Friday, August 2, 2019

From the "maybe I wish I hadn't said that" department - Online headline/story: "Former USMNT player Jermaine Jones criticizes Alex Morgan, women's soccer and equal pay fight * Jones warned the “screaming” players that it could all “backfire real quick” while simultaneously criticizing Alex Morgan, the National Women’s Soccer League and in a way, women’s sports in general. * “They are making more than some of the guys, but then they scream out and say, 'We need more money.' It can backfire real quick. 8* “What are the women doing right that the men are doing wrong?” in terms of success at the World Cup. The women are back-to-back champions while the man failed to reach the tournament in 2018. * Jones said “you cannot see it that way” and cited the oft-used example of the women’s team playing the FC Dallas U-15 boys academy in a 5-2 loss. (Jones incorrectly stated they lost, 6-1, to the L.A. Galaxy boys team.)" -- Yep... the old "equal pay" needs to be tempered with "equal play".
Online headline: "Exclusive: FBI document warns conspiracy theories are a new domestic terrorism threat" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought we were being warned about current and former FBI officials who worked during the Obama administration..
From the "probably a case of MSM-13 mistaken identify" department - Online headline: "Ellen Pompeo slammed for calling Kamala Harris 'overconfident': 'Black women are allowed only a certain amount of confidence' -- Whatcha wanna bet the Yahoo writer feels Ellen Pompeo is the wife of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo?
Online story: "Presidential candidate Andrew Yang said that “immigrants are being scapegoated” for reasons that have “nothing to do with our economy” during the second night of the Democratic debates on Wednesday night. * “I'm the son of immigrants myself,” said the 44-year-old entrepreneur. “My father immigrated here as a graduate student and generated over 65 U.S. patents for G.E. and IBM. I think that's a pretty good deal for the United States. That's the immigration story we need to be telling. We can’t always be focusing on some of the distressed stories.” -- Hmmm ... "we can't always be focusing on some of the distressed stories"? Whatcha wanna bet Andrew Yang will not be invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention? You know.. the border issue is not about immigrants.. it's about illegal aliens not wanting to follow the orderly process... but then again, DemocRATS love.. and Rahm Emanuel use to 'praise" it) chaos/crises rather than common sense...
Did you see the "Gallery" pictures of Biden-been-Botoxed putting his hand on Cory Booker's forearm in a body-language move of suppression during the DemocRATic Debacle II (pics 6 & 11) ? How about the sign-language "L" Kamala Harris flashed at Biden (pic 15)... guarantee it was not for "love"... my guess is a choice between "loser and louse".
You know, when Obama chose Biden bin Lying as his VP choice, it was to cover his butt with someone no one would want to see elevated to the presidency. After the Democratic Debacle, it looks like the choice of Biden is what's gonna bring Obama down.
From the "Bias? What bias?" department - Online headline/story: "GOP-controlled Senate passes massive 2-year spending deal * After years of decrying deficits and debt, the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate on Thursday passed a massive $2.7 trillion budget plan, 67-28, that will suspend the debt ceiling for two years and increase spending to both domestic and military programs. * Thirty Republicans joined nearly every Democrat in supporting the measure." -- You know.. this is an obvious "bi-partisan bill" since more than half of the Republicans in the Senate voted against it.. but what's not being said is that Trump has budget that Democrats can't complain about ...and eliminates more "continuous resolutions" through the next election..
You know.. can there be any doubt that Ted Williams.. the "Splendid Splinter" was the greatest batter in Major League Baseball.. Not only did he hit 521 home runs, ans was the last player to bat over .400 for a season, he accomplished those figure even though he missed 5 seasons during the PRIME of his career. Williams served his.. our.. country in combat for 5 years during WWII and the Korean Conflict...
From the "what BS!" department - Online headline: "Nearly 200 reindeer found dead due to starvation caused by climate change, scientists claim * Ashild Onvik Pedersen, one of the researchers, told the newspaper that the unusual number of deaths was due to the climate crisis, which has reportedly impacted the Arctic — where Svalbard is located — twice as much as anywhere else. Since 1971, temperatures at Svalbard specifically have risen by a whopping 39 degrees Fahrenheit, which is five times faster than the global average, * "Climate change is making it rain much more," Pedersen said. "The rain falls on the snow and forms a layer of ice on the tundra, making grazing conditions very poor for animals." -- Two things.. how can air/temperature sharing the same atmosphere as we do have such a variance.. it's akin to saying boiling water at the side of a pot are not the same temperature as water in the center.. in addition, reindeer have hooves that can "crunch" through ice.. Just more liberal malarkey (great word) that keeps them from having to actually work at seeing the real cause.. though natural attrition does come to mind as one..
From the "who does de Bl@sio think he is.. Bill Clinton?" department - Online headline/story: "De Blasio's entourage keeps plane passengers waiting so he can rush to 'View' appearance * De Blasio took a commercial flight to New York from Detroit hours after taking the stage in Wednesday's Democratic debate. * After Delta Flight 788 landed at La Guardia Airport, a flight attendant got on the intercom and told de Blasio's fellow passengers that they would have to stay seated for a little longer so passengers in the back of the plane -- where the mayor's staff and security were seated -- could leave first, according to The New York Post. The paper, which had a reporter on the same plane, added that after the mayor's party left the plane, the attendant came back on the intercom and said passengers could leave their seats, an announcement that was greeted by a sarcastic chorus of "Thank you!"" -- If we wanna talk about the "View", in my
view" de Bl@sio's "view" is the same as the last dog in a snow sled team... a view of @-holes that never changes.
Online headline: "Juan Williams to critics calling on Comey to be charged: 'Get off that horse'" -- Good grief.. said the rider of a Shetland pony... what's ridiculous is to feel Comey was justified to take files out of the FBI offices because they were not yet marked "confidential", yet aren't all files of an ongoing investigation "confidential? of course, personally I think that prosecuting Comey on this aspect might camouflage.. interfere with.. the major issues that are coming to a head.
From the "is that all you got?" department - It's incredible that both Biden-been-Botoxed and Cory Booker have publicly threatened a sitting president with blows to his face.. it's the sign that neither has the ability.. nor patience ... to work things through in a diplomatic manner.. Of course, the Secret Service has summed up.. correctly.... pretty quickly I might add.. that neither one has the "balls" to do so..
Online headline: "Chick-fil-A takes bite out of In-N-Out, named America’s favorite fast food restaurant" -- America wins...ALL of America wins!
Online headline... disturbing "online Headline": "Australian farmer says human surgical plate found in belly of 1,500-pound croc, may lead to missing person" -- Good grief.. wow.. a 1,500 pound crocodile ...
You know..when we take/send asylum seekers back to Mexico to wait out the asylum process, and they choose/decide on their own to go back to their home countries, then the asylum seekers probably had no valid claim to be seeking asylum here or elsewhere.
Wow.. though not surprising at all.. the top 5 states with the highest percent of homeless not being "sheltered" are all "Blue States"..California (68.9%), Oregon (61'7%), Nevada (56'2%), Hawaii (53.2%), and Washington (47.6%). Not only are theses states on or abutting the "Left Coast", they all seem not to care who they have "Left" on the streets.
We are officially out of paying college tuition for our daughters college educations...Hey Bernie.. hey, Pocahontas.. will you give me a refund for not having them take student loans out into the world?
M/C L-E headline: "Video of struggle between MCSD student, contractor must be public, judge rules" -- Thanks, Bobby! Let's put all the cards face up on the table!
From the "where's Algore when he's be useful?" department M/C L-E headline: "Democrats turn up the heat on each other" -- Hmmm..can you imagine the fire we could create by rubbing any of the 2-dozen Democratic "sticks" together with Algore?
From the "maybe.. just maybe.. we CAN all just get along" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Atlanta to add context about racism to four historic monuments *
Atlanta History Center President and CEO Sheffield Hale says the project puts the city ahead of other communities grappling with what to do about their monuments. * Hale says context provided by the markers will help people to have civil discussions based on facts." -- Let's pray.. that the "context" and the "results" will be constructive.. if so, a healing is possible.
It's "Symposium Season in Columbus, GA.. now.. the big question... why does only one of them (the Blanchard) offer diversity in the presentation of leaders speaking to the attendees?
M/C L-E headline: "Dithering Dems are handing 2020 to Trump" -- "dithering Dems"? It's l\more like a choice of "blathering or blithering"..
From the "what a novel idea" department - M/C L-E commentary headline: "Saving food stamps for the poor, not the prosperous" -- Thank you President Trump!
From the "don't mess with Mother Nature" department - M/C L-E headline/story: "Bipartisan bill would protect against wildfires * Senators from California and Montana said Thursday that they plan to introduce a bipartisan bill that aims to protect communities from wildfires like the one that killed 85 people and destroyed much of the Northern California town of Paradise last year. * Democrat Dianne Feinstein of California and Republican Steve Daines of Montana said they will introduce the bill after the Senate’s August recess, but wanted to announce their plans now as the western U.S. states enter peak fire season." -- Whatta a case of megalomania and grandeur!


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