Here’s what that means." -- Hmmm.. wonder if this is another MSM-13 attempted distraction for Biden-been-Botoxed.. the McClatchy Corp is going to try and determine what "smart" means. Of course, if Columbus and Macon voters are smart.. they will vote Republican in 2020.
There are "social media conversations" about serious in/out suspension issues at the new Spencer.. if there is semblance of the gravity of the numbers, perhaps a new policy about consequences should be looked into. I think a suitable...and probably quite effective consequence.. first, cease the In-School Suspension" program. Then, make the parents of suspended students to have to take their kids to their work place everyday of the suspension. Something will "give" after a few days.. either the parent(s) will be relieved of work so one/both can be at home and take responsibility for their suspended student.. or the student will decide to better conform to school policies in order NOT to have to spend all day with parents.
A M/C L-E story drew attention to "more than 100" people marching in El Paso.. More than 100...say 102? ... people "marched" through the streets of El Paso this past weekend and MSM-13 believes this was a landslide movement to dismantle our 2nd Amendment and the Oval Office. Well, after seeing 85 people being an overwhelming support figure at a DemocRAT candidate's rally, I feel and see where 100/102 would be a jubilant figure for liberals to be excited about, but let's be realistic, 100/102 dissidents is less than a typical Antifa protest.
After thought: the fact that only a 100 or so protesters showed up in a high-visibility situation tells me two things:.. One is that illegals stayed away in droves.. or.. and more likely, is that the legal citizens , both natural and naturalized.. wanna see better border security for their city and families.
Why do DemocRATs believe Biden-been-Botoxed's poll numbers will rise as weaker candidates drop out.. "right now" is probably the pinnacle of his popularity..IF you can say polling 25% or less among DemocRATs is actually a sign of popularity.
We all have 3 powerful tools at our disposal everyday.... love, prayer, and come DemocRATs don't use any of them for the good of our country?
From the "now we know why bail was not set" department - Online headline: "Trump retweets Epstein conspiracy theory, claiming Clinton connection" -- Epstein was housed in the same cell that Paul Manafort and El Chapo had previously been assigned.. so Manafort could be watched closely for suicide as well, and El Chapo could be watched to make sure his billions didn't result in another escape as was contrived from his Mexican jail cell...No, New York.. home state of the Clintons, was not going to allow Epstein to get out of its control with him serving a "house arrest" at his mansion where he paid for .. and controlled.. his own security team.
From the "long arm of the Clinton's suicide list" department - Online headline: "
Jeffrey Epstein commits suicide in New York City jail cell". -- How gratuitous... how coincidental?...especially since there is no such thing as "coincidence"?
Suicide watch? What did they him commit assisted suicide? Do not believe there wasn't collusion in not having that cell watched.
Before one more day passes.. I want to know whether Epstein's "island" and NYC mansion have been gleaned for all pictures and videos taken on the premises..and where are they secured...
Now this is real scary.... From the "what if Hellary HAD been elected" department - Online headline: "Barr announces investigation into Epstein's death amid reports the he wasn't on suicide watch" -- Good grief.. the thought Hellary calling the shots makes me shudder!
From the " the DemocRAT spin begins" department - McClatchy/M/C L-E headline/story: "Inmates find ways around suicide watch * BY HOWARD COHEN AND DAVID OVALLE " * Epstein, 66, was placed on suicide watch. But it appears he was taken off suicide watch since then. Epstein’s death became public Saturday morning. -- Hmmm... now we need to know who ordered the "suicide watch" turned off... and track the hidden money.. Reminds me of the Sheriff in the Ted Kennedy Chappaquiddick death of Mary Jo Kopechne and the expensive home the sheriff acquired.
Iowa really is a dilemma for some of the DemocRAT candidates...they go there to talk about "pork barrel" campaign promises, but won't help the pork farmers by eating their products.
How can MSM-13 anxiously... viciously.. pry into the lives of President Trump's grown children, yet look away blindly from Biden-been-Botoxed's son Hunter? Hunter Biden has abandoned 5 of his dad's grandchildren.. his own by lusting after his dead brother's widow, then his brother's children more recently. As a parent, I know we have to stand by our family and help them through rough times in their lives, but we would not stay silent if our grandchildren were mistreated like this.
"The Hunt"... formerly known as "Blue State vs Red State" ... has been cancelled for it's September 27th American release date . Public backlash has has overexposed the liberal sickness that conceived the concept of liberal elitists eliminating Trump supporting "deplorables" via a game driven vigilantism and graphic murder... guess the "death penalty" is OK with liberals if it keeps a Trump voter from the polls. Hope Emma Watson and Hilary Swank send any money they received for their parts in it to some mental health program... starting with their own..
Online headline/story: "Bill Maher finds ally in NBC News' Richard Engel in 'hoping' US economy slides to oust Trump * "Short-term pain might be better than long-term destruction of the Constitution," Engel argued." -- Good grief! That's the same argument for voting Trump INTO office, and the same one to keep him there another 4 years! What's even sicker about this being a MSM-13 journalist's "view" is that Engel has really labeled whoever the DemocRAT nominee is, that he/she will be a "short term pain".
From the "whatta @-hole" department - Online headline/story: "Champion U.S. fencer takes knee on medal podium during national anthem, calls for social change * Imboden tweeted: "This week I am honored to represent Team USA at the Pan Am Games, taking home Gold and Bronze. My pride however has been cut short by the multiple shortcomings of the country I hold so dear to my heart." -- Good grief! The @-hole says he was honored to represent Team USA, but he DISHONORED the USA and his teammates.. The Pan-Am games were held in South America amidst countries that it's citizens dream about getting to America, and this @-hole is dousing their dream.. Hey, to boot, fencing is such a isolated one that even Nike hasn't bought the rights to put a "Swoop" on the uniforms..
M/C L-E story: "In July 2018, Columbus Council approved a $4.5 million contract for Southeastern Site Development to build the five-point roundabout." -- Another "half-truth".. Originally back in 2012, the State was going to be paying $1.5 Million to build it.... fast forward to 2018 when the contract was "let". that roundabout project was now up to $4.5 Million (or $4.6 depending on earlier reports) but now Columbus is paying for it.. that makes this a $6 MILLION dollar "swing"Columbus taxpayers are stuck with.
And I tell you what.. if those logging trucks and big City debris and dump trucks ever get too close to the edge of the temporary south-bound lane . we are going to see some "tip overs" for sure..
As it is, the roadbed is already collapsing under the edge.. took these pictures as we drove by yesterday, and you can see where the roadbed materials have already started collapsing:

What do liberals really think what will happen if background checks on private single gun sales becomes "the" law? Are they afraid rare antique firearms will be used for street crimes? Or is it that they feel street gang members will start reporting transactions involving the change of hands of illegal or stolen guns?
Wow. The DemocRAT Spinmeisters will have their hands full all week trying to explain how Mitch McConnell's team was in the wrong for showing the violent protesters outside his home, and that Twitter was completely justified in shutting down McConnell's site instead of the DemocRAT protesters' sites.
And then it will get interesting as the Dem Spinmeisters try to convince the world that Biden-been-Botoxed was not saying the poor , less smart kids were non-whites
Online headline: "Jeffrey Epstein's alleged sex trafficking victim named Bill Richardson, George Mitchell in newly released documents" -- Hmmm.. now we know why DemocRATs want felons in jail to be able to vote!
Hmmm..we need Biden-been-Botoxed to be asked to define "poor kids". He says "poor kids" are just as bright and talented as "white kids".... think about's wrong, too, if you "feel" this way.
Another thing we need MSM-13 to ask Biden-been-Botoxed is whether he uses the Bill Clinton definition of "truth"...B-b-B says he believes "truth over facts"...I believe "facts" are "truths". I guess the DemocRATs agenda believes in whether or not what they want to believe is the 'truth'.
Online headline/story: "Graham: New Bruce Ohr docs show FISA warrant against ex-Trump campaign aide a 'fraud' * On Thursday evening, newly released records obtained by Fox News showed the FBI formally documented the bias of Steele shortly after the November 2016 presidential election, yet continued to use his unverified dossier in multiple FISA court warrant application renewals. * The documents, first obtained by Judicial Watch, also reveal that top Justice Department official Bruce Ohr maintained contact with Steele for at least six months after Steele was fired by the FBI for unauthorized media contacts in November 2016." -- Does the name Benedict Arnold ring a bell? Ooops, it might not mean the same to Millennials as it does us oldtimers who learned history before Common CRAP Curriculum was in place.
From the "we better put a MSM-13 spin on this" department- Now we hear the the upcoming movie release of "The Hunt" which liberal elites kidnap "deplorables" and then hunt them down (sequel to "The Hunger Games"?) was originally titled "Blue States vs Red States".. Sounds like it was produced by the DNC.
What do you call a city that for the 32 weeks so far this year has experienced 1660 people who have been shot, and 280 of them killed..... Shicago!. That's almost 52 people shot per week, and nearly 9 people per week killed..The deaths alone are the equivalence of 2 "mass murders" per week! Where's the concern of the DemocRAT Party...where're the stories about this in MSM-13 papers and TV shows? Yeah...right...
M/C L-E headline: "Released video shows physical confrontation between MCSD student who lost leg, school contractor" -- Sound would have made a lot of this easier to comprehend, but what I did notice.. and it bothered me, was the other people who can[me into the room and did little physically to help in the situation..
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - M/C L-E headline "Trump’s visits to 2 cities in mourning were all about him * BY EUGENE ROBINSON Washington Post Writers Group" -- You know.. Can you imagine what MSM-13 would said if Trump had NOT gone? No, what this story... attitude.. is about is liberals whinings!
From the "It terrifies me to say this, but Jerry Brown was right on one issue.. but at least it was for the wrong reason" department - M/C L-E headline/comment: "COMMENTARY * California’s wrong, Trump’s right on release of tax returns * The (San Jose,Calif.) Mercury News * At least former Gov. Jerry Brown had the good sense to veto a similar bill also authored by McGuire in 2017, saying it would set a bad precedent. “Today we require tax returns, but what would be next?” Brown wrote in his veto message. “Five years of health records? A certified birth certificate?" -- "a certified birth certificate"? It should be REQUIRED of all candidates running for a shot as the nominee for president from ALL parties! The Constitution requires American citizenship to be the president.
From the "I reckon so" department - Online headline: "Democrats rip Trump for promoting Epstein conspiracy theory" -- Well, when a few names were dropped that were in the sealed records, it probably scared the crap out of DemocRAT donors!
Wow! Online headline.story: "Biles makes more history at U.S. Gymnastics Championships * One night after becoming the first person ever to land a double-double dismount at the U.S. Gymnastics Championships, Simone Biles continued to make jaws drop on Sunday with more history. * Biles became the first woman to land a triple double (two flips and three twists) in competition on the floor during her routine" -- You know, Olga and Nadia turned my generation from Olympic gymnastic spectators into FANS,, Simone Biles has turn us into FANatics! You have to watch this.. and chant USA-USA-USA to get the full effects!
From the "Spin of all spin" department - Online story: "Financier Jeffrey Epstein killed himself while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges in New York, officials said Saturday. His death angered some accusers who had hoped to confront him in court and see him serve a long prison sentence." -- First.. why was "allegedly" not preceding "killed himself", but I guarantee there wasn't a name on the released files who wanted to take the stand under oath and be asked questions by Bill Barr's DOJ team..
Online headline/story: "Beto O'Rourke slams Trump's behavior during El Paso visit * "The people of El Paso told me that they didn't want to see the president, and they didn't want him to come here." -- Hmmm "the people of El Paso told me"? Who the 100or so that protested? From what I've seen, Big-ZERO O'Rourke doesn't want President Trump coming to El Paso and shining the light of truth on Big-ZERO...
Online headline: "Harris decries 'campaign of terror' against immigrants" -- Hmm.. well, I think I'd rather Sen Harris decry the "campaign of terror" presented by MS-13 gangs and Sanctuary Cities protecting illegal aliens criminals.
The M/C L-E "Daily Joke": Hmmm... every day the M/C L-E posts this access notice on page 2A:
The Ledger-Enquirer strives to be accurate, fair and complete in its coverage and corrects significant errors of fact. Most corrections will appear in this space at the earliest opportunity." -- Talk about a "rib-tickler"..if the M/C L-E was interested in being "accurate, fair and complete in its coverage", most stories it carries would be about the positive aspects of Trump's leadership, and we wouldn't be subjected to the half-truths of the successes of the MCSD. Oh.. and we'd have more Republican politicians vs RINOs and DemocRATs. Oh.. and another benefit would probably be MORE SUBSCRIBERS!

M/C L-E headline: "Georgia children could be under-counted in 2020 Census" -- You know, what this really says is that we have too many illegal non-citizens residing in our state, and in future, unless the US wrestles the control of our Southern Border and legal immigration policies, the DemocRATs are setting up a huge increase in voter and social services frauds.

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