Tuesday, August 27, 2019

From the "wait for it" department - Online headline/story: "New poll dashes hopes for 4 trying to make Democratic debate * Ten candidates have already qualified for the ABC-sponsored Democratic debate in Houston in September, but Steyer, Gillibrand, Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, and author Marianne Williamson were hoping some last-minute surveys would push them across the threshold. * Now they'll have to hope that new polls come out before Wednesday." -- Hmmm ...10 in... 4 still with crossed fingers.. that's 14.. Wait a minute.. at last count after 6 Demo had withdrawn, there were still 20 actives.. but others 6 are kissing in action.. guess the DemocRATs claims could be right.. at least within THEIR party.. POLL FRAUD!
The Republicans should really look at getting a good candidate to run against Sen Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY, in 2024.She just won re-election in 2018, but now she can't get a 2% support level even with her home state being historically DemocRAT. Hey.. President Trump will be leaving office then, so how about him or one of his children!
Online story: "The forceful removal of a group of transgender women and a gay man from a Los Angeles bar is being investigated as a possible hate crime, police said Monday. ^ Cell phone video showing security guards shoving and dragging two transgender women and a gay man out of the downtown bar was widely shared on social media over the weekend. Top police officials and Mayor Eric Garcetti promised a thorough investigation."
We have definition! -- MSM-13 has finally defined it's parameters for "numbers".. Already knew "some" was "2", but now "3" is what MSM-13 considers a "group". Now, one more thing .. is a "transgender woman" a "woman claiming to be a man", or :\"a man claiming to be a woman"?
Online headline: "VMAs 2019: Newark water crisis protesters attempt to storm awards show" -- Hmmm... I guess the protesters could be called the "Anti-FAucets" (you may groan as you wish)
Is Andrew Luck's retirement part of a conspiracy to get "Colon KaeperPRICK" back in the NFL? Think about it... The Colts are giving about $25 MILLION in optional bonus money that Luck isn't "earning"... so I wouldn't put it past NIKE to pay it back to the Colts if the Colts will allow KaeperPRICK on "saddle up".
Online story: "One of the cameras in the hallway outside of Epstein's cell captured footage that was deemed unusable, though it is unclear what about the footage investigators deemed not usable, The Washington Post reported." -- Hmmm.. let's see. Was it because:
1 - an Epstein body double was brought in and Epstein walked out?
2 - Bill Clinton walked in wearing a Blue Dress?
3 - Jussie Smollett was carrying a  noose made of sheets?
It's one of those "shaking my head" moments..thinking about the protesters wanting to take away the rights of individuals they disagree with to have free speech and own guns , yet not realizing that it's only because of the Constitution our forefathers wrote that they can protest it. Reality won't sink in unless the Constitution IS changed and the protesters learn they no longer can protest.
Some liberal...proclaiming to be a Republican concerned with ocean pollution and why it's America's fault got ripped 'a new one' by Mark Levine yesterday...The idiot called in to discuss the issue with someone who is a lot better informed on the matter than he was. Levine named the Top 10 polluters...which does not include the US... The guy about hemorrhaged when Levine demanded he tell how he was going to get Bangladesh, number 10 worst ocean polluter, to make changes.
So the Obamas have bought a $15 Million dollar 7 bedroom Island estate off Martha's Vineyard ...They do need 3 bedrooms for themselves and their two daughters...and maybe one for Michelle's mother, so three will be available..wonder if the Obamas will bring in homeless islanders ...yeah...right..
Wow! We were in Atlanta yesterday shopping at Phipps Plaza. Connected to the Simons Guest Wifi. While my bride was shopping, I sat down (by order) and tried to connect to Fox News...and the Wifi wouldn't allow it..I shut off wifi and connected immediately with cellular data. Talk about cheesy censorship!
Wasn't it nice? Nice that our President goes to an International meeting and doesn't apologize for our greatness.
Our M/C L-E missed the Fed-Ex Tour Championship as noted yesterday by laziness, but it also missed reporting Biden-been-Botoxed speaking in New Hampshire and calling it Vermont..that, my friends, was intentional. Even the also-rans cannot mention it as long as Biden is leading... Uh-oh...
France's Macron should be severely chastised... ostracized... vilified! Regardless that nothing terroristic happened, but secretly allowing an Iranian jet to even enter the AIR SPACE near the G7 conference could have been horrific if terrorist nation Iran had concealed even a minor nuclear weapon. Chaos is a terrorist's best ally.
Biden-been-Botoxed had a 31% support factor among the DemocRAT database in March, and now has 19% today... in other words, Biden-been-Botoxed is toast, and after a weekend gaffe-spree and poll numbers reversals, even Jill Biden would have to hold her nose to vote for Creepy Joe.
At least two more people were shot and killed over the weekend here in Columbus, GA.. and a third is in critical condition from the same incident.. By what we know, that should be 23.. possibly 24 shooting deaths in Columbus the first 8 months of 2019. Liberalism in local government, the courts, the media, and the schools just destroy communities.
Note: Today is Tuesday.. and our "crappie wrapper".. the M/C L-E has not even mentioned the shooting deaths that happened in out community.. how pathetic!
Online headline: "Alien planets could be better suited for life than Earth: study" -- Really? For WHO..or what? These must be the same scientists that determined Climate Change should already have destroyed Earth!
Online headline: "Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh on recruiting struggles: 'It's hard to beat the cheaters'" -- Yes, cheaters are hard to beat sometimes..especially when "Nike" is influencing 5-rated recruits choices by bribery.
Online headline: "Michael Goodwin: Bias has killed the New York Times — and executive editor Dean Baquet fired the fatal shot" -- In simple terms, the NYTimes editor should be renamed Pogo....as in "We have met the enemy,  and he is us."
From the "how appropriate" department - DemocRAT "contributors" on Fox were asked if the "wannabes" should drop out if they don't qualify for the September DemocRATic Debacle. One said they should "Exit....stage LEFT"... (as in FAR LEFT?). Another said we don't need Trump because he's a public official who doesn't tell the truth...well aside from the need for "holding one's cards close to his vest" when negotiating, who among the DemocRATs even KNOW what a "truth" is..in fact Biden-been-Botoxed feels "truth" and "facts" are not the same. Oh...another thing the DemocRAT contributors said on Fox was that China was a democracy and capitalist country!
After a weekend of DemocRATs complaints about Trump's trade tactics' China must have realized that Trump will win in 2020, and it will be better for China...as well...to get in agreement with Trump's "free trade" goals.
Hey Hollywood! Did you hear what China said? China says it does not want to go back to the earlier agreement to end it's piracy of intellectual properties. Granted, most Entertainment Properties are not necessarily "intellectual" in actuality, why do they still support China, the DemocRATs, and MSM-13?


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