Wednesday, August 21, 2019

There is a major basic difference between President Trump, and whomever the DemocRATs run against him ... Trump campaigns on what is good FOR our country and FOR all hard working Americans... the DemocRAT candidate will campaign on what he/she promises to do TO our country and TO hard working Americans in order to get the votes of those who want the government to "take care of them".
You know.. MSM-13 is so accustomed to "campaign promises not getting done", MSM-13 is overwhelmed at what Trump's accomplished in spite of the combined efforts of MSM-13 and the DemocRATs/RINOs. Unfortunately, MSM-13 expects decades of political abuses to be changed overnight.. even as MSM-13 fights Trump on every front, .but...America IS getting the wall, America IS getting fair trade agreements, America HAS regained its world-wide respect, and most American citizens are proud again.
After all the gaffes and fumbled speech lines Biden-been-Botoxed has delivered in the past two weeks, you can sense the DemocRATic National Committee is sweating bullets. Waiting unscathed, so far, in the wings is seldom mentioned or discussed Tom Steyer, a DemocRAT with actual business acumen... of course, that may work against him because of Jeffrey Epstein.. Epstein said that the only thing worse than being known as a pedophile is being known as a "hedge fund manager". Tom Steyer is a HEDGE FUND MANAGER!
How does the "Medicare For All" concept get paid for? Seniors on Medicare put in funding all their working life and even when they turn 65, pay into it via a reduction in their Social Security checks.. and .. and they have co=pays and annual deduction to meet. How can "Medicare For All" survive without the lifetime accumulation during the working years?
Biden-been-Botoxed... once known as "Middleclass Joe", but more recently known as "Millionaire Joe" or .. my favorite.. "Mediocre Joe".. has forsaken his Delaware home to rent a 12K sq ft, gated/walled waterfront mansion in Virginia in the shadows of the CIA at Langley, at a reported $20,000.00 a month. What I want to know is how many tax dollars have been spent "securing" this rental property since the Bidens get Secret Service protection for being both a former VP, as as a nominee contender for President. I would also like to see actual paid rent receipts.
From the "so much for the DemocRATs concern over border relief" department - Online headline/story: "All 2020 Senate Dems Absent for Vote to Send Humanitarian Relief to Border * Less than 24 hours after House Democrats passed a measure Tuesday night, the Republican-controlled Senate rejected it with a 55-37 vote and approved their own measure with overwhelming bipartisan support with a 84-8 vote" -- None of the 7 DemocRAT Senators took time off from blathering to demonstrate their actually concerns. I guess they all recognize their own irrelevance..
Online headline: "In-N-Out Burger donates $25,000 to (California) Republican Party, prompting Democrats to demand boycott" -- Hmmm... a vegan boycott in California will cripple a hamburger joint.
Any body know the address for Milton Bradley...I've got an idea for a spinoff game to one of their all time classics.. It's a mystery about inner city crimes game for DemocRATs..... my working title is "Don't Have a CLUE".
Online headline: "Harry Reid rips Dems over 'Medicare-for-all,' border policies: 'Of course' it will hurt us in 2020" -- Good grief! The DemocRATs of 2019 have brought Dingy Harry Reid out of the shadows, and Reid now sounds like a Republican compared to when he was in office.
Illinois State Senator Sandoval hot caught promoting an assassination skit against the sitting president...he should be the Poster Child for any new mental health Red Flag bills.
Where is Senator Feinstein? Usually, when there's some sort of gun issue, she's in the forefront of the DemocRAT party screaming for NEW GUN LAWS! I say this because of stats out showing more children being killed by being locked into a caretaker/parents car than have been killed by a mass shooter situation. I sorta expected her to be proclaiming we should be banning all cars except convertibles!
Booty-gig and de Bl@sio have defined the issue of why crime is so out of control in their own urban areas...and they are trying to control it from the campaign circuit by pandering to racial groups
Governor PeLOUSY's Nephew has signed a new law in California making it illegal for police officers to use their guns unless...get this..they are in a "necessary" lethal situation (subject to post action review). Reminds me of Obama's "Rules of Engagement" for soldiers that prohibited their actions until AFTER the enemy has first taken action... hmmm. It's sorta hard to protect yourself when you're dead.
Oh! If you have a trip planned to Israel, take time to get Tlaib's grandmother's address, and go visit Congressperson Tlaib's grandmother. Tell her you're sorry her granddaughter has decided... chosen.. not to visit her.
Online headline: "Illegal immigrant rape suspect released from Maryland jail, violating detainer policy, ICE says " -- Two things are obvious here...Trump is right about Baltimore being a rat-infested "s***hole", but he may be wrong at solely blaming Elijah Cummings.. it looks like the Baltimore mayor and Police Chief are the real culprits.
Online story: "Liberal CNN commentator Angela Rye had a fiery exchange with a Republican strategist during a panel discussion Monday night, telling him that "white men who think like you" are the "greatest terrorist threat in this country." -- looks like CNN has basic issues with people who think before they speak..which is obviously something CNN staffers do not do.
Have you noticed the ages of school and public area shooters in the last couple of decades? Most have gone through school without the presence of Jesus being allowed there. Guns are not the blame.. period.. it's the aimless and soulless condition of the shooters.
M/C L-E "HEADLIE" - "DNA tests clear man in ’76 slaying, lawyers tell state high court" -- "DNA test clear man"? Whoa! No such thing happened! All that's happened is that no DISCERNIBLE DNA was found, and that is a big difference and his confessions are still viable today as they were then. I can also think of a couple of reasonable ways to keep DNA from being on the robe belt and necktie used to bind the victim.

There's talk that the September DemocRATic Debacle's may need two nights as well.. THE DNC must really be feeling desperate if the initial 2 dozen wannabes hasn't narrowed down to a small enough number by then to fit on a stage for one night.

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